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Actually I was trying to focus on the multiple crash/retrieval matter that he kept avoiding except in passing.
Actually I was trying to focus on the multiple crash/retrieval matter that he kept avoiding except in passing.
...when Grant says Roswell must have been an alien....
I understand that mr Cameron was vague about a lot info but I guess I'm curious why he's is torn apart by you guys in a sense and rosemary is defended with what I thought did not have a bit of actual proof about the whole djinn subject with all do respect to her and her book
I enjoyed the show. Grant is a reservoir of information.
I'm only halfway through this one and I'm still caught by the phony/real MJ12 charade again. I thought this had fallen into disrepute with everyone except Freidman? But here we are publishing the value of forgery.
I think Cameron's point —and it's a good one IMO— is that the amount of MJ papers that have surfaced shows that they couldn't be forged by one single person (Bill Moore). And if you have more than one person, then by default you have yourself a conspiracy. So his focus has been to snoop around & ask Qui Bono? who gets benefit with the disinformation & why.