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Grant Cameron

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Hey Chris! remember how you found very interesting that part when Grant mentioned Gordon Novel's pitching of a movie script to Spielberg, Pandolfi & president Obama? Well I did too, and my friend Robbie Graham of Silver Screen Saucers pointed me to these links:

Gordon Novel, the CIA, and the Potus Briefing Bus

I really don't know anything about this guy Novel, but now that I found out he died on Oct 3rd 2012 --that's my birthday, yo!-- I feel the synchromystical obligation to investigate more ;)
I think Cameron's point —and it's a good one IMO— is that the amount of MJ papers that have surfaced shows that they couldn't be forged by one single person (Bill Moore). And if you have more than one person, then by default you have yourself a conspiracy. So his focus has been to snoop around & ask Qui Bono? who gets benefit with the disinformation & why.
If there's a conspiracy here it's for entertainment value only. The search through documents, be they real or false, seem to only serve to send more ufologists down rabbit holes along with a healthy collection of DIY paint by numbers road maps to where the UFO's are hiding, alongside the bodies. The benefits of distraction for the speculators might also have some personal value in creating many possible origins for all the related UFO fictions and mythologies that we celebrate.
got here in the end Ezekiel. ;)

Had to cross post this from the 'Question Bank' as no-one answered:

Finally managed to listen to this paracast. The point that really caught my attention was right at the end where Grant references the Ronald Reagan E.T. screening, specifically:

Does anyone know who the two astronauts were? Why they were there?

got here in the end Ezekiel. ;)

Had to cross post this from the 'Question Bank' as no-one answered:

Finally managed to listen to this paracast. The point that really caught my attention was right at the end where Grant references the Ronald Reagan E.T. screening, specifically:

Does anyone know who the two astronauts were? Why they were there?


Thanks Red Pill.

I guess the next tasks I have are to find out who the others might have been and why was Armstrong there (I note that SS seemed a little unsure on whether Armstrong actually was there).

*thinking aloud* For Armstrong to have been there is perhaps a little puzzling. There are no real scenes involving space or man-made rockets, so to be there as some sort of technical consultant seems less likely. So perhaps he was there in some other advisory capacity? If we had the other astronaut names we can link them to the missions they undertook and work from there. I doubt Armstrong would've been there in capacity to advise on the security side of things. The other query I would have is, although it was a White House screening, would the WH have been responsible for guest invites or would that have been down to the production company for example? (subject to clearance from the WH). If one of the other astronauts was someone like Gordon Cooper, that might give Reagan's comments more implicit weight. It comes down to be able to link the astronauts in attendance with possible comments or reports of C.E. type events.

I wonder if 'Father Christmas' really does exist? ;)
*thinking aloud* For Armstrong to have been there is perhaps a little puzzling. There are no real scenes involving space or man-made rockets, so to be there as some sort of technical consultant seems less likely. So perhaps he was there in some other advisory capacity?

I think you're reading too much in all this. We're talking about the private screening of a Sci-Fi major motion movie at the White House, for the viewing pleasure of Reagan, his wife, and some selected big cheeses. This was a social event, not a State reunion ;)

I kinda doubt Armstrong was present, given his aversion to public events.

But anyway, might not there be some public record about the screening somewhere, with an official guest list?