Skilled Investigator
Night of the Demon is awesome, even though the effects are a bit creaky these days, it's got a really great creepy atmosphere to it.
The 1980 film by the same name about a killer bigfoot is a hoot if you like badly acted gore films, it'll make you think twice about peeing in the woods.
On a bigfoot related note, seeing The Legend Of Boggy Creek on tv at the age of 5 has given me a life long interest in cryptozoology, it's fake documentary style completely sucked me in as a kid.
I saw a film on cable a few years ago called Urban Ghost story, which was about a poltergeist in a Glasgow council flat. It was great, it was really ambiguous about the whole supernatural aspect- would love to see it again
Urban Ghost Story (1998)
The 1980 film by the same name about a killer bigfoot is a hoot if you like badly acted gore films, it'll make you think twice about peeing in the woods.
On a bigfoot related note, seeing The Legend Of Boggy Creek on tv at the age of 5 has given me a life long interest in cryptozoology, it's fake documentary style completely sucked me in as a kid.
I saw a film on cable a few years ago called Urban Ghost story, which was about a poltergeist in a Glasgow council flat. It was great, it was really ambiguous about the whole supernatural aspect- would love to see it again
Urban Ghost Story (1998)