Aaron LeClair
Paranormal Maven
bsvalley said:Wow, Ive read every post now about greer.
And I have to say, If his plan was to divide the masses. it worked.
I have to say I was left speechles by this episode and a couple of times I could actually feel how lucky greer was to not be standing infront of David personally. I was not shocked at all by davids response, just a little disapointed. But that's just me putting him (david) up on a pedastal. Again not his fault. But ya. Greer is not exactly the face of Ufology. And would you really want him to be? In the words of anyone from Wisconsin. The guy is dumber than a box of rocks. But he is quite a spin doctor. Hey packrat. go to bed.
I did. Just woke up. My head hurts. Ouch. Soon as my head med works I'll go back to bed. I love it there.
Greer would pump Dave up /clap. Only I, wif my ninja gerbil reflexes can defeat Greer. And my side kick boy wonder Jeremy doing MJ impressions.