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Greg Valdez

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Paranormal Adept
Great guest! Greg is exceptionally grounded and free of nonsense. The cattle mutilation phenomenon now appears to be the work of government agents. The only shortcoming of the show was that the existence of an underground base at Dulce was barely discussed.
This was a well balanced interview with Greg Valdez. No alien bases but many sightings of experimental aircraft. One item I did enjoy was the discussion of obtaining Freedom of Information Act documents. Valdez cautions everyone not to expect much from requesting info on ufos. I always question authors who pride themselves on obtaining FOIA documents. How much data is the government really going to release to the public? Not much, I believe.
I'm leaning towards something strange is going on and it certainly sounds like it could be the government but why wouldn't they just buy some cows and perform classified experiments on them? Classify it and they don't have to worry about any public accountability. It's insane that they would kill some rancher's livestock and risk getting caught or even killed in the process- just think of the potential media firestorm if that happened. The argument that there are liability issues just doesn't strike me as being credible- the risks of something going wrong in the way they're doing are far too great. Still, the gas mask and the chaff- the subject is definitely intriguing. Anyone think it's NOT the government- are there any strong cases that are not suggestive of government involvement?
Its seems the answer maybe "criminal negligence" of the actions towards some farmers cattle going on the interview and by who is up for discussion? This is a scary development and what other stuff is being done???? With out!!! any so called protection of free will of farmers private property and the erosion of the principles of common law of your US citizen's and around the World???
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Great show. Greg was a great guest, busting with knowledge and a very even-handed way of presenting what he knows.

I think I know where Chris is gonna come down in the main in his upcoming book but something that still bothers me about the whole unexplained livestock death thing is the the loss of blood, or near total-absence of any blood. I cannot believe that any science/testing being conducted on these animals would require all the blood to be taken, and anyway, how would it be achieved? Aren't the veterinarian's constantly remarking just how unusual it is for there to be so little blood in and around a carcass, regardless of the cause of death?

Also, if we are saying the majority of cattle mute's are down to testing for radiation effects or encephalopathies, just exactly how are they being carried out? Even if choppers are used, that can only mean that the cattle are lifted up (hence no tracks around carcass) and taken somewhere else - I'd surmise some kind of Winnebago-type mobile lab, and then the animal is returned and dropped (literally).

But if that is the case, then how come so many cases seem to report that no aircraft were seen or heard at the time? I don't know if the mute's occurring at the Sherman ranch are the same type of event but weren't they reported as happening in broad daylight and literally just out of sight, done in such a short time - it's hard to escape a paranormal conclusion in these particular cases.

So are any mutilation cases high strange and if so, which came first, the high-strange ones which were then copied by whoever is doing testing, or are the high strange ones a sick parody of the govt/private ones?

The mind boggles.:eek:
I don't buy the theory that these UADs are part of some government study on the effects of fallout or disease. If the government wanted to do such testing they could have simply purchased the animals and done proper studies under controlled conditions and/or raised their own animals on military land, all for much less than carrying out clandestine operations of questionable legality on privately owned land and animals. Whatever the cause, the probability that it was government sanctioned is so low as to be barely worth consideration.

The tempting counterpoint to this argument is to cite the proven instances of clandestine testing on humans. However just because there is evidence for that testing doesn't automatically provide any evidence for the other. If anything, it does just the opposite. If human testing was discovered, animal testing should have been far less of a security concern and discovered even sooner. Additionally, so far as we know, the human related testing couldn't have been done any other way at that time to get the results they were after, but the UADs could have. So it seems unreasonable to think that they'd resort to these tactics when it wasn't necessary. Without some official government documentation, it just doesn't add up that there is some sort of government program & cover-up, therefore I remain very skeptical of that explanation.
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great interview but i feel it only scratched the surface. I recommend people listen to the Gregg Bishop Radio Mysterioso interview to get some more info from Greg Valdez.

The evidence provided by Greg and his father go some way to explaining the cattle mutilation mystery as being as clandestine as most people think it is. It makes total sense. While people are chasing aliens and UFOs and getting nowhere, the government/corporations are running wild over our human rights, stealing, breaking laws and making complete fools of us. Please see the alien smoke screen for what it is when it comes to any talk about the military, bases, crashes, military CE3s etc.. Its time people stop getting side tracked by the dog and pony show and he conjurers distractions and start getting behind some law suits.
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I'm leaning towards something strange is going on and it certainly sounds like it could be the government but why wouldn't they just buy some cows and perform classified experiments on them? Classify it and they don't have to worry about any public accountability. It's insane that they would kill some rancher's livestock and risk getting caught or even killed in the process- just think of the potential media firestorm if that happened. The argument that there are liability issues just doesn't strike me as being credible- the risks of something going wrong in the way they're doing are far too great. Still, the gas mask and the chaff- the subject is definitely intriguing. Anyone think it's NOT the government- are there any strong cases that are not suggestive of government involvement?

I don't buy the theory that these UADs are part of some government study on the effects of fallout or disease. If the government wanted to do such testing they could have simply purchased the animals and done proper studies under controlled conditions and/or raised their own animals on military land, all for much less than carrying out clandestine operations of questionable legality on privately owned land and animals. Whatever the cause, the probability that it was government sanctioned is so low as to be barely worth consideration.

The tempting counterpoint to this argument is to cite the proven instances of clandestine testing on humans. However just because there is evidence for that testing doesn't automatically provide any evidence for the other. If anything, it does just the opposite. If human testing was discovered, animal testing should have been far less of a security concern and discovered even sooner. Additionally, so far as we know, the human related testing couldn't have been done any other way at that time to get the results they were after, but the UADs could have. So it seems unreasonable to think that they'd resort to these tactics when it wasn't necessary. Without some official government documentation, it just doesn't add up that there is some sort of government program & cover-up, therefore I remain very skeptical of that explanation.
listen to the interview again dudes.

If your carrying out secret programmes or responsible for accidental spills whose effects are widespread and are uncontrollable, as in the case of biological, disease and radiation proliferation, there are all kinds of effects by the environment which effect the spread and the mutation of these developments, pathogens, isotopes,etc... So we are looking at containment and population sampling as much as we are looking at experimentation, so its not just about rearing your own cattle and seeing what happens. I can not see why this is so hard to comprehend. You would have to go out and see how far this shit has spread and your not gong to do it waving a flag, not if you want a multi trillion dollar law suit on your hands.

so why not use the alien meme to cover up your crap? hell, it worked in Roswell, Aztec so why stop there. Its not like government organisations havent used sci-fi ideas in the past to get what they want done.

Ironically we are the cattle too in all this , the herd mentality. Governments and puppet masters and the media get away with mass crimes on a grand scale particularly in the USA by controlling and manipulation social consciousness.

Please dont allow yourself to be Bennewitzed or Pennistoned.

Ironically the UFO card played in the early days back fired and rather being the anti espionage cover up boon "they" thought it would be ended up turning ordinary white middle americans grown up on a diet of pulp sci fi into spies ready to blab to all and document any covert military operations and vehicle testing. They always f*c* up with this shit like the whole terrorism scheme inadvertently creating more terrorists.

I dont doubt there are genuine paranormal phenomena. it just not here. and the scariest thing is that the government/governing entity dont know what it is either but will use it to their advantage if we let them.
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I didn't get through the whole podcast. The absence of anything paranormal turned this into just another stor of government doing what it's not supposed to. I can just turn on the news for that :D
I didn't get through the whole podcast. The absence of anything paranormal turned this into just another stor of government doing what it's not supposed to. I can just turn on the news for that :D
Cattle mutilations are alleged by some to be paranormal in nature. But if that's not what's really behind it, why wouldn't you be interested? Would you rather the author claim that aliens are behind it even if they aren't?
So we are looking at containment and population sampling as much as we are looking at experimentation, so its not just about rearing your own cattle and seeing what happens. I can not see why this is so hard to comprehend.
Comprehension has nothing to do with whether or not we use the word "experimentation" or "study". It does however have to do with being able to assess what seems to make the most sense. I'll grant that what makes the most sense isn't always what happens, however in the case of UADs, I've provided sufficient reasoning against it being a government program. So instead of making cracks about comprehension, how about addressing the issues. Start by explaining the lack of any government records or documentation. Explain why the government wouldn't simply purchase the animals when they're going to be sold for slaughter anyway. Simply buying an animal for higher than its going value would still be cheaper than pulling off some grand conspiracy.
You would have to go out and see how far this shit has spread and your not gong to do it waving a flag, not if you want a multi trillion dollar law suit on your hands. so why not use the alien meme to cover up your crap? hell, it worked in Roswell, Aztec so why stop there. Its not like government organisations havent used sci-fi ideas in the past to get what they want done.
I've seen no evidence that UFOs were used to cover-up Roswell to prevent a multi-million dollar lawsuit.
Ironically we are the cattle too in all this , the herd mentality. Governments and puppet masters and the media get away with mass crimes on a grand scale particularly in the USA by controlling and manipulation social consciousness. Please dont allow yourself to be Bennewitzed or Pennistoned.
It sounds like you're convinced of a grand government conspiracy already. So who's been programmed to believe what?
Ironically the UFO card played in the early days back fired and rather being the anti espionage cover up boon "they" thought it would be ended up turning ordinary white middle americans grown up on a diet of pulp sci fi into spies ready to blab to all and document any covert military operations and vehicle testing. They always f*c* up with this shit like the whole terrorism scheme inadvertently creating more terrorists. I dont doubt there are genuine paranormal phenomena. it just not here. and the scariest thing is that the government/governing entity dont know what it is either but will use it to their advantage if we let them.
The possibility that it might be aliens that are responsible is something I address because that's what my area of interest is. However don't confuse that approach with believing that aliens are the explanation.
Questions & Comments
  • Where can we see the enlarged photo from Los Alamos labs that clearly shows the "pretty high tech American aircraft"?
  • Why if they want this conspiratorial program kept so secret would a government installation produce a photo to show they're involved?
  • If so much deception is involved, why believe that a government supplied photo enlargement isn't just more disinformation?
  • LEDs don't "bend light rays". Active camouflage would use LEDs in concert with cameras to create a screen image.
  • The military being involved in surveillance doesn't mean they're responsible for the UADs.
  • The cases for which non-natural evidence was found seem to require significant resources and planning indicating a well funded professional operation.
  • Chris' theory that some sort of WHO is involved has some merit, but also compounds the same problems described above.
  • The responses to Gene's questions on why the government doesn't setup it's own testing facilities don't make sense. If you want control, it's better to have your own facilities.
  • Chris' theory on big business compromising and terrorizing the competition would make the most sense if there had been overtures by big business to purchase their land.
  • Is there evidence of land compromised by UADs being bought up by competitors or the military? If so can we see a map of it?
  • All comments aside, another enjoyable show :) .
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The possibility that it might be aliens that are responsible is something I address because that's what my area of interest is. However don't confuse that approach with believing that aliens are the explanation.
Dont lie Ufology, you would love it to be aliens its so obviously your raison d'être. You would like nothing more than for it it be zorg from uranus with a big fat cigar shaped ufo.
"I knew it was true, please mr spaceman, abduct me and take me away from all this misery and suffering".
Dont lie Ufology, you would love it to be aliens its so obviously your raison d'être. You would like nothing more than for it it be zorg from uranus with a big fat cigar shaped ufo.
"I knew it was true, please mr spaceman, abduct me and take me away from all this misery and suffering".

Zorg? How did you find out about Zorg :eek: ? Scratch that ... I deny ever knowing any alien named Zorg ;) .
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Cattle mutilations are alleged by some to be paranormal in nature. But if that's not what's really behind it, why wouldn't you be interested? Would you rather the author claim that aliens are behind it even if they aren't?

No he should not claim it is something that it is not. I applaud his approach at honesty tbh.

His evidence points to a pretty mundane conclusion so I turned it off.

I have to admit if he mentioned a shootout with reptillians at Dulce I would have stuck around :).
  • LEDs don't "bend light rays". Active camouflage would use LEDs in concert with cameras to create a screen image.

And to think they would have been able to do that in the 80s? Nothing mundane about that. If I believe that, I could probably also believe there is a secret space program and they are working on a jump gate to Proxima Centauri already (maybe with the help of Zorg from Uranus). It's pretty hard to believe.
And to think they would have been able to do that in the 80s? Nothing mundane about that. If I believe that, I could probably also believe there is a secret space program and they are working on a jump gate to Proxima Centauri already (maybe with the help of Zorg from Uranus). It's pretty hard to believe.
Good point. I assumed Valdez was referring to modern day equipment when he made that comment. Regardless, the observation that LED and other active camouflage technology wouldn't apply to sightings back then is still noteworthy. Perhaps these days they have something we don't know about, but personally, I doubt that it's as advanced or common as would be required to pull off hundreds and hundreds of cattle mutilations, and there's very little evidence in the civilian sector that such advanced technology is available, let alone put to use anyplace. The huge unnecessary operational expense also makes it seem ridiculous that they'd be using that kind of technology and manpower to abduct cows for the purpose of some kind of environmental study. If the reports of strange craft with cloaking technology are actually true. Then I think that they were accidental observations of test aircraft that had no direct connection with the widespread UADs. It's also possible that some of them were UFOs, but whether or not UFOs are directly connected to UADs is still an uncertainty ... or is it? I guess we'll have to see about that when Chris' book comes out.
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The whole "cattle drained of all their blood" meme is repeated a la vampire chupacabra way too often. How often is it really ever conclusively proven that all the blood is drained? I've heard Chris O'Brien speak out against this before as usually not very accurate reporting, or blood draining from visible wounds.

The tempting counterpoint to this argument is to cite the proven instances of clandestine testing on humans. However just because there is evidence for that testing doesn't automatically provide any evidence for the other. If anything, it does just the opposite. If human testing was discovered, animal testing should have been far less of a security concern and discovered even sooner.
The issue probably has a lot to do with the fact that the cows are keeping their big mouths shut about what's really going on. Talk about intimidation. Consequently, an independent agency has a much better shot of carrying out clandestine random testing of cattle over humans, as seen in this sequence:
Good point. I assumed Valdez was referring to modern day equipment when he made that comment.
I'm not sure but I think he said that at least some of the photos in which these "invisible planes" turned up were from the 80s and "if they had this technology back then you can imagine what they have now" or something like that.

And later, when asked about triangular craft, I think he said that that was the shape they were. Fits the Belgian triangles which turned up at the beginning of the 90s and have always been speculated to be American prototypes of stealth craft. But the alleged "zooming off", the soundlessness and "invisibility"... while I could imagine that some advanced ET might pull it off or maybe time travellers, I find it actually harder to believe that we should have had that technology back then.
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