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Greg Valdez

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The latest high precision, self-cauterizing scalpel is the plasma scalpel. First described publicly in 1982, but only recently getting buzz in surgical circles. See, e.g., June 13, 2013 Scientific American.
Only a handful of cases have been proven to have been done with a high heat instrument. The vast majority of "real" cases (not the ones that are actually unusual appearing scavenger action) are perpetrated by someone wielding a very sharp instrument such as like a scalpel. And, contrary to pop-cultural belief, these animals are usually not drained of blood. This is also a misnomer...
Hey Chris, since you're here can you tell us if there's anywhere that we can go to see some of the pictures or accompanying reports about the mute case where the cow was half cooked by microwaves? I have to admit being intrigued by it and I'm wondering if there's any more info floating around out there. Thanks.
Greg showed me a series of very graphic photographs that were shocking. The hide was unmarred, but when they skinned the animal, all the meat and muscle on the right side of the animal was cooked, blistered and obviously had been cooked from the inside out. Horribly too, I might add. The photographs don't leave much room for interpretation. I'll see if I can get Greg to post them. One of these "microwaved-appearing" cases also featured the NM Brand Inspector Jerry Valerio being overcome by some kind of debilitating out-gassing that almost killed him after he uncovered the tarp off the animal and got a lungful. He was in and out of the hospital for months, was forced to retire and still has lingering health effects from that case.
Greg showed me a series of very graphic photographs that were shocking. The hide was unmarred, but when they skinned the animal, all the meat and muscle on the right side of the animal was cooked, blistered and obviously had been cooked from the inside out. Horribly too, I might add. The photographs don't leave much room for interpretation. I'll see if I can get Greg to post them. One of these "microwaved-appearing" cases also featured the NM Brand Inspector Jerry Valerio being overcome by some kind of debilitating out-gassing that almost killed him after he uncovered the tarp off the animal and got a lungful. He was in and out of the hospital for months, was forced to retire and still has lingering health effects from that case.

Thanks for replying and I hope you can get Greg to post the photos, I'd really like to see them. The reason I find this so interesting is that the stock skeptical answer for cattle mutes is usually "predator activity." However, if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that this cow was cooked by microwaves, then I can't see how any truly open minded skeptic can get around the assertion that something very weird is going on, at least in this specific case.
Thanks for replying and I hope you can get Greg to post the photos, I'd really like to see them. The reason I find this so interesting is that the stock skeptical answer for cattle mutes is usually "predator activity." However, if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that this cow was cooked by microwaves, then I can't see how any truly open minded skeptic can get around the assertion that something very weird is going on, at least in this specific case.
There are more than a few cases where veterinarian pathologists and other clinical scientists determined beyond a doubt that cattle were killed and then cut w/ sharp implements. You never hear the skeptics talk about these cases.
There are more than a few cases where veterinarian pathologists and other clinical scientists determined beyond a doubt that cattle were killed and then cut w/ sharp implements. You never hear the skeptics talk about these cases.

I have to admit that I'm not really up to speed on my reading of mute cases, but, what I'm trying to say is, a private citizen can always get his hands on a scalpel and go slice up a cow, so they (skeptics) can fall back on explanations like cults or hoaxes. I haven't really researched it, but I have my doubts about whether or not a private citizen can get his hands on something that puts out enough microwaves to cook a cow in the middle of a pasture or wherever the thing was found. To me that would suggest either military, the government or something even stranger. None of those are what I would call boring, prosaic explanations, and I don't see how anyone who wasn't outright denying that it took place could fail to realize that something really weird happened, but that's just my take on it.
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To me its fairly obvious that what is important is where the cow is located in the environment. And the government does routinely buy cattle, raise cattle and experiment on all kinds of livestock for a variety of reasons. The reason why the animals are left is also fairly obvious to me. If you take the animal, its grand theft and the crime generates an official law enforcement investigation. If they leave it, it provides plausible deniability and forces the rancher to choose between dragging it off to a bone pile (out-of-site/out-of-mind) or calling investigators or the media to make a big deal out it it thus placing a potential bulls-eye (pardon the pun) of ridicule and snide remarks on their backsides. There appears to be a sub-cultural stigma that comes with being targeted by the "mutilators." Most ranchers hide them and don't let anyone know they had been victimized. The one's that don't often are prompted to come forward because they have witnessed helicopter activity and this indicates to them that somehow the government is involved and it often pisses them off enough to go public.

In case it isn't obvious to you yet, this is a very complicated, kaleidoscopic subject with no easy One-size-fits-all answer. I don't care what LMHowe says. There are multiple groups with various agendas involved. The agenda/rationale to perpetrate these cases appears to have shifted over the years, as Greg pointed out, but regardless: cases still continue to be reported to this day.

Nebraska: August 10, 2013
Argentina: August 6, 2013

Missouri & the UK: August 3, 2013

Yes Sir, you are correct, as your many hours (more like years!) of research have indicated. I have since been "steered" in a clearer, and more so concise direction via Burnt State. Great show BTW.

I just have one question concerning this particular Paracast episode, Chris. Were you chewing on some peyote buttons during that show? I mean you were in the southwest and all, and that COULD help to explain all that anomalous laughter...:cool:
I have to admit that I'm not really up to speed on my reading of mute cases, but, what I'm trying to say is, a private citizen can always get his hands on a scalpel and go slice up a cow, so they (skeptics) can fall back on explanations like cults or hoaxes. I haven't really researched it, but I have my doubts about whether or not a private citizen can get his hands on something that puts out enough microwaves to cook a cow in the middle of a pasture or wherever the thing was found. To me that would suggest either military, the government or something even stranger. None of those are what I would call boring, prosaic explanations, and I don't see how anyone who wasn't outright denying that it took place could fail to realize that something really weird happened, but that's just my take on it.
You are right, of course, the average coyote or occultist, or copy-catter doesn't have access to exotic microwave technology, or weapons, etc. But these cases are rare and much the exception. The vast majority, as I've stated, are done expertly utilizing sharp cutting instruments. And just because a sharp instrument is used this doesn't necessarily mean that someone less skilled than a surgeon could have made the cuts. The term surgically-precise means exactly that and we've seen many, many cases with cuts that were very difficult to re-produce even by professional pathologists. Here is an example/excerpt from Stalking the Herd:

[T]he calf was transported to the Iowa State University Veterinarian Diagnostic Laboratory in Ames, Iowa. There a necropsy examination was conducted by John J. Andrews, D.V.M, professor of Pathology and G.W. Stevenson, D.V.M, Post doctoral consultant…[Stigmata Second Quarter 1981, Number 13]

[Andrews] was a professor of pathology as well as a board certified vet pathologist…“The tongue was the most suggestive evidence of human intervention of all the wounds,” said Andrews. “It was removed much too far back in the mouth to have been done by a predator. In fact, we were able to reproduce that the tongue wound on another dead calf we had in the lab. The wound on that mutilated calf is perfectly consistent with what we did to the other one in the lab; pull the tongue way out, reach in, and cut it off. The cut we made that way on the other calf fell in almost exactly the same place as the one on the mutilated animal…There was possible human action on the eyes. The birds could have done it; they will pluck out the eye and clean out the musculature, too, so, it’s possible that the [the top side] eye could have been taken out by predators. But also by humans…because both eyes were taken. The up and the down side eye. I’d absolutely stand by the idea of predators if only the upside eye had been taken. But with both [eyes] gone, it’s hard to tell. We tried to duplicate the eye surgery on another calf, using a knife. It was extremely difficult to do that way without cutting the lids.… [Kagan & Summers, Mute Evidence Bantam 1984]

Later, after the team of veterinarian experts had presented their findings, Gerald W. Shanahan, Chief of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation stated:
“Both doctors stated that the animal had been cut with a very sharp instrument and the it was definitely not the work of predators. Dr. Stevenson stated that he was especially interested in the removal of the eyes in that it was a very neat job. Dr. Stevenson further stated that it would have been hard for him to duplicate the same removal. [Stigmata Second Quarter 1981, Number 13]
You are right, of course, the average coyote or occultist, or copy-catter doesn't have access to exotic microwave technology, or weapons, etc. But these cases are rare and much the exception. The vast majority, as I've stated, are done expertly utilizing sharp cutting instruments. And just because a sharp instrument is used this doesn't necessarily mean that someone less skilled than a surgeon could have made the cuts. The term surgically-precise means exactly that and we've seen many, many cases with cuts that were very difficult to re-produce even by professional pathologists.
To add my 2 cents worth, and to be clear beforehand, I'm not saying that I believe this to be the case, but am offering it as a possibility from a ufology perspective. The lack of evidence for sci-fi like cutting beams doesn't necessarily mean that aliens haven't been involved. For example if the material was for some sort of live cell application, then slicing it out with a super sharp blade would cause the least trauma to the extracted sample. What might they be using such samples for? Perhaps there are clues in the nature of these samples that hasn't been considered yet. For example, do they tend to contain stem cells or other types of cells useful in growing biological material?

From a completely other totally terrestrial angle. What about poaching for some specific cultural purpose, like the way they poach bears just for their gall bladders? Maybe some secretive shady multi-millionaire hires some ninja butchers to get him some farm fresh flesh now and then? Have you ever done a comparison between known cases of poached bears and UADs? Apparently they use helicopters and such to get the deeds done, so there's one commonality.
It would be interesting to see the number of missing person reports around the areas of high cattle mutilations.This same group could be doing the same thing to people only not leaving bodies.
So, I ordered Greg's book the day it became available through his website (8/7) and received it two days later. I read through it quickly, pretty much in two sittings. I'm still trying to find time to read through it again while perusing and correlating the website info at the same time before really commenting. But I can say it is a great and interesting read.

One interesting aside, Norio posted this picture taken outside of Dulce last month...

And when I received Greg's book, not only was it a signed copy, but it also included this sticker...


Edit to add: just noticed that a few of the bullets holes on the sign are also on the sticker..haha...
In case it isn't obvious to you yet, this is a very complicated, kaleidoscopic subject with no easy One-size-fits-all answer. I don't care what LMHowe says. There are multiple groups with various agendas involved. The agenda/rationale to perpetrate these cases appears to have shifted over the years, as Greg pointed out, but regardless: cases still continue to be reported to this day.

Nebraska: August 10, 2013
Argentina: August 6, 2013

Missouri & the UK: August 3, 2013

I think this should be stressed out further. Answering the riddle of cattle mutilations in Dulce does not explain the cattle mutilations in Europe, South America, etc.

And I'm skeptical of an international group a-la WHO behind international cases, too. Wot, in ALL these years there hasn't been a single case of a pissed off Argentinian gaucho killing a nosy gringo who was messing with his cows? :P

(I have however read a case of a pissed off Peruvian woman who kick the crap out of a weird-looking dwarf equipped with a flying suit, after she found him slitting the throats of her sheep ;) )

But, I agree this was a very enjoyable show. My only caveat is that Greg's father's involvement with Bigelow wasn't addressed at length --something I guess I can understand, for obvious reasons ;)
It could be that Bigelow paid Valdez off to keep any secrets to himself. The story about government agents is simply to throw everyone else off.
I will look into project beta.

It's an excellent read.

We might engage in a kind of paranoid thought experiment re cattle mutilations as the work of terrestrial agencies. Possible explanations start with the usual speculations about "means" and "motives". Since much we might say about possible "means" involves technology presumed to be very much in the black, we are mostly left with "motives".

What if one were tasked with developing something like the ultimate personal weapon of terror? One that would very selectively change political landscapes by surgically (as it were) changing attitudes and motivations of select groups of individuals. The ability to quietly abduct, torture and mutilate almost anyone, anywhere (albeit mostly outdoors at night) would seem more than adequate. Such a program might account for scenarios that look like the work of demented cults engaged in field testing, complete with the victim deposited in plain sight for plainly psychological reasons.

This is admittedly freewheeling to the point of paranoia. But so was MK ULTRA et al.
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The synthesis of information that Greg presents in his book is pretty compelling. Of all the hypotheses about what the UFO phenomenon represents, there is something fairly credible here. Greg does a good job of marshaling his dad's evidence and presenting a coherent story. That said, I hope that Greg teams up with a writing professional for a rewrite of this material at some point. A better written book would make the information more compelling. Greg often writes as though he's talking to you, and the language doesn't always work well in written form. Then, at times, he tries to present fairly technical information. So, in all, the book is a fairly choppy read. I don't mean to disparage Greg or his book. I think the material Greg attempts to present represents a tremendous undertaking. Kudos for the effort, and please try more and again. A last point -- my sense based on what Greg indicated when interviewed, as well as what he said in his book, was that he would be posting a good deal of evidence, the documents and photos collected by his dad, online. So far, it's pretty slim pickings. I'd like to see more.