Paranormal Adept
No it is not. How can you (an engineer) be so foolish to say that - I thought engineers were supposed to be analytical and obsessed with detail?.... so the Sun has no part to play in this - fine switch it off mate and see what happens in 8 minutes.
Meteors and asteroids have no part to play in this? Bringing elements and large scale changes to this planet.
The Moon (the bringer of tides) has no part to play in this? Tidal power is being tested right now for energy generation. It helps animals migrate around the globe bringing food to different locations.
You really should look up once in a while.
Ok ad Hominem attacks are not really need and only seek to undermine your position.
Look the word up if you don't know what it means.
For a start we were discussing the finite availability of resources such as oil (please go back and read the posts), and pray do tell how many "Meteors and asteroids" we need to rain down on this planet to top up our supplies on a day to day basis... well? don't be absurd.
2900-7300 kilograms per year hit Earth. However, this does not include the small dust particles. Scientists also estimate between 36 and 166 meteorites larger than 10 grams fall to Earth per million square kilometers per year. Over the whole surface area of Earth, that translates to 18,000 to 84,000 meteorites bigger than 10 grams per year. But most meteorites are too small to actually fall all the way to the surface. Estimates for the total mass of material that falls on Earth each year range from 37,000-78,000 tons. Most of this mass would come from dust-sized particles. (This study was led by P. A. Bland and was published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.)
That really amounts to sweet stuff all.
Note I was not talking about the moon or renewable resources of energy we were discussing oil which makes for 50% of our industrial and consumer energy needs.
Most energy is used in the country of origin, since it is cheaper to transport final products than raw materials. In 2008 the share export of the total energy production by fuel was: oil 50% (1,952/3,941 Mt), gas 25% (800/3,149 bcm), hard coal 14% (793/5,845 Mt) and electricity 1% (269/20,181 TWh).
old data but worth pointing out.
From 1990 to 2008 the average use of energy per person as IEA data increased 10 % and the world population increased 27 %. Regional energy use grew from 1990 to 2008: Middle East 170 %, China 146 %, India 91 %, Africa 70 %, Latin America 66 %, USA 20 %, EU-27 7 % and world 39 %
I also state in my post that there are other energy forms that could be used.
and what on earth has animal migration got to do with oil extraction efficiency and economic consequences!
I ask you just why are you posting here if you can not read the above posts and then add constructive knowledge to an argument?
Please discus and do not get personal that is not what a debate forum is about.
Are we clear on this?