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Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

Free episodes:

You can have Philosopher Braude, his rag journal and his podcast, I for one, wouldn't waste the bandwidth. Fool me once...
The value of having a guest like this on is to explore their merits, their evidence and their ideas. Proof and/or illumination comes in many forms. Critical questions from forum members help this process along immensely. A good guest does not always have good proof and criticisms of their findings have their own benefits. Some of the most popular Paracast episodes are controversial ones that try to screen out what is bogus and what stands up. Sounds like you would be the one with the important questions if he came on.
It would help us immensely and your chances of hearing your suggested guest on the program, if you tracked down a contact number or email address for the person. That would make it much easier (and more likely) that we would be able to get a request out to your suggested guest to be on the program! Thanks for all the suggestions and for all your help in this regard!
Stephen Braude: [email protected]
It would help us immensely and your chances of hearing your suggested guest on the program, if you tracked down a contact number or email address for the person. That would make it much easier (and more likely) that we would be able to get a request out to your suggested guest to be on the program! Thanks for all the suggestions and for all your help in this regard!

You could probably get a message to Stephen Braude using this form at the JSE site:

Contact | Society for Scientific Exploration

I think there's another direct contact option at Braude's website, linked above by wwkirk.

Oops, just saw that wwkirk has provided you with his email address.
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I've followed Braude for most of his publishing and paranormal investigative career. Would he be a good guest? Possibly.

Braude's serious failings were brought into the clear sunshine when he publicly admitted to changing his report to match a colleague's (Michael Nahm), that report being the improperly named a 'scientific' investigation of physical medium Kai Muegge. Then published his findings in what has come to be a joke, the Journal of [non]Scientific Exploration. Which he is the Senior/Chief Editor who, apparently, the good Dr. is incapable of healing himself.

Braude not only skewed his point of view regarding the genuineness of Muegge's mediumship he has consistently refused to give credence to the spirit involvement in said medium's seances. Instead we get word salad explanations such as this:

"For reasons discussed in detail in my paper in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, I believe that Kai has employed a magic trick on at least a few occasions in the past. And Michael Nahm, in the companion article to mine in the JSE, raises some serious allegations about some of Kai’s other phenomena. However, I have not found any compelling reason for thinking that Kai could have cheated in the carefully controlled seances conducted under my supervision, especially those in Austria in 2013. It’s true that the evidence, even in those best cases, is not as strong as in the very best cases of physical mediumship from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. But I remain especially impressed and intrigued by the evidence we have so far for table levitations and objects moving at a distance from the medium (while the medium is under intrusive control). The ectoplasmic manifestations still need better controls, along the lines mentioned in my paper."

The bolding is the original. Found here.

You can have Philosopher Braude, his rag journal and his podcast, I for one, wouldn't waste the bandwidth. Fool me once...

JSE is not a "joke" or a "rag." Those flippant remarks of yours in themselves lead me to doubt the depth of your understanding of the history and the complexities of psychic and parapsychological research. I doubt you've read enough (and understood enough) of Braude's published research in this field to qualify as a judge of that either.

"Word salad"? What Braude writes there is perfectly clear. Perhaps the problem is with the reader.
I think that Mr Richard Saul Wurman would make a fantastic guest, I am not sure how much interest he has in the paranormal, but he has a fantastic way of thinking, and seems to love to discover new patterns that help us to understand very complex ideas, he is just the kind of person that the field needs to approach. here is a little bit about him from his website:

"Richard Saul Wurman seeks ways to make the complex clear. Recognizing at an early age that his ignorance is his greatest asset, he has made it his mission to sort through the abundance of information that is available on every topic, and design the techniques to make it understandable.

In doing so he has continually sought to put himself in the presence of extraordinary people, including (all now all deceased), in the sciences Francis Crick, Richard Feynman and Jonas Salk; in the arts Eva Zeisel, Louis I. Kahn and Charles Eames; in communications Steve Jobs and Frank Stanton; in history and archaeology Schuyler van Renssalaer Cammann, and Arnold Toynbee. There are many others. The only two bosses he ever had who didn't fire him were Lou Kahn and Charlie Eames.

As a result, Wurman has had many lives: as an author (83 books); FAIA Architect, 13-year partner in Murphy Levy Wurman Architects; cartographer (mapped 1/3 of the Mayan city of Tikal and current project 19.20.21.); teacher (Cambridge University, England; Princeton; Washington University, St. Louis; University of Southern California; University of California Los Angeles; City College of New York, and Dean, Cal Poly School of Design); urban designer (recipient of MIT's Kevin Lynch award in urban design); graphic designer (AIGA Gold Medal, membership in AGI and inducted into the Art Directors Hall of Fame); information theorist (Information Anxiety, Follow the Yellow Brick Road); in medicine (6 books and creator of TEDMED), and as a conference convener. The path of this journey has been paved by one surface: his curiosity."

I think it would be very interesting to hear his take on the paranormal, and a lot more could be learned if some of his techniques were applied to it.

His website is here: Richard Saul Wurman

And his email is: [email protected]
The value of having a guest like this on is to explore their merits, their evidence and their ideas. Proof and/or illumination comes in many forms. Critical questions from forum members help this process along immensely. A good guest does not always have good proof and criticisms of their findings have their own benefits. Some of the most popular Paracast episodes are controversial ones that try to screen out what is bogus and what stands up. Sounds like you would be the one with the important questions if he came on.
There are other forums - including extensive email correspondence - where Braude and his compatriot in paranormal investigation disguised as 'science' Michael "The Wolf" Nahm have been thoroughly reamed new ones. I consider anything Braude is involved since 2014 Kai Muegge debacle to be valueless. I would invite the Members of this forum to review as thoroughly as I have the "Muegge incident" i.e. thousands of man-hours in the study of and the attendance of physical mediumship. Including Muegge seances that Braude so fraudulently misrepresented by his own admission.

I have paid my dues wasting time digging as deeply as possible, giving the continued benefit of doubt, that Braude, somewhere in this uncalled for siege on Muegge, should be awarded a speck of trust or respect, thank you but I am done with him.
JSE is not a "joke" or a "rag." Those flippant remarks of yours in themselves lead me to doubt the depth of your understanding of the history and the complexities of psychic and parapsychological research. I doubt you've read enough (and understood enough) of Braude's published research in this field to qualify as a judge of that either.

"Word salad"? What Braude writes there is perfectly clear. Perhaps the problem is with the reader.
I wrote the English version of Kai Muegge's seance security protocols which must be signed by each seance attendee (4 pages) and, if you wish, I will provide for you at least two podcasts where I am the Guest and the subject is Physical Mediumship with an emphasis on the modern, phenomenon-based seance. Include dozens of reviews on the modern physical mediums combined with, which you so conveniently failed to quote in your Reply, a fine-toothed combed and detailed review of everything Braude has published, podcasts and written interviews as part of the whole.

Since you appear to believe you can match my credentials, and the efforts that stand behind them, by all means, the conversation is yours, have at it. I'll leave you to slobber at the Braude altar all by your lonesome.
Waller, I overreacted, and apologize for doing so, to your remarks yesterday concerning the JSE and Stephen Braude in particular. I do, however, think that those remarks also represented overreactions. I do not think that I can 'match your credentials' in ongoing investigations of mediumship or in psychic and parapsychological research in general. I am not a practitioner or participant in that research but only a long-time reader of the history of that research, and one long impressed by Braude's contributions.

I had no previous knowledge of Kai Muegge's mediumship or of the conflicted responses to it, and I would be interested in learning more about this from your point of view. Would you summarize the situation as you see it? If you link to "podcasts where [you are] the Guest and the subject is Physical Mediumship with an emphasis on the modern, phenomenon-based seance" I will certainly watch them to find out what you mean by 'modern phenomenon-based seances'. I don't think this is the place to carry out a detailed analysis of Braude's scholarship, but if you wish to link to "dozens of reviews on the modern physical mediums combined with, which you so conveniently failed to quote in your Reply, a fine-toothed combed and detailed review of everything Braude has published, podcasts and written interviews as part of the whole" I will read those as well. I am curious about what you refer to as Braude's "fradulent misrepresentation by his own admission" in this statement:

I would invite the Members of this forum to review as thoroughly as I have the "Muegge incident" i.e. thousands of man-hours in the study of and the attendance of physical mediumship. Including Muegge seances that Braude so fraudulently misrepresented by his own admission.

If you can make a succinct case for fraud on Braude's part without requiring "thousands of man-hours" of investigation by your readers here, I would like to hear it, and there are probably other readers here who would also like to hear it. Perhaps just quoting Braude's own admission that he "fradulently misrepresented" Muegge's seances would be sufficient to justify your claim. I can easily conceive of Braude's changing his mind about a case based on another researcher's insights, but I question the charge that he has committed fraud.
@Waller, do you know the expected date of publication of the documentary covering these experiments mentioned on the above page as follows:

"the short film document won t be shown, before it can be explained in its context - in the documentary FINDING PK of American documentary filmer Robert Narholz start of 2014."
@Waller, do you know the expected date of publication of the documentary covering these experiments mentioned on the above page as follows:

"the short film document won t be shown, before it can be explained in its context - in the documentary FINDING PK of American documentary filmer Robert Narholz start of 2014."
Late 2016, if then, part and parcel from the negative fallout from Braude/Nahm's contrived attempts to discredit Muegge and, more directly, the reality of the survival of consciousness. These two materialist, wannabe scientists are in for a major awakening when they kick the bucket.
Roswell Investigators, Tom Carey and Don Schmitt have been pretty busy lately, continuing their research, working on two new books, a film or two, and they've even managed to squeeze a few shows and conferences into their schedule. Next up for them is the annual Roswell Festival, July 2-5, where they are scheduled to make several presentations.

There have been some changes in the past few months, that'd be interesting to hear them discuss. They've partnered up with some new research associates, and also have apparently split with others.
Their site, Roswell Investigator | Roswell Investigator lists the contact info as
Tom Carey: [email protected] Don Schmitt: [email protected]
Roswell Investigators, Tom Carey and Don Schmitt have been pretty busy lately, continuing their research, working on two new books, a film or two, and they've even managed to squeeze a few shows and conferences into their schedule. Next up for them is the annual Roswell Festival, July 2-5, where they are scheduled to make several presentations.
This has to be one of the most bizarre paragraphs I've read at Paracast considering how "outed" in disgrace these guys are within any legitimate study of UFO's. Is there no shame within the UFO community to not sponsor these 100% discredited fake and fully incompetent "researchers" (not!) within the UFO community of sponsorship and guest speakers? What a mockery! There is no shame? No foul? No rape. What a riot of belligerence and abuse upon those interested in serious learning, when characters such as these continue on stage and publish as if nothing happened upon their watch.
This has to be one of the most bizarre paragraphs I've read at Paracast considering how "outed" in disgrace these guys are within any legitimate study of UFO's. Is there no shame within the UFO community to not sponsor these 100% discredited fake and fully incompetent "researchers" (not!) within the UFO community of sponsorship and guest speakers? What a mockery! There is no shame? No foul? No rape. What a riot of belligerence and abuse upon those interested in serious learning, when characters such as these continue on stage and publish as if nothing happened upon their watch.
You're missing some things there. Sentry is obviously being sardonic and slightly sarcastic in this suggestion, especially given his own role in outing these two and their sliding straight into hell which he documented elsewhere admirably. My favorite of his articles on the Roswell slide fiasco was his homage to Kermit and the article titled the The Fraud Prints. Consequenty, he's also demonstrating some humility and kindness here. Sometimes tone is lost when you're not seeing things through the full lens. It's actually quite funny.
Burnt, I'm glad you got a good laugh. I agree too. It's funny.

I suggest getting back the triangle guy David Marler to discuss sleep disorders in relation to all the paranormal phenomena that can happen such as abductions, OBE, shadow/hat people, etc. etc.

Remember, Marler has a degree in psychology, and he worked in a sleep lab for many years. I'm sure he can offer some insights about these experiences. Then a very concise update on triangles, but the show is all about sleep issues and the psychology aspects of UFO's in the mind. DMT in dreaming? Etc.