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Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

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Skilled Investigator
Here go some guest suggestions:

- Erling Strand from Hessdalen Project (I had already suggested him I know);
- Clas Svahn from UFO Sweden (no, its not a Scandinavian conspiracy, but I think Clas is a very serious investigator of the UFO phenomena);
- James Bunnell (Marfa lights investigator);
- Richard F. Haines/ Ted Roe both of NARCAP (they have a new cooperation protocol with CEFAA, the chilean UFO investigation organization, and it would be interesting to have news about new pilot cases);
- Chris Aubeck (more info about the "Wonders in the sky" book and the Magonia Exchange);
E.A. Koetting - A "practical magic" guy who has written several books and claims to have conjured up entities and interacted with them. (spooky) I would like to see him interviewed and asked about UFOs and Redfern's findings in Final Events. His perspective on UFOs and things like Skinwalker ranch and the Marley Woods would be very interesting to hear. I've listened to a couple of interviews with the guy and I think he would be a perfect fit for the Paracast.
On the Ancient Egyptian topic, it would be nice to have:

*Graham Hancock
*Robert Bauval
*John Anthony West
*Christopher Dunn
*Dr. Robert Schoch

Any one, or an assembly of all for a "round table discussion," would be very informative and enlightening. Hancock and Bauval co-authored a book (Keeper of Genesis/Message of the Sphinx) which I cannot recommend enough. They would make an excellent dual interview.

Wayne Charlton
I think it would be great if you could get Travis Walton on with Peter Robbin.s I would love to hear what Travis has to say about his encounter and if he has talked to anyone else who has had similar encounters that he believes to be true.
I think it would be great if you could get Travis Walton on with Peter Robbin.s I would love to hear what Travis has to say about his encounter and if he has talked to anyone else who has had similar encounters that he believes to be true.

This is definitely in the works. But I can't say when we'll be able to schedule Walton.
What about Jerome Clark? He wrote a UFO encyclopedia, and I think he's very skeptical of the whole UFO business. While I do not agree with most of what he says, I think he'd be a very interesting person to interview. NOw that I think about it, I don't think I've ever heard an interview with him.
What about Jerome Clark? He wrote a UFO encyclopedia, and I think he's very skeptical of the whole UFO business. While I do not agree with most of what he says, I think he'd be a very interesting person to interview. NOw that I think about it, I don't think I've ever heard an interview with him.

He's been here before, and he'll be on again in the near future. :)
Clas Svahn stands out as a serious investigator as you pointed out. I've heard him speak on radio interview before and he is a very interesting speaker. As chairman of UFO Sweden he has access to a huge archive of information and has had his own experience too where he witnessed 3 lighted crosses fly over his home. He does not jump to the conclusion that these were alien visitors but uses his own experience as an example of how to approach such sightings objectively - as unidentified objects, possibly from NATO intrusions or Russian overflights.

Some other topics he discusses include the ghost rockets from 1946 and several lake crashes which the Swedish military coined "Operation Sea Find".

If you have the opportunity to get this gentleman's time on the podcast I would jump on it.

Best regards,
Professor Chris French, Ph.D, of Goldsmith's, University of London Anomolistic Psychology Research Unit and Stuart Appelle, Dean of the Dept. of Science and Mathematics; Ph.D of Experimental Psychology, SUNY Brockport. They are both sound researchers with definitive and informed opinions about the usefulness of hypnosis in memory retrieval scenarios, such as those common in extracting alien abduction narratives. I'd like to see both invited as part of an open panel discussion with the likes of Jacobs and Carpenter, see where it leads.
we've IM'd gene about a show solely covering good, lesser known UFO cases. a show about the cases not a guest (although maybe the right guest would help, tho chris and yourself have plenty knowledge).
my no.1 suggestion would be the pitlochry, scotland 1990 case. 2 hill walkers took around 6 analogue photos of a diamond-shaped UFO over some 20mins, including an RAF Harrier Jump-Jet which was scrambled. This jet would have given a good estimate of size of object. the story goes that a national newspaper was given photos and account and also a report came to Nick Pope. Government Ministers were told. This gives the lie to the oft-used UK line that 'UFO's present no defence significance' AS IF! the thing is, the newspaper lost its photos and so did the MOD. Nick Pope still has a 2nd generation photcopy which has no actual accuracy value, but he remembers the original. i think the government asked (thru a D-list notice) the press to sit on this. the MOD never explained this one away. a true mysterious UFO if ever there was a case. thats my vote folks. Gene, Chris, over to you guys to make it happen.
Chris Knight of Hiram's Key and Uriel's Machine fame comes to mind. He could even explain his "Who Built the Moon" book -- which I've mentioned elsewhere as somewhat disappointing. As a fellow Freemason, I have always found him an interesting author and speaker (I met him at a conference in Kananaskis, Alberta when he was discussing his, at that time, writing of Uriel's Machine). What may be of interest (too) to Pixelsmith and other conspiracy buffs; I also recently heard him discussing 33rd Degree Freemasons, and it sounds rather like he is in agreement to some kind of NWO/secret government connection there -- I would like to hear more on that.

A little aside with regards to the Kananaskis conference; whilst waiting in line to get my Hiram's Key book signed by Mr. Knight, I was remarking to my friend about Knight's overview of Uriel's Machine. We were standing pretty close to where he was signing and I said to my friend, "... what Bro. (;)) Knight was saying sounds like his book would be a progression from the books I've been reading for many years, from VonDaniken to Hancock and now Knight."

To which Knight perked an ear and appeared to look upon me with a jaundiced eye. I thought I might have upset or inadvertently insulted his ongoing work -- but nothing more was said. A year or two later I heard Knight on CTC in which he said in response to Noory's question on what his next book would be about, and he said, "... well it's going to be that God was an alien." Interesting connection and validation of my comment, or maybe I inspired him...:redface:.
As a fellow Freemason, I have always found him an interesting author and speaker

My experience in the Blue Lodge was that no one wanted to discuss the esoteric aspects of Freemasonry. Having said that, we were hard pressed to agree upon what kind of covered dishes to bring for the next lodge dinner. No big conspiracies that I could see, anyway. :redface:
I listened yesterday to an archived interview with Butch Witkowski on DMR about human mutilations.......human mutilations. Something I was not aware of at all!
I think Butch would be a great one to interview about this. It's still giving me the heebee-jeebies!
I listened yesterday to an archived interview with Butch Witkowski on DMR about human mutilations.......human mutilations. Something I was not aware of at all!
I think Butch would be a great one to interview about this. It's still giving me the heebee-jeebies!

He's been on The Paracast, but no longer. After reports arose that he had faked his work credentials and other aspects of his background, I asked him to explain himself. He chose to, for a while, simply withdraw. That's enough for me. This is another Imbrogno in the making, so he isn't returning.

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