Skilled Investigator
There's a book called The Dark Gods by Anthony Roberts and Geoff Gilbertson, which mixes the ideas of HP Lovecraft with those of John Keel. It's out of print now (it came out in the early 1980s), but second hand copies aren't too hard to come by (I got a copy of ebay a few years ago reasonably cheaply). It takes the idea that Keel's ultraterresterials and Lovecraft's Old Gods are one and the same and they're working to cause chaos, fear and misery on Earth, it speculates they feed off negative emotions. If anyone's familiar with the comic strip Slaine, Pat Mills was inspired to base the Cythrals on the ideas in this book.
As far as I remember, a large part of Lovecraft's inspiration came fom dreams he'd had. Ironically, he was quite a rationalist, so I'd imagine the speculation that he hit on some ultimate truth would have him spinning in his grave!
As far as I remember, a large part of Lovecraft's inspiration came fom dreams he'd had. Ironically, he was quite a rationalist, so I'd imagine the speculation that he hit on some ultimate truth would have him spinning in his grave!