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Hawking gold has nothing to do with the paranormal

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Humble is not in my vocabulary. :)

Please, you might be the very definition of "humble" and also "self-deprecating"!
Some people seem humble because they just aren't bright or don't have much to say. And many bright people don't want you to forget how bright they are. You're a nice balance between intelligence and humility.

ok, kiss a$$ session complete.;)
Cottonzway, I gotta tell ya I was a basketball fan (still am if it's college.) But since they stopped calling traveling and stopped worrying bout the fundlementals of the game I don't watch much. It's just ten guys going one on one to me. But, I digress. I will listen and see what happens. But I just don't want the paracast (and I know with Gene and David it will not)to turn into a Coast to Coast mess with economic "experts" screaming the sky is falling and then ya get guys with "horse" souls and Angels riding Unicorns. It just gets messy real quick. :D I mean if ya had to which would you rather have? An Angel on a Unicorn or Alex Jones with a bullhorn? OH the Humanity! :p
If the economy ever truly tanks, gold won't buy squat. We'll most likely go back to a barter system of trading goods for goods.

Even so, I'm interested to hear what your guest has to say.

When has that ever happened for any length of time? People love to argue that gold is useless and they wouldn't want it "when things fall apart" I see it posted repeatedly on this forum. But the reality is that has never happened to an economy. Ever. Simply wanting gold to become useless does not make it so.

When the Romans devastated Germanic villages, gold could buy your safety through bribery. 2000+ years later in Weimar Germany, cash was useless but owning gold protected your wealth and made people who had it suddenly rich. 60+ years later when the Soviet Empire had a currency crisis, gold was a precious commodity valued because it could be used to buy goods from outside the country, unlike local fiat money. During the great depression, Gold was considered so valuable to the economy that private ownership was outlawed. Gold mining stocks saw stellar gains.

In fact, the exact opposite of your point is what happens when economies tank - Far from becoming worthless, Gold becomes one of the few things that isn't wiped out by inflation or deflation because it is an asset class that is CURRENCY INDEPENDENT. Take a look at Zimbabwe as yet another example of that phenomenon. Keep in mind that you can still buy goods and services with the gold content in ancient Roman coins. Try doing that with ANY form of currency notes from the past.

As I just wrote in another thread, the only way gold could become useless is if the entire planet underwent a cataclysmic event where every major world economy and society is thrown back to medieval times. But then again, Gold was valuable (as always) during the middle ages :) Or perhaps if Zombies take over the Earth. Even if a one-world government someday outlaws gold/silver - the black market will see that it still remains useful.
You're missing something that hasn't been an issue in all the history you're speaking of; how many billionaires exist today. Do you really imagine that the richest people on Earth are entirely oblivious to gold?

If there was a hint, even the smallest tiniest hint that the system was about to come unhinged, the top 1-5% wealthiest people from around the world would descend upon gold reserves until they owned over 90% of it. The remaining 95% of the population would be stuck with less than 10% of the currency... sound familiar?
With the economy the way it is Gene and Dave are doing paracast listeners a favor by bringing up the subject of gold. I would suggest putting all your wealth into precious metals asap. The shit will go down soon, and when hyperinflation hits you will be wishing you had gold/silver.

Some people need to take off their UFO tinfoil hats and pay attention to the markets more often.