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Help Put The Paracast on Your Radio Dial!

Free episodes:

Frootloop said:

Did you ever sort out the press kit? if so, can you send it to me and I will try the local radio stations.



We finally got a late draft that David and I need to fine tune, so we're days away from the real thing. I will then some them out to our volunteers :)
If you go on the airwaves, you'll have to start self-censoring (or bleeping out) your salty language you guys like to use. I think "fucking" is a no-no word
according to the FCC.

If you do go big time, will that mean podcasts will no longer be free, but available by subscription only, like C2C. Podcast fans won't dig that!

For listeners, I don't see that theparacast moving to radio is much benefit to us, except maybe for those with "evangelistic" feelings about the show, and a lofty goal to convert the population to the paracast!
We have it pretty good now, with free podcasts, including archives, we can listen to anytime we want.

Unless, moving to radio will also mean the show going full time, with a daily instead of a weekly show. that would be cool.
This last episode of the show is the ONLY one in which we've used colorful language.

If we get syndication, it won't have anything to do with The Paracast. The fact that we CAN use uncensored language on the web is reason enough, IMO, for us to always keep a web version of the show going.

And the reality is that Gene & I have to do what's good for us first, and THEN the audience. We've provided 2 years of free shows, never missed a week (thanks to Gene, left up to me, there would be some gaps, but Gene has the drive to keep us weekly, and for this I'm truly grateful), so our dedication is right out in the open. You do indeed have it pretty good, on our dime. You're welcome.

I would kick in money to see this happen. Why oh Why can't we get THE PARACAST on regular radio?

I want it. C2C is a show made to make Stupid People feel smart. I want a show that makes me feel like I need to up my game a bit. The only thing I would change, is the dynamic between hosts and guest. Meaning, ask the REALLY HARD QUESTIONS. I'd love you guys to go after James Van Fraud.
So like whatever happened with all of this... Im still ready and all gung-ho about driving around to the area's and cities around me to try and get you guys on the air.
Hmmmm... go head to head with C2C? Well, I like both shows so I'd like to hear both shows back to back on KFI 640 in Los Angeles. Is that too much to ask?
Catie said:
Hmmmm... go head to head with C2C? Well, I like both shows so I'd like to hear both shows back to back on KFI 640 in Los Angeles. Is that too much to ask?

Back to back? Only if we're first. :D
On second thought, after listening to you guys for a while, I am glad to learn that I am not the only one who cringes at some of the guests on C2C. One really has to use some serious discernment when listening to C2C and your show really helped clear up some things for me in terms of who of the more sutble personalities are not quite up to snuff. I changed my mind. I think you should TAKE OVER C2C and get rid of "Bobble-Head and Cheese Monger"...
I know that this thread is a bit old... but to go hand in hand with your 'help us build a media kit' thread, and assuming you're not on terrestrial radio yet... let me say that less is more.
Small kit. Two (2) typed pages. CD of a few quick minutes of material. (ie flurry of calls/guest in a lather about something.) Make it on a mini CD business card size that fits into the cover of your media packet. Your logo on the mini CD. Start at your local station. Not at one that runs C2C. Smaller is better.
ANNND... see if you can do work for that local small station before or as you are proposing your show. That is key if you're not bringing a sponsor along with you.
Anyhow, just a few thoughts for you...
Paracast in Kansas

Are you going to do a live broadcast with call-ins, or a canned show? I ask, because one of the four radio stations I have contacts with here in NE KS won't play any canned material.

Which is stupid, I know, but that's their stance.

Isn't a CD canned material?

Anyway, if you guys have this sorted out, I'm certain I can get the ball rolling around hereabouts....
Paracast in Kansas

Are you going to do a live broadcast with call-ins, or a canned show? I ask, because one of the four radio stations I have contacts with here in NE KS won't play any canned material.

Which is stupid, I know, but that's their stance.

Isn't a CD canned material?

Anyway, if you guys have this sorted out, I'm certain I can get the ball rolling around hereabouts....

If a radio station pays us for the show, we're happy to do it live with call-ins, but we'd also require recorded material for certain guests that aren't able to be there live.