Fantastic to hear about your bit of skin discolouration Chris and regarding those idiots that occupy most security crossings in the Western world, then really I hope I am as dirty as I've ever been. If they wanna strip search me (and it's happened by the cops in my city - looking for drugs that were never there) - then I hope I stink. I hope they are disgusted with having to deal with my nether regions. I might even go pick up a particularly nasty V.D just for their entertainment.
The thing that gets me most about these goons is their utter lack of individual thinking. Robot car manufacturing machines have more individual thoughts!
Authoritarianism is the Real Mental Illness: People in Power and in Government are the Nut Cases:
"We can see the other side getting desperate to label people mentally ill for fearing a tyrannical government. To me this is a healthy fear and an instinct of self-preservation for survival. It is a normal reaction. There is no shame in fearing the government becoming despotic and tyrannical. It is a normal response when one feels threatened by a group of people who want to control a person's life of what they eat, the right to travel, and the right to be left alone. If you are thinking like this being concerned about the heavy hand of the government creeping into your life? You are in your right mind and it is a natural reaction when a bunch of control freaks threatens a person’s life, liberty and property. The people who have a few loose screws in their heads are the people working for the government. No person is in their right mind doing this for the draconian government: What kind of person gets his jollies off groping old people at the Airport and laughing about it when the woman is humiliated? What kind of person who is a jack booted thug who likes to be on a power trip that breaks down the door in the middle of the night to terrorize the children and families? What kind of person who knowingly will send a person to prison who is innocent. What kind of person gets off violating basic human dignity? The only kinds of people who do this work for the US government now are the real mental cases. During Soviet Russia and NAZI Germany in their reign of terror, many of the guards got off making people strip down naked humiliating a man or a woman moments before they are executed. These guards knew these people did nothing wrong. Still they got their gratification seeing people being humiliated stripped naked. These people are not in their rights minds. We are the normal ones. We have empathy for our fellow man. We want to be left alone and we mind our own business. Anyone who is a control freak is never satisfied no matter how much they control every aspect of our lives are not normal and sane. They are the ones who need to have their heads checked, not us. Anyone who wants to destroy innocence and terrorize people, gets off watching people's basic human dignity violated is usually a sociopath; a psychopath with narcissist tendencies is a real mental illness. I think next time before any of these career politicians and bureaucrats want to apply for a job with the government. Make them take an evaluation because some of them are mentally ill. Seeing them in power, they are the dangerous ones, not us who see them as the threat. We are not the crazy ones, we are normal."