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How many of you actually think something special is going to happen 2012?

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I would be very surprised if anything special happens, but we can always hope!

This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.
</pre>[h=2]TS Eliot - The Hollow Men[/h]
Who's to say that one man's ending, isn't another man's beginning?

Then again, I've been privy to the many prophetic end of world statements thrown out there all these years, and when the time comes and we all hold our breath.....

2012 is the end of a 26,000 year world cycle, what Jung called "a Platonic Age".

Jung wrote prophetically that “My conscience as a psychiatrist bids me fulfill my duty and prepare those few who will hear me for coming events which are in accord with the end of an era… As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. They are, it seems, changes in the constellation of the psychic dominants, of the archetypes or ‘Gods’ as they used to be called, which bring about… long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche. This transform*ation started… in the transition of the Age of Taurus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity. We are now nearing that great change… when the spring-point enters Aquarius…”

2012 is the beginning of the end of the world, but not the "physical" world. It's the end of the current zeitgeist or "spirit of the age", and the birth of a new zeitgeist. It's a time of major change & upheaval, since the status quo, in all of it's manifestations, doesn't go out without a fight. The next 20 or so years are going to be VERY interesting (in a "Chinese Curse" kind of way).

Oh yeah, and we'll be seeing and hearing about more & more so-called "paranormal" events, which are actually very normal. Jung called them Psychoid Archetypes, other folks call them tulpas, thought forms, schemas, etc. If you get a chance, pick up Dr. Gregory L. Little's books on the subject.

Unfortunately, belief systems with an "End Times" bent, are taking this literally (which is interesting, considering that their own sacred texts tell them exactly what Jung says. Of course it's in archaic initiate code that none of their current leaders know, were taught, or have directly experienced. But I digress). Case in point, Christian Dispensationalists attempting to co-opt 2012 into their rapture ideology, itself the result of really bad extrapolations of their mistranslated texts in the 19th century.

Something special will happen for those who know the great work and are doing it throughout the world. For everybody else, it's just going to be another day (special, and amazing that they are. Life is a wonderful thing).

The "world' isn't going to end. It's just going to get a lot harder to live in (currency collapse, civil unrest, world war III, solar flare, pick your poison:)). Peace.
I am getting a new camera, a new computer and a new handgun in 2012... that will be special.
Let me talk to Harold Camping and I will get back with you guys. ;)

Dude, I love your online handle! "Watch That Pigeon !" (ughh, I just dated myself) :)

---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

I am getting a new camera, a new computer and a new handgun in 2012... that will be special.

Cool. So you'll be able to take pictures of the chaos, tweet about it, & take out mutant hordes with your post-apocalyptic gang. Sweet:)
Cool. So you'll be able to take pictures of the chaos, tweet about it, & take out mutant hordes with your post-apocalyptic gang. Sweet:)

i would take pics for sure, i do not tweet but i can post the pics here! I am hoping for zombies and not so much the mutant hordes.
Let me talk to Harold Camping and I will get back with you guys. ;)
Get Mr Camping to say that the end is coming, and that'll be our insurance to see that it doesn't.

I hope that something out of the ordinary happens in 2012. And I hope that it's a positive thing. But then that's something I hope for every year. Make sense??
I think it will be entertaining to hear different people describe how much of a heightened awareness and " higher frequency transition" that the the planet has now finally evolved .The reason why many won't be able to discern a change is of course because they haven't taken the time and focus to attain this elite ability to raise ones " frequency" , but alas we carry on as deficient second class consumers. Sad face.
nothing is going to happen, and if it does, its got nothing to do with prophecy.
I find it funny how the 2012 people ( those who write books etc ) , was all like " this and that is going to happen in 2012" some years ago. But now that the date is closing they are backing and saying it may be a "spiritual awakening" , " blabla human consciousness" etc.
Im just awaiting awesomeness on coast 2 coast at the 22. of december :D . The exuses will be amazing !
Firstly, I am in total agreement with everyone who has suggested that this is a great excuse for a party. If the world ends, you go out while you're having fun, and pleasantly anesthetized. And if it doesn't, hey, at least you had a party! Plus it's the Friday before Xmas, so you probably don't have to go to work the next day (assuming of course that there is one).

But more importantly, it is generally reckoned by people whose brains work properly that the Mayan Long Count last rebooted on August 11th 3114 BC, or at any rate very close to that date. So assuming that the Mayans are absolutely right about everything just because they built a few pyramids, what will happen just over a year from now will be precisely as world-shaking as what took place in 3114 BC. Can anybody tell me what that was? Because nothing immediately springs to mind.
Well there you have it in a nutshell. "2012 is coming." Typing this as I do just over a month before the end of 2011, I cannot refute this logic. So clearly we are all supposed to have a party. Could anything possibly be plainer?
...the coolest party will be in Palenque at the Villa Kin Ha hotel....
I can't wait to film the Fractal Dancers cavorting w/ lasers in the jungle @ the Ponchon---just below the archaeological site...
Maybe I haven't payed as much attention to the 2012 'thingy' in a while, but it seems to be gone, even from
more fringe media.
on may 15th we had a rapture party after my wifes roller derby match. nothing happened... oct 21st came and went. and so it goes..If some thing DID happen I would be surpised sooo many have failed this will be no diffrent

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