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How many of you actually think something special is going to happen 2012?

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It really doesn't matter what the Maya of old did or didn't predict: why does anyone assume they had the faintest idea what's going to happen?
They were after all just a bunch of people, as clueless as the rest of us, innocently going about their business growing crops, raising families, practising constant warfare and torturing each other to death. Same old same old.
It really doesn't matter what the Maya of old did or didn't predict: why does anyone assume they had the faintest idea what's going to happen?
They were after all just a bunch of people, as clueless as the rest of us, innocently going about their business growing crops, raising families, practising constant warfare and torturing each other to death. Same old same old.

You make an excellent point. Another aspect of this is: Why does anyone assume that these folks making these claims about the calendar know what they are talking about?

I think if you look back on the progression of this 2012 business you'll see where early on many were talking about disaster, etc., etc., where now they are talking about awakening. Awakening is the new buzzword for 2012 where instead of something physical happening its more about mind and attitude. Some seem to hold out for some sort of cosmic consciousness type event where vibrations are changed and so forth. Whatever that is supposed to mean. When 2012 comes and goes there will be a new date set. 2015 perhaps.

Because these types of predictions are perpetually being made and renewed when they don't come about, you have to think at some point a coincidence will occur that will really shake everyone up. Imagine, for no other reason that mere coincidence that aliens actually do show up on some predicted date for cosmic hijinks or what have you. Suddenly Hoagland or whoever appears to know what they are talking about and book deals abound. Maybe that's the strategy. Make enough predictions and over time something has got to mesh well enough to be exploited.
After reading all this speculation, I suppose I could just go off into a cave and avoid everyone. But some people believe I'm doing that now. :D
It really doesn't matter what the Maya of old did or didn't predict: why does anyone assume they had the faintest idea what's going to happen?
They were after all just a bunch of people, as clueless as the rest of us, innocently going about their business growing crops, raising families, practising constant warfare and torturing each other to death. Same old same old.
Obviously you haven't studied the most basic aspects of "the Maya of old." Mayan Culture, dear thread-arian, is divided into three periods, pre-classic, classic and post-classic. There are significant differences between these three periods. Until the incursion by the Tolteca into Mayan lands at the end of the classic period, the Maya didn't practice warfare (as we define it today), rather warfare was highly stylized--more like Kabuki theater. Warriors were rarely killed, but winners were determined and prisoners were exchanged for voluntary sacrifice. As far as the "torturing each other to death" comment, the highest honor for a Mayan family was for one of it's members to be selected for sacrifice by priests of a rival Mayan king. It is a bit difficult for us today to fully understand ancient Mayan thinking surrounding death and sacrifice and it is unfortunate that the later bloodthirsty Aztec civilization is being used to program belief around the practices of the Maya.
I predict war, taxes, and a plethora of nonsensical end-time predictions.
Nothing will happen in 2012; except more wars, chaos, and madness. The end timers will have to choose a new date. What date do you think they will choose?
If I forget my wedding anniversary again then it will be the end of my world... as for predictions:

NY Mets to win World Series, Seville to win La Liga, Man city to win Premiership, Rep of Ireland to win Euro 2012, Newt Gingrinch to grow a moral compass and drop out of the presidential campaign, Ruth Wilson/ Gillian Anderson to fall madly in love with me.... none of these are any dafter than some of the stuff I've been reading....
Oh yes... George Lucas to formally apologise for The Phantom Menace/ Clone Wars/ Revenge Of The Sith, Werner Herzog to make a film that I can understand, the jitterbug to make a come back
If I forget my wedding anniversary again then it will be the end of my world... as for predictions:

NY Mets to win World Series, Seville to win La Liga, Man city to win Premiership, Rep of Ireland to win Euro 2012, Newt Gingrinch to grow a moral compass and drop out of the presidential campaign, Ruth Wilson/ Gillian Anderson to fall madly in love with me.... none of these are any dafter than some of the stuff I've been reading....
Yeah, I suppose there are wackier possibilities. :)
Oh yes... George Lucas to formally apologise for The Phantom Menace/ Clone Wars/ Revenge Of The Sith, Werner Herzog to make a film that I can understand, the jitterbug to make a come back
I always thought "Fitzcarraldo" was the most accessible Werner Herzog movie.
didnt read through every post so not sure if its been mentioned already

but technically something "extraordinary" will happen this year

the passing of venus doesnt happen every day, the solar eclipse is pretty rare, its also a leap year so thats cool

its always fun to point at the believers and scoff at them but doesnt seem fair if you think about it

if the maya had knowledge of something that was actually going to happen alot of good it did them writing it down
for the most part it has served as the plot of more books and stories then it has caused anyone to take heed to the message they were trying to convey

case in point, the maya never said the world would end, i assume most if not all here commenting already know that, but much like the rest of the world this thread has more comments about how its not the end of the world then it does about what the mayan people said was supposed to happen in 2012

yes, they have calenders that go well beyond 2012, but so do we, im sure there is a company out there making calenders for every year we are coming to in advance, doesnt mean we will make it to that year, world wont end till 2014 because i bought a 2013 calender so we are safe.

end of rant, sorry and thank you... i will look for a maya thread and comment there so as not to stray too far from topic
I am sure most of the people on this forum think sensibly. How many years now has it been since we have heard about the end of the world occurring on New Years, etc. If it isn't the Mayan's it's the Illuminati, if not them, Hale Bob, if not that, some idiot pastor telling everyone he figured out the "secret code" of his Bible and knows the exact date of the end....etc. etc.

I wish they would put the same amount of energy into bettering man than to spew forth their phony meandering.

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