FWIW: Rising tides lift all boats, and the tide is globally going out. As ever more humans compete for ever fewer resources, the scramble on the part of the "haves" to maintain and secure whatever positions they individually occupy is becoming increasingly more strident, devious and even downright ruthless. Stratification and exclusion is a natural tendency in human societies anyway. We seem to be in a cycle in which it is accelerating to an alarming degree.
Sometimes the small and under-the-radar ways in which big corps take advantage of people are the ones that piss me off the most. Two examples:
-Until relatively recently, it was quite legal for mail offers including "free checks" in the U.S. to trigger one of those sneaky "fine print" agreements Americans have come to know so well. This would sign up whoever unwittingly cashed said check for a small monthly credit card charge for some type of obscure "service". There was NO expiration date for these agreements, which were vaguely labeled on credit card statements and often overlooked for YEARS. And, BTW, they were carried over when the CC company changed your credit card numbers. How convenient !
-We hear unending talk in the media about the outrageous cost of healthcare. I have yet to hear a discussion about pharmaceutical patent expirations for a class of drugs known as biologics. These are drugs manufactured by specialized biological rather than chemical processes (i.e. gene splicing) for which authorization needed by competitors seeking to take the drug generic is difficult or virtually impossible to legally obtain.
FDA considering petition to protect biologic medications’ patents
Biosimilar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are talking about many billions of dollars here. Congress will claim it just has not been able to formulate valid legal definitions for generic equivalents. Bullsh*t.
The underlying thread here is utter corruption of legislators whose job should be to keep things ethical. We are almost becoming numb to this.
Re climate change:
Has Randall Carlson ever appeared on The Paracast? He might make an interesting guest. His recent interview with Joe Rogan on climate change and earth cycles is thought provoking.
Carlson does not come across as especially dogmatic. I'm not saying he is neccessarily correct. But he brings a wide overview (his version anyway) of what we know about earth's climate and biological history to the discussion. CAUTION to listeners: Anyone familiar with Rogan will know his style includes blunt and scatological language !