Paranormal Adept
or military special ops grade martial arts dwarfs dressed as children. ninja wee mensnares with male children
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or military special ops grade martial arts dwarfs dressed as children. ninja wee mensnares with male children
lol,Do you think that a "shaman" or "summoner" of some kind could be used to get one to make an appearance?
Or do you think that the location is more important, in other words is it a case of being the "right" person in the "right" place or do you think that anyone anywhere can see one?
or military special ops grade martial arts dwarfs dressed as children. ninja wee men
no it doesn'tIf Bigfeets are some type of spook, then my solution is irrelevant.
A better solution would be to conjure up one into your garden shed with incantations and such.
The best system for summoning spooks depends on your cultural background, Asian, European, Native American, etc.
Try Thelema: US Grand Lodge » Ordo Templi Orientis
where the fuck are we?the dwarf tribe fuckarewe you mean, i am sure you can guess why they were named the fuckarewe tribe.
i wasn't thinking charlatan, that's the same jam smeared on all the paranormal toast. as for cults - that's another conundrum all on its own.Adamski, Meier, Romanek, (dr)Greer and as I know next to nothing about ufology there are probably worse offenders (I am not quite sure if "elr0n cupboard" counts as part of ufology or religion) heavens gate maybe? lets be fair there are and have been more an equal amount of charlatans in both Cryptozoology and Ufology.
Not really. I like to play these things out though and see where they go and I'm going through the 411 books which on a purely factual level are intriguing but I do have some criticisms, real ones not the cut and paste Amazon lance moody trawl.Nameless, you put stock in the Paulides dude?
i wasn't thinking charlatan, that's the same jam smeared on all the paranormal toast. as for cults - that's another conundrum all on its own.
but you don't see ufologists trying to sell frozen bodies of greys that are stuffed with raw and rotting meat - that's just not right. though now that i think about it i'm having alien autopsy flashbacks from previous decades.
dunno, perhaps i'm getting more sensitive the older i get, probably getting too attached to my dog. you won't get him Dyer, ya hear?!
Those alien pics make it look like that being is made of paper mache.(dr) Johnathan Reed was peddling a frozen "Alien" a few years back!
Those alien pics make it look like that being is made of paper mache.