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I didn't see one so... March 1st 2009 show - S. Bassett.

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Wow, just wow... I'm baffled by Bassett's complete disregard for the credibility of his conference speakers. He also implied that checking whether someone like Peckman is legit or a total hack would be an impossibly difficult task...

I'm glad Gene & David made the point at the end of the show that the people who are actually credible will not have anything to do with the x-conference when they see the likes of Peckman there. So where does that leave the disclosure movement? Does he really believe a bunch of enthusiastic hacks and conmen are going to do anything but keep the UFO/disclosure topic in the funny pages? What an absolute idiot.
Wow, just wow... I'm baffled by Bassett's complete disregard for the credibility of his conference speakers. He also implied that checking whether someone like Peckman is legit or a total hack would be an impossibly difficult task...

I'm glad Gene & David made the point at the end of the show that the people who are actually credible will not have anything to do with the x-conference when they see the likes of Peckman there. So where does that leave the disclosure movement? Does he really believe a bunch of enthusiastic hacks and conmen are going to do anything but keep the UFO/disclosure topic in the funny pages? What an absolute idiot.
Maybe he thinks kooks and charlatans sell more tickets. Maybe he's not as crazy as we think -- if his goal is to make money and to hell with genuine disclosure.
He's not making money. In that conversation we had at the Jersey City thing, he told me that he's been couch surfing at different places. He's financially destitute, if he was telling me the truth. I think some of our other astute forum members have nailed it on the head: he knows he's screwed, but has nothing else to turn to. He so much as admitted this to me in that conversation... I used to feel bad for him, but after he called me "Joe McCarthy", I say, the hell with him.

Perhaps, but how does he get money for traveling and covering convention expenses in advance of ticket sales? You sure he was telling you the truth about his financial condition?

What does he do the rest of the year?
It frustrates me to no end the way he he will respond to anything that really questions him with a patronising condescending tone as if he everything you just said is completely wrong and you dont get it but here you this is how simple it is moron.

I know its just a defence mechanism and way for him to avoid answering tough questions, but still it drives me crazy.
It frustrates me to no end the way he he will respond to anything that really questions him with a patronising condescending tone as if he everything you just said is completely wrong and you dont get it but here you this is how simple it is moron.

I know its just a defence mechanism and way for him to avoid answering tough questions, but still it drives me crazy.

Well, that's why I suspect he's totally, absolutely useless as a "lobbyist" - he has a serious issue with behaving like a reasonable person, and if he tries to speak to government officials in that tone, they tune him right out. Not that I believe he's ever actually had any meetings with senators or congresspeople, or their staffs - which is exactly what a lobbyist is supposed to do. No, I'll bet that he takes money from folks who think that he's using it to do lobbying, and pays his bills. It's the only way this guy can make a buck - note that he's never actually revealed anything about his working past, no professional credentials to speak of, no books authored, no articles ever run by legitimate press, etc. Another person without a past, there are so many of them in this "field".

From Bassett's bio:

"In 1995 Bassett decided to bring a 15-year background in business development and consulting and a degree in physics into the issues surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomena. His point of entry was a five-month stint working at the Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER), founded by the late Dr. John Mack in Cambridge, MA."

So there are absolutely no details regarding his life before this point, no mention of where he got his degree (am I the only one who finds this odd?), he just appears on the scene. WTF? Who is this guy? "Business development and consulting"? That's as vague as you can get. If you have credentials, flaunt them. If not, well...

It was interesting Mr Basset brought up other social movements as an example of why the government must disclose,i.e they reach a 'critical mass'. Would he apply the same criteria to theses movements? (e.g. the civil rights movement, feminism ,anti psychiatry etc) that the credibility of the protagonists had no bearing on the success or otherwise of these movements? I somehow doubt it. Surely the specific changes we have seen within society were a combination of popular grass root support, coupled with credible arguments and people, something I feel may be lacking in the 'exo poltics' movement.

Basset makes the comparison with 'chasing your own tail' for attempting to inject any validation within UFOlogy, but surely he can see the irony of this? The disclosure movement already 'knows' the answer, therefore no matter what the 'government' releases, it will never be enough unless it conforms to their predefined criteria. Ad nauseam .Surely that is a much better example of 'chasing ones tail(tales)'!

Still fair play to the man, he must have realized he would be questioned quite harshly on the show, and he still put himself forward. (although you could be cynical and say that was more to do with promoting his event, but what can I say I try to see the best in people)
Well this is very interesting. The man leaps to conclusion after conclusion without offering any evidence whatsoever. He goes on the attack when questioned about researcher and witness credibility. It makes me think that he has alterior motives. I don't think he is as interested in the truth embargo as much as he is in keeping the UFO community divided. His agenda is counter productive to any kind of understanding of this topic as has been discussed many times in the past. His credibility is pretty much shot in my eyes.
I just don't see Bassett's reasoning. Just because Peckman is attempting to make a name for himself by making outlandish claims on Letterman, he a good candidate to speak at the X-Conference? Having a dumbass like that at a conference just drags it down into the depths of misery. What a waste of people's time it is to have someone that makes claims and doesn't present proof. Maybe he'll show the ET bobbing head video during his presentation.
Putting a boot in Bassett's ass wouldn't do much.

I've listened to about a half hour of this, and I had to shut it off.
I really love the part where he explains how we got pressure on the government to disclose stuff because of some youtube movies :D
I guess he's not aware of the international ass rape going on with the financial system, yeah they are really impressed by us ::)

I'm also gonna hang myself if anyone is gonna mention that clown Larry King again as something credible/positive. Does Jerry Springer still have a show, maybe you can tell your story there :eek:

I also like how he blames "the government" for everything, sounds like a very uninformed person. This guy is looking for answers and can only identify "the government" as the problem, what the hell is "the government"? Very detailed research, very deep indeed.

Atleast he was honest about not giving a damn about credibility. Who cares about credibility when you talk about a subject that is difficult to prove with physical evidence.

The lack of standards and reasoning capabilities is just astounding in this field. This guy even makes that bum shitting on the walls of David's apartment building sound useful.
It seems to me that although Bassett insists he is not assuming anything, in actuality, he is assuming nearly everything. He is a proponent of the Mainstream Ufological Schtick. (The MUS! :-) ) It’s a nuts & bolts theory that says: 1) There was a Roswell Crash in 1947. 2) There as a MJ-12-like committee. 3) We have reverse-engineered UFO technology. 4) The government has kept all this secret. 5) There is an Aviary-type group that wants to get this information out. 6) They haven’t done it because conditions (i.e.: who is president, etc.) is not quite right. 7) Part of the technology is a new form of energy and that’s why we haven’t built more nuke plants. The military-industrial complex controls all this. And 9) All this is bad/not-fair, etc.

It also struck me that Bassett had a lot of difficulty intellectually grasping whet even he believes. He could not follow what David was saying about other alternatives and simply reverted to everything he had already said, including denying that he was making assumptions. His counter-argument to Gene asking him if he thought there actually was a Roswell crash was something like, “No, that’s an assumption, but there was a crash, maybe more than one, about 1947.” I think that’s a stupid counter myself, like a kid saying, “I’m not jumping on the couch, I’m jumping on the CUSHIONS!.” As if the kid has made a logical triumph. It strikes me that Bassett is in his own ‘reality tunnel’ (The Robert Anton Wilson model) and he simply does not understand that he is in one.

In other words, I don’t think he’s all that smart.
It seems to me that although Bassett insists he is not assuming anything, in actuality, he is assuming nearly everything.


At the start of the show when he was talking about the current state of disclosure and the intelligence community and the aborted plans for disclosure in Bush Snr's term and on and on.

I got the sense there that NONE of that was based on any inside info from high placed sources. If some of it is based on inside sources then he should make a better effort to make sure that is known, because the way he pitched it on the show it just sounded like speculative story-telling to justify his 'profession'.
Well, I'm listening to the show finally, and it's literally making my hemmoroid ache. In my ass, is a pulsing, throbbing ache. I wasn't having trouble with it until I got about an hour into the show.

The thing that is making me so incredibly agitated is the repeating of the phrase "It doesn't matter!"

Credibility doesn't matter? Associating low credibility researchers with high credibility researchers doesn't matter? Basically, nothing matters as long as everyone feels good and gets to have a platform, no matter how much BULLSHIT it really is? No. NO NO NO NO NO.

Mainstream will NEVER take the UFO issue seriously until there is a wide range of established credibility associated to it.

Without that, even a small percentage of Bullshit taints the whole pond.
well I'm just past the first hour and i am enjoying the show very much.
that the guest provided the catalyst for Mr Biedny to take another "step" in his journey, seemed worthwhile.

my take on the "technology" can encompass both views as espoused.

i dont doubt there is technology that our brightest minds could not hope to understand, but there is also technology that we can.

if the universe is teeming with life as more and more scientific articles suggest, then its entirely possible that the supposed occupants of the alledged roswell disc, would be equally as unable to understand some of the stuff in our skys as we are.

thats an ET scenario mind you, ive been testing my "technical life after death" scenario more and more lately and it still fits rather well.
for example why do the bulk of abductions occurt when you are young, and often stop when you reach a certain age ?.

well if you are looking for cells with which to construct a series of bodies (the new ones would wear out and need replacing) it makes sense to get those cells when you are young. before things like radiation and toxins start to damage your DNA.

and if ive made a damn good guess, and that there is no paranormal life after death, no man with a white beard mechanism for everlasting life, but rather a technological one, and that our technology is starting to see their technology, it makes good sense to keep the waters muddy, to promote an ET hypothesis as an alternative to the "truth".

imagine for a moment a craft were to do the lawn thing, and the occupants were to confirm my guess word for word.........

proof of everlasting life beyond this one.

the world would go mad

in terms of disclosure, the world is prob ready to learn the little greys exist, and that they are here, it would not be ready to learn that the little grey men/women are us, our dead grandparents, our children, ourselves.

its been suggested they are Us, from the future.....what if thats not a collective reference, but a personal one

if thats the real truth, would you disclose it ?

from what ive read here everyone is comfortable with the idea the greys are ET's from another planet, a disclosure with proof of that reality wouldnt surprise or disturb anyone , but the idea that you personally wind up a grey when you die..... many have expressed horror at that idea......

disclosing that as a reality would not be a happy thing for many i suspect
Bassett and his X-con (X-con... heheh...) reminds me of a lot of the narcissist parade conferences that occur in the tech industry.

They have the same formula: they invite a few legitimate speakers doing real things and mix them with a lot of self-promoting morons and vaporware salesmen. The end result is that credibility is lent to the vaporware salesmen and the whole field is polluted. Whole tech fields (cough AI cough cough) have been completely devastated in this manner.

I'm sure Gene and Dave having some background in tech are aware of *exactly* what I'm talking about. :-)

Bravo. If only someone would do the same over in the tech field.

Peoples' credibility doesn't matter?!? LOL. When you add turds to the punch bowl, the whole thing tastes like crap. A little leaven...