well I'm just past the first hour and i am enjoying the show very much.
that the guest provided the catalyst for Mr Biedny to take another "step" in his journey, seemed worthwhile.
my take on the "technology" can encompass both views as espoused.
i dont doubt there is technology that our brightest minds could not hope to understand, but there is also technology that we can.
if the universe is teeming with life as more and more scientific articles suggest, then its entirely possible that the supposed occupants of the alledged roswell disc, would be equally as unable to understand some of the stuff in our skys as we are.
thats an ET scenario mind you, ive been testing my "technical life after death" scenario more and more lately and it still fits rather well.
for example why do the bulk of abductions occurt when you are young, and often stop when you reach a certain age ?.
well if you are looking for cells with which to construct a series of bodies (the new ones would wear out and need replacing) it makes sense to get those cells when you are young. before things like radiation and toxins start to damage your DNA.
and if ive made a damn good guess, and that there is no paranormal life after death, no man with a white beard mechanism for everlasting life, but rather a technological one, and that our technology is starting to see their technology, it makes good sense to keep the waters muddy, to promote an ET hypothesis as an alternative to the "truth".
imagine for a moment a craft were to do the lawn thing, and the occupants were to confirm my guess word for word.........
proof of everlasting life beyond this one.
the world would go mad
in terms of disclosure, the world is prob ready to learn the little greys exist, and that they are here, it would not be ready to learn that the little grey men/women are us, our dead grandparents, our children, ourselves.
its been suggested they are Us, from the future.....what if thats not a collective reference, but a personal one
if thats the real truth, would you disclose it ?
from what ive read here everyone is comfortable with the idea the greys are ET's from another planet, a disclosure with proof of that reality wouldnt surprise or disturb anyone , but the idea that you personally wind up a grey when you die..... many have expressed horror at that idea......
disclosing that as a reality would not be a happy thing for many i suspect