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Paranormal Adept
Some months ago I posted a little about a personal sighting I had. Not being a "true" believer I posted it. Thought about it and went on my way. I knew it wasn't the ole "Venus" thing that so many skeptics use. But, I was pretty sure it wasn't people from outer space either. I honestly don't know what or who it was. Anyway, today at work a fellow employee mentioned that her husband saw a u.f.o. in the same vicinity around the same time period. Not an exact match but close enough to let me know I didn't imagine it and that I was right about it not being a plane. It's funny how belief works. I'm basically a ufo skeptic. So, even though I saw something I couldn't explain it didn't cause me to radically alter my worldview. I'm still a skeptic but I am more curious and will be "watching the skies" in west Alabama this weekend. 8)
You know how this works don't you tyder? If you see them, that means you've been abducted, implanted, and released back into the wild. Sorry dude. Now you and Angelo (an abductee in denial) have something in common. How weird is that?
Oh Lord if I'm abducted don't let it be the greys...short little fellows with the big black eyes. From a galaxy far away! :p

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

B4 I get in trouble. The above lyrics were stolen from the old Art Bell Coast shows. It is a catchy tune. 8)
Better the Greys than the mantis-types people talk about. That's just creepy.

The insect types really creep me out. Can you imagine facing off against a 6 foot bug? My instinct would be to kill it instantly. I kinda feel the same way about any of the alleged alien types. If any of this stuff is real to any degree, these things are our natural enemies and I fully understand why they don't land on the White House lawn. We'd go at them tooth and nail. Is my primitive human-centrism showing? Well, I make no apology for it. I'm banned already by their mind-controlled minion, so ...
The insect types really creep me out. Can you imagine facing off against a 6 foot bug? My instinct would be to kill it instantly. I kinda feel the same way about any of the alleged alien types. If any of this stuff is real to any degree, these things are our natural enemies and I fully understand why they don't land on the White House lawn. We'd go at them tooth and nail. Is my primitive human-centrism showing? Well, I make no apology for it. I'm banned already by their mind-controlled minion, so ...

Yeah, people don't like bugs and probably not something that looks like them either. Insects are the only animal I can kill without feeling the least bit bad about it. In fact, smashing them is often a reflex reaction. Imagine that an ET race does finally visit and they look like giant cockroaches. People would be disgusted and it would be damned hard to look past that.
i personally go out of my way to save bugs. i will often let a mosquito have his fill just to watch how they do it. oh sure i have killed my share in the past but over all i appreciate them the more i learn about them and photograph them. i have been exposed to lots of bugs because my brother is among many other things a bug "wrangler". if a movie production or commercial on tv needs a bug they often call him.
i personally go out of my way to save bugs. i will often let a mosquito have his fill just to watch how they do it. oh sure i have killed my share in the past but over all i appreciate them the more i learn about them and photograph them. i have been exposed to lots of bugs because my brother is among many other things a bug "wrangler". if a movie production or commercial on tv needs a bug they often call him.

I rarely kill bugs as well. The other day there was a centipede in my kitchen and I let it crawl on to a napkin and I let him out. I hate mosquitoes though, but i just use a lamp that keeps them away.
i never knew a bee had claws until i photographed one up close... not an easy thing to do with no tripod.


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I have a friend who will actually put a black widow spider outside before he will kill it. But, he will thump the hell out of a moth. :p Humans, are odd creatures.
I don't know if "Kids in the Hall" (comedy troop) went much beyond the Canadian border with their weekly TV show; but one scene they did (at the risk of being riske -- or banned for some indeterminate amount of time) was as a couple of alien abductors on a coffee break discussing the humans they had abducted over the years. One of the aliens says to the other (paraphrasing), "...all of these years of abducting humans, bringing them on board and probing them with our equipment -- the only thing we have discovered is that about 10% don't mind..."
I will try to put a spider or a moth or a cricket out of the house. If I can't then I will kill it. If it is a black widow or a brown recluse or a scorpion I will kill it. We had a lizard in the house but we trapped it and put it back outside. Never kill lizards. In Hawaii it's considered good luck if a Gecko gets into your house. You shouldn't kill em though.
I will try to put a spider or a moth or a cricket out of the house. If I can't then I will kill it. If it is a black widow or a brown recluse or a scorpion I will kill it. We had a lizard in the house but we trapped it and put it back outside. Never kill lizards. In Hawaii it's considered good luck if a Gecko gets into your house. You shouldn't kill em though.

Yeah, I wouldn't kill a lizard either unless I thought it was threatening. I don't ever kill anything...except for bugs. I don't hunt, fish, any of that. Sure, if I needed the food I guess I would but despite basically being a redneck living in a redneck town when I hear of someone hunting for "sport" the first thing that comes to my mind is "retarded hick" or something to that effect. And there's A LOT of "sportsman" living around here. I can understand wanting to eat it, but why in the hell would you want (Even enjoy) to kill it? Meh, I'm veering off-topic as I tend to do.

But insects? I just can't feel bad for them.
Alan Dean Foster explored the bug scenario rather nicely in his commonwealth series


After reading this series i would be OK with meeting an insectoid ET
I will try to put a spider or a moth or a cricket out of the house. If I can't then I will kill it. If it is a black widow or a brown recluse or a scorpion I will kill it. We had a lizard in the house but we trapped it and put it back outside. Never kill lizards. In Hawaii it's considered good luck if a Gecko gets into your house. You shouldn't kill em though.

We live in very different places. We don't have any of those insects here. Worse thing we have here are wasps.
So, what about the common housefly ? I actually 'respect' Ants,Bees and the like, for that matter any colony building insects. I frigging hate flies with a passion though. If we took this subject a lot lot further...