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So, what about the common housefly ? I actually 'respect' Ants,Bees and the like, for that matter any colony building insects. I frigging hate flies with a passion though. If we took this subject a lot lot further...

Yeah, that's a good point. I never go after bees unless they're in my house. But then again, same with flies I guess. But I definitely dislike flies more. Funny how this turned into a conversation about bugs. Don't want people thinking I'm a some genocidal bug killer that goes around smashing them all over the place. Was just pointing out that when I find one in my house there's a good chance I'll kill it. But if it's a bird, some stray cat, a frog, a squirrel or just about anything else that doesn't seem like a threat to me I wouldn't try harming it, would just try to get it out of the house. But bugs? I don't know, I just don't feel bad doing to them what would make me feel terrible doing to a different species.
If I get stung by anything bee/wasp/hornet like, I'll most likely go straight into anaphylactic shock, i still respect these flying deathbombs for building 'working' societies. Same with ants, there is a sort of intelligence in hive-building insects, basic as it may be. Still, fuck Flies.
If I'm in my garage having a smoke and see a moth I cup it in my hand and bring it outside to let it go. I'll coax a fly back out the door as well. I don't mind the black spiders I see in my house on occasion but dislike the brown ones and kill them only because I think I have been bit by those a couple of times. Generally speaking I don't like to kill anything though unless it is a real threat. Sorry to be off subject of the initial post but the posts on the insect subject is pretty interesting.
Spiders scare the crap outta me. I mean the "scream like a 10 year old girl while throwing my kids in between me and the spider" kind of scared. It's absurd how bad it is. Hence, I have an extermination service. So, basically the only bugs I now see are in the backyard. Those tend to be caterpillars, bees, ants, and the occasional June bug. None of those incite my ire. Oh I know those friggin' spiders are around but I think it is a mutual understanding that we keep our distance from one another.
If you don't bug me...;) Fuck flies still. I Have window screens installed, still the occasional 'dude' gets in. I wonder wtf they are looking for, everything likely to attract those fuckers is 'fridged' away. Has any Exopolititian ever adressed flies ? I may bring this up to Mr. Webre.
We live in very different places. We don't have any of those insects here. Worse thing we have here are wasps.

The American Southeast is uhhh, blessed with a warm climate. Although, when it does get cold it really can get frigid. Same humidity that makes it so hot can be something in cold weather. But, we don't have enough winter to kill off all the insects. :-)

---------- Post added at 12:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

I watched a wasp building a nest one summer. It would fly across the road into the woods and come back to the exact same spot. It was amazing to see such a small insect going back and forth and never getting lost. As for flies. Those things are nasty. They land on horse poop and other stuff and then come into your house. Ron mentioned a June bug. When I was a kid I saw some older kids catch a June bug. They would put a string on it's leg and hold it while it flew around. Redneck kite. :p I'm kidding. Well, kind of but I do seem to remember that happening at least once when I was really small.
i never knew a bee had claws until i photographed one up close... not an easy thing to do with no tripod.

Ugghh, now imagine that thing 5-6 feet long. And bees aren't even the worst of them, not by a long shot. People say there are no monsters in the world, I say there is but luckily they are tiny.

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Speaking of flies I remember seeing a documentary where people in some poor country would get out these big nets and catch flies. For whatever reason in that part of the world (Can't remember where it was) they would fly around in swarms of millions. These people would swing the nets through the swarm and catch thousands of them. Then they'd grind them up into a black paste and eat it. Truly disgusting.
Got to love Bumblebees though.The clumsy best kind of flying insect. Thanks to Michael Bay, gimgsearch is worthless. I like those fat droning along dudes though. 'BzzZz'
OK, I get my mind on something and then I have to solve it or I'll go nuts. The place I was talking about (Where they eat the flies) is Lake Malawi in Africa. Actually the swarms are in billions rather than millions and they catch them with baskets rather than nets.
I was sitting reading this thread, my wife yells, "Is that the doorbell?" I go to the front door, open it, and I swear, a Gecko (apparently a special forces operator Gecko) who was clinging to the front door, launched himself at my chest. Nobody there but the Gecko. He bounced off onto the floor and made a mad dash for the study. I managed to get him back outside without any serious injury to either of us. Did the damn thing ring the doorbell? Was he a reptilian spy sent to stop my Lunar research from revealing their presence on the Moon? Sweet Jesus in a baby-cart! I think I'll finally go pour myself some of that Jim Beam Black and reconsider whether I want to continue down this obviously dangerous path. They are on to me.
OK, I get my mind on something and then I have to solve it or I'll go nuts. The place I was talking about (Where they eat the flies) is Lake Malawi in Africa. Actually the swarms are in billions rather than millions and they catch them with baskets rather than nets.

Sounds like New Jersey.
The American Southeast is uhhh, blessed with a warm climate. Although, when it does get cold it really can get frigid. Same humidity that makes it so hot can be something in cold weather. But, we don't have enough winter to kill off all the insects. :-)

---------- Post added at 12:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------

I watched a wasp building a nest one summer. It would fly across the road into the woods and come back to the exact same spot. It was amazing to see such a small insect going back and forth and never getting lost. As for flies. Those things are nasty. They land on horse poop and other stuff and then come into your house. Ron mentioned a June bug. When I was a kid I saw some older kids catch a June bug. They would put a string on it's leg and hold it while it flew around. Redneck kite. :p I'm kidding. Well, kind of but I do seem to remember that happening at least once when I was really small.

Yeah, frigid - we get to 30 below 0 here in the winter and 35 (95 for you Americans) and very humid in the summer here in southern Quebec. You should see the number that does on our roads.

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

With regards to flies, my cat pretty much takes care of any that find their way into the house.
I did have a war with ants this past summer - some made their way in the house and I enjoyed destroying the colony with the amazing liquid bait I found. If you have ants, use the liquid bait, you won't regret it. They love the stuff and they bring it back to the colony and kill everyone.
Yeah, frigid - we get to 30 below 0 here in the winter and 35 (95 for you Americans) and very humid in the summer here in southern Quebec. You should see the number that does on our roads.

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

With regards to flies, my cat pretty much takes care of any that find their way into the house.
I did have a war with ants this past summer - some made their way in the house and I enjoyed destroying the colony with the amazing liquid bait I found. If you have ants, use the liquid bait, you won't regret it. They love the stuff and they bring it back to the colony and kill everyone.

See, this is what I'm talking about. Now would any of you do that to a family of chipmunks?
Yeah, frigid - we get to 30 below 0 here in the winter and 35 (95 for you Americans) and very humid in the summer here in southern Quebec. You should see the number that does on our roads.

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

With regards to flies, my cat pretty much takes care of any that find their way into the house.
I did have a war with ants this past summer - some made their way in the house and I enjoyed destroying the colony with the amazing liquid bait I found. If you have ants, use the liquid bait, you won't regret it. They love the stuff and they bring it back to the colony and kill everyone.

&%@#^%$'ing ANTS!I have been in an all out war with these little tiny ants that have invaded my home this year. I've sprayed inside and out, and put out those little plastic ant bait things that says "Kills the entire colony in 24 hours..."....that's a load of crap. It's been weeks and they're still here!
Can't leave any food or drinks out or the next morning they'll be covered with them.
My next eradication step is going to have to involve liquid nitrogen or gamma rays or molten rock or something.
&%@#^%$'ing ANTS!I have been in an all out war with these little tiny ants that have invaded my home this year. I've sprayed inside and out, and put out those little plastic ant bait things that says "Kills the entire colony in 24 hours..."....that's a load of crap. It's been weeks and they're still here!
Can't leave any food or drinks out or the next morning they'll be covered with them.
My next eradication step is going to have to involve liquid nitrogen or gamma rays or molten rock or something.

None of that stuff works. This is the type of stuff I used, although I used the Raid brand because I couldn't find this one, which is apparently the best. As long as it's the liquid ant bait, it'll work. The only thing: you will notice a hell of a lot more ants for the first day as they all come to get their fill of the poison. They'll all die after that.

Ant Problem? Terro = Ant Control Solutions

Geez, the paracast is turning into an extermination forum.
None of that stuff works. This is the type of stuff I used, although I used the Raid brand because I couldn't find this one, which is apparently the best. As long as it's the liquid ant bait, it'll work. The only thing: you will notice a hell of a lot more ants for the first day as they all come to get their fill of the poison. They'll all die after that.

Ant Problem? Terro = Ant Control Solutions

Geez, the paracast is turning into an extermination forum.

Though i think she is nuts my wife claims that if you sprinkle cinnamon in a circle around the ant pile opening, they go away and find a new place to live. Its a waste of good cinnamon if you ask me. She does a bunch of garnering stuff and hates using chemicals.

I am the exact opposite. I want chemicals that establish a firm mosquito "No Fly Zone" around my house. Ideally, I want them to drop out of the sky at 40 feet. I can deal with ants so long as they are not of the fire variety and they are not invading my house. Otherwise I will be gunning for them too.
i never knew a bee had claws until i photographed one up close... not an easy thing to do with no tripod.
That's just too cool man! You Rock with a Camera Pix!

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

So, what about the common housefly ? I actually 'respect' Ants,Bees and the like, for that matter any colony building insects. I frigging hate flies with a passion though. If we took this subject a lot lot further...

I will normally capture and release a spider, centipede, or other insect back out into the yard, but I take out flies every chance I get. It's where I draw the line and that will not change.
None of that stuff works. This is the type of stuff I used, although I used the Raid brand because I couldn't find this one, which is apparently the best. As long as it's the liquid ant bait, it'll work. The only thing: you will notice a hell of a lot more ants for the first day as they all come to get their fill of the poison. They'll all die after that.

Ant Problem? Terro = Ant Control Solutions

Geez, the paracast is turning into an extermination forum.

I found some of the liquid, but I had to get Raid like you Angel. Already have it around the house. Hope it works.
Thanks Angel!