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...we are a backwards corporate fascist misogynist racist patriarchal zone of undevelopment.
Yeah, me too. But I threw my sat receiver out the window 7 years ago, so what's my excuse? Sometimes some of you folks take things too literally. When I say ETs wouldn't want to visit this blah blah blah place, I'm using a form of dark humor to suggest that we ain't all we think we're cracked up to be. I'm suggesting that we are not as important as we'd like to think we are, that most of us are walking around in a state of waking coma, without a frickin clue. And yeah, you're right, I AM entitled to my opinion—sorry if it doesn't conform to yours....I've noticed a direct correlation between how much a person believes the world is populated with mostly filthy sinners, and how much television that person watches.
99% of the people in the world are kind, honest, caring, helpful, generous, peaceful creatures.