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Paranormal Novice
Aliens wouldn't want to come to Earth because we are misogynists? I am hoping and praying I heard that wrong or somehow misunderstood what you said Chris.....it wasn't belly laugh silly, it was kinda sad silly.
...sad silly? Yeah, so is "our" view of women in some Arabic and African subcultural systems. Can you spell c-l-i-t-o-r-e-d-e-c-t-o-m-y? Or ignore bride burning in India or Pakastan? ... This is supposed to be "the modern world" right? Wrong. If that ain't misogynistic, and crimes against women/females, I don't what you'd call it! Wake up!
(rhetorical suggestion, of course)
I am not disputing the horrors of the above mentioned atrocities. But to assume that ET would steer clear of us because of that is silly. If we assume they are so well advanced technologically as well as culturally, wouldn't it be a reason TO visit us? If you believe that we must first achieve a perfect society in order to make formal contact then I would suggest that you get very, very comfortable.
And for the record...I can indeed spel.
I have to agree with BobF on this point. I've heard many who share Chris' view that due to the bad side of human nature, any advanced ET's would avoid us.
While that I suppose is very possible, I think that it presumes any other race would share our kind of morality views, when it is just as likely they maybe very, very different to us. Consider, if another race evolved from animals that are nothing like mammals, such as reptiles or insects, or something that doesn't even exist on our planet. It is still feasible for them to be sentient, very technologically advanced, but extremely harsh and unforgiving in ways we might find distasteful.

I also contend that any other civilisation that has reached the stage of exploring the galaxy, would automatically find any other species that is sentient and capable of communication, something extremely interesting and worthy contact. In fact, it might very well be our worse characteristics that interest them the most! If we display behaviour and motives anathema to their own, that might be the primary reason for initial contact!

But mostly I have to try and imagine ourselves in a distant future in which we may go out and encounter new intelligent species a la Star Trek and have to think that if we found a technological species capable of contact, we would find them very tempting to contact, regardless of their internal problems. It would be their differences to us that make them interesting surely?
our cat found mice 'very interesting', but they always ended up dead, and she was a nice friendly cat aswell.

until WE are the visitors, and are other less intelligent life-forms extraterrestrials, it will all end in tears, ours..
and the reason why we are earmarked for removal is because socio-culturally we are a backwards corporate fascist misogynist racist patriarchal zone of undevelopment. until we as a global culture can raise the standards of individual rights and freedoms our culture remains far from being civilized or modern.

i understand Chris' comments as more of a critique of global society and our inability to work for the benefit of each other, which one might think of as a standard for any future minded, advanced species. i think the statement that he has used in the past in conjunction with doubt about alien visitation is accurate, but more thought provoking about who we are and what we do on planet earth.


in the many sci-fi scenarios, where we imagine one day taking our place in the ranks of space faring civilizations, we often come out at the bottom, where 'to serve man' is about aliens devouring us as a food source. science fiction is traditionally used to comment on our situation in the here and now, and alien visitation, which is more likely to be a fiction than reality, works to help comment on who we are.

of course it would be impossible to know the mind of the alien or why they choose to visit or not visit our backwaters. but we can use it to talk about what we need to do to get our act together.
...we are a backwards corporate fascist misogynist racist patriarchal zone of undevelopment.

National Socialist Fascism is development. It's a step on the path to Global Scientific Socialism.

The Collective form of organization provides tremendous efficiency in harvesting human resources. After integration into the Collective via implanted cell phones, each drone (citizen) becomes a Peer-to-Peer node that increases the power the the Swarm.


The citizen can at any time be processing information, performing physical actions, or focusing its energy toward other collective goals.

No wasteful wars of conquest necessary. Aliens are more sophisticated than that.
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I thought their alien hive mind could not be confirmed because they're smart enough to send their bio-engineered grey robot drones instead of bothering to come here in the 'flesh' as it were. Meanwhile, if you just flash some shiny stuff in front if our eyes we quickly ask for the chip to be put into our brains and then we volunteer for permanent remote control consumer drone status. If only people paid more attention in English class when the teacher was droning on about irony. Instead we continue to marinate our brains in a lot of simply useless information. May our ruin be swift as we buzz towards oblivion.
Here's the thing.

All things considered, we're probably within a standard deviation or two of the mean of all civilizations in the universe.

Now there's a scary thought.
I always just roll my eyes when Chris goes on his humans-are-terrible rant, as he is wont to do. He is entitled to his opinion, of course.

Yes, mankind has done a lot of terrible things, but we've also made a lot of progress. So let's blame the whole human race because some craziness is going on in Rawanda? When you consider where we've been and how far we've come, and how much we've achieved, I think it's fair to say that humans are really pretty remarkabl. I can say that I'm proud to be one.

Perhaps Chris would like life better as a fish. Or maybe a moose or something. I don't know.
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Well at least moose don't perpetuate slavery - an ongoing problem in every nation of the world like sexual assault and extreme violence. So maybe there's also something to be said about the more peaceful aquatic lifestyle...
I agree with SPX. Humanity is a lot better than people want to believe.

99% of the people in the world are kind, honest, caring, helpful, generous, peaceful creatures.

Unfortunately, sociopaths do exist, and get most of the attention, especially on television.

I've noticed a direct correlation between how much a person believes the world is populated with mostly filthy sinners, and how much television that person watches.
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...I've noticed a direct correlation between how much a person believes the world is populated with mostly filthy sinners, and how much television that person watches.
Yeah, me too. But I threw my sat receiver out the window 7 years ago, so what's my excuse? Sometimes some of you folks take things too literally. When I say ETs wouldn't want to visit this blah blah blah place, I'm using a form of dark humor to suggest that we ain't all we think we're cracked up to be. I'm suggesting that we are not as important as we'd like to think we are, that most of us are walking around in a state of waking coma, without a frickin clue. And yeah, you're right, I AM entitled to my opinion—sorry if it doesn't conform to yours.
99% of the people in the world are kind, honest, caring, helpful, generous, peaceful creatures.

if that were the case the world would look a lot differently both in your local downtown, across the planet and yes, even on T.V., certainly you wouldn't see people routinely kidnapping, raping, mutilating and killing girls.

while i do believe that everyone is generally born good, and the majority may even know morally what is wrong and right, it doesn't stop the adult world from corrupting and destroying that narrative, replacing goodness with hate. happens every day.