I've read Pinker's work on the growing peaceful planet that is overall more civilized and less violent. However, the nuclear family behind closed doors has been allowed to perpetuate certain biases and hatreds that we still see at work on larger scales due to our collective indifference to the plights of others. So while you might not call the average citizen evil per se, the conflicts regarding sexism, racism, homophobia and classism continue to thrive in stressed first world societies.
And yes, I do believe that people are in fact born inherently good, definitely social, and in need of love and physical comfort in order to thrive. But, we continue to create a society that teaches its youth to hate themselves, to hate others who are different and to reject notions of defending differences. For me, any society that allows the suicide rates of youth to continue to rise and still reject the social pathways that could lead to less sexual assault of boys, girls and women, is a society that still hates, and accepts hatred as a way of being.
Some people think that Hooters is a fun place to party. I see it as a perpetuation of social attitudes that promote hatred, objectification and ultimately murder. Yes, I know, people will think me quite silly in making such statements, but I also think strip joints are ridiculous places to take your son to.
I also believe human beings are miraculous creatures whose creative, imaginative and scientific endeavors continue to stagger the mind and give one pause that we can do what we do, and that we do it so well. I am often in awe of humanity and our moments of jaw dropping brilliance and supreme compassion.
Still, 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, and with under reporting it's more like 1 in 2. Yes, I call that evil. We have problems we haven't really worked out yet nor do we seem to care to either.