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Illustrations from my first UFO book - 1979

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You can probably tell what some of the illustrations are supposed to represent; Betty & Barney Hill, Exeter, NH, Men In Black, Socorro...Funny how the description of the Hill's UFO seems dated from the 60's - complete with "fins on the side of the craft". I think in 2015 we would think "what in the hell would fins be used for on a vehicle that can travel at light speed?" - But it does seem plausible that in a 1960's mindset that a flying saucer might have fins on the side of it, IMO.
Quite imaginative illustrations.

If that one near the farmhouse is supposed to be the Exeter UFO seen by the police officers and Norman Muscarello, it’s not a very good illustration is it. Little resemblance to what they saw – a large silent dark shape with five brilliant red lights that flashed in alternating sequences which lit up the field in red light.
Quite imaginative illustrations.

If that one near the farmhouse is supposed to be the Exeter UFO seen by the police officers and Norman Muscarello, it’s not a very good illustration is it. Little resemblance to what they saw – a large silent dark shape with five brilliant red lights that flashed in alternating sequences which lit up the field in red light.
The farmhouse scene is supposed to be part of the Hopkinsville/Kelly farmhouse case (hoax). The Exeter, NH case is the flying saucer above the powerline.
The first UFO book I ever had, as a young kid, was The Hynek UFO Report. It had a drawing of one of the supposed Kelly-Hopkinsville creatures in it, and it used to scare me if I opened the book on that page - the pic still gives me the creeps now! :)
This book has it too. It shows the creature peering into the bedroom window of a girl. When I was 8 years old, I knew what the page looked like right before the alien/window page. So I would grab TWO pages at the bottom before I turned the page that way I'd bypass the alien/window pic and wouldn't have to subject myself to that right before I went to bed. I'll upload it later :)
I gather Blue Book had the K-H case down as a hoax but weren't there a large number of credible witnesses to the events, i.e. the two families and police believed that something actually happened that night?
The picture in Hynek's book was this one, though without the typed annotations; it doesn't quite convey the same menace when you're in your late forties but it was definitely scary when you were 9 or 10 and knew the whole tale to be 100%-true. :)
When I read the thread title I was initially under the impression that your first UFO book was like one you had authored yourself, and I was looking at the pictures thinking, "Geeze, I recognize these. These are classic. This is his stuff! Wow! Cool :cool:." LOL.
Ahhhh, I didn't think of that angle. I wish. I wouldn't know the first thing about writing a book. You know that show called "How It's Made"? My daughters and I love watching that show. They should have a similar one called "How It's Done" - and in the episode show how a book comes about from A to Z. :)
You can probably tell what some of the illustrations are supposed to represent; Betty & Barney Hill, Exeter, NH, Men In Black, Socorro...Funny how the description of the Hill's UFO seems dated from the 60's - complete with "fins on the side of the craft". I think in 2015 we would think "what in the hell would fins be used for on a vehicle that can travel at light speed?" - But it does seem plausible that in a 1960's mindset that a flying saucer might have fins on the side of it, IMO.
Too funny! The first photo is available as a light switch cover plate. I have it in my office.

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The triangle space ship is the only UFO that has flown in earth’s atmosphere as far as UFO.

The real flying triangle alien driven spacecraft accounts’ for 99% of all UFO documentation every since the Egyptians saw it and built there pyramids according to what they saw. As well as every other civilization, that built a pyramid around the world.

The triangle space ship has 3 round engines at the bottom of its enormous craft a craft that is the same length and width as the great pyramid of Giza.

The real triangle space ship has three round engines at the bottom of its craft engines that can be turned on and off one by one.

In the history of sightings, 96% of all sightings reported were nothing but the triangle space ship.

‘OMG I saw a flying saucer! What the viewer is really seeing is one engine turned on with the triangle ship in cloak.

OMG I saw 2 flying saucers side by side. What the viewer saw was 2 engines turned on and if side by side, then it was looking at the back 2 engines with the space ship in cloak.

OMG I saw 3 flying saucers in triangular formation. In addition, of course the triangle space ship.

OMG I saw a cylinder space ship. The viewer is looking at either the right side, the left side, and because I have rules and can only say things that are beyond 98% facts, I will say one thing that is bellow my knowledge. We have 3 recordings of a real triangle space ship and the back of it to me and my team is still unexplainable because it is something we just could not figure out, so with that being said.

The viewer when it comes to the cylinder explanation, they could also be looking at the back of it as well… that I do not know for sure on a scale of 35%.

Always count in 3’ 6’ 9’ when if comes to the real deal as far as videos are concerned always count the engines, its their one weakness, despite on how advance their technology is, no technology can cover up an engine or the source that makes crafts fly. They can cloak its ship but they cannot cloak its engines.

By the way, if there were a thing as flying saucers and cylinder alien crafts…then it would be a cylinder or saucer like craft flying on the back of your dollar bill.

3 species evolved to an exotic unique evolved race of speciel animals.the dolphine/grays the bird/triangle aliens and apes/humans.

Why do you think the eagle and the flying triangle are on the dolar bill.

Follow the pyramids around earth and you can fly with the triangle race through history.

Follow the eagle /birds and you will see where they landed and actually taught knowledge.

Follow the long gated heads and you will see just how close they came to humans as things went farther then just knowledge.

Mortals are ready for the grays its really easy…but the triangular race they still have beaks, their beaks never evolved into a nose like the grays did.

LONG STORY. Saucers never existed The saucer munipulation of ufology came from an event with a guy named kenneth arnold .

Starting June 26 and June 27, newspapers first began using the terms "flying saucer" and "flying disk" (or "disc") to describe the sighted objects. Thus the Arnold sighting is credited with giving rise to these popular terms. The actual origin of the terms is somewhat controversial and complicated. Jerome Clark cites a 1970 study by Herbert Strentz, who reviewed U.S. newspaper accounts of the Arnold UFO sighting, and concluded that the term was probably due to an editor or headline writer: the body of the early Arnold news stories did not use the term "flying saucer" or "flying disc."[17] However, earlier stories did in fact credit Arnold with using terms such as "saucer", "disk", and "pie-pan" in describing the shape. (see quotations further below)

Years later, Arnold claimed he told Bill Bequette that "they flew erratic, like a saucer if you skip it across the water." Arnold felt that he had been misquoted since the description referred to the objects' motion rather than their shape.[3] Thus Bequette has often been credited with first using "flying saucer" and supposedly misquoting Arnold, but the term does not appear in Bequette's early articles. Instead, his first article of June 25 says only, "He said he sighted nine saucer-like aircraft flying in formation..."

The next day in a much more detailed article, Bequette wrote, "He clung to his story of shiny, flat objects racing over the Cascade mountains with a peculiar weaving motion ‘like the tail of a Chinese kite.' ...He also described the objects as 'saucer-like' and their motion 'like fish flipping in the sun.' ...[Arnold] described the objects as 'flat like a pie-pan and somewhat bat-shaped'." It wasn't until June 28 that Bequette first used the term "flying disc" (but not "flying saucer").

A review of early newspaper stories indicates that immediately after his sighting, Arnold generally described the objects’ shape as thin and flat, rounded in the front but chopped in the back and coming to a point, i.e., more or less saucer- or disk-like. He also specifically used terms like "saucer" or "saucer-like", "disk", and "pie pan" or "pie plate" in describing the shape. The motion he generally described as weaving like the tail of a kite and erratic flipping.

What arnold really saw was the top of an triangle space ship but because of this misquote it made people believe in flying saucers.Flying saucers have never existed in any way shape or form when it comes to ufology and the history of aliens.Draw some pictures of the triangle space ship and i will give you one detail that know body knows about.
The triangle space ship is the only UFO that has flown in earth’s atmosphere as far as UFO.

The real flying triangle alien driven spacecraft accounts’ for 99% of all UFO documentation every since the Egyptians saw it and built there pyramids according to what they saw. As well as every other civilization, that built a pyramid around the world.

The triangle space ship has 3 round engines at the bottom of its enormous craft a craft that is the same length and width as the great pyramid of Giza.

The real triangle space ship has three round engines at the bottom of its craft engines that can be turned on and off one by one.

In the history of sightings, 96% of all sightings reported were nothing but the triangle space ship.

‘OMG I saw a flying saucer! What the viewer is really seeing is one engine turned on with the triangle ship in cloak.

OMG I saw 2 flying saucers side by side. What the viewer saw was 2 engines turned on and if side by side, then it was looking at the back 2 engines with the space ship in cloak.

OMG I saw 3 flying saucers in triangular formation. In addition, of course the triangle space ship.

OMG I saw a cylinder space ship. The viewer is looking at either the right side, the left side, and because I have rules and can only say things that are beyond 98% facts, I will say one thing that is bellow my knowledge. We have 3 recordings of a real triangle space ship and the back of it to me and my team is still unexplainable because it is something we just could not figure out, so with that being said.

The viewer when it comes to the cylinder explanation, they could also be looking at the back of it as well… that I do not know for sure on a scale of 35%.

Always count in 3’ 6’ 9’ when if comes to the real deal as far as videos are concerned always count the engines, its their one weakness, despite on how advance their technology is, no technology can cover up an engine or the source that makes crafts fly. They can cloak its ship but they cannot cloak its engines.

By the way, if there were a thing as flying saucers and cylinder alien crafts…then it would be a cylinder or saucer like craft flying on the back of your dollar bill.

3 species evolved to an exotic unique evolved race of speciel animals.the dolphine/grays the bird/triangle aliens and apes/humans.

Why do you think the eagle and the flying triangle are on the dolar bill.

Follow the pyramids around earth and you can fly with the triangle race through history.

Follow the eagle /birds and you will see where they landed and actually taught knowledge.

Follow the long gated heads and you will see just how close they came to humans as things went farther then just knowledge.

Mortals are ready for the grays its really easy…but the triangular race they still have beaks, their beaks never evolved into a nose like the grays did.

LONG STORY. Saucers never existed The saucer munipulation of ufology came from an event with a guy named kenneth arnold .

Starting June 26 and June 27, newspapers first began using the terms "flying saucer" and "flying disk" (or "disc") to describe the sighted objects. Thus the Arnold sighting is credited with giving rise to these popular terms. The actual origin of the terms is somewhat controversial and complicated. Jerome Clark cites a 1970 study by Herbert Strentz, who reviewed U.S. newspaper accounts of the Arnold UFO sighting, and concluded that the term was probably due to an editor or headline writer: the body of the early Arnold news stories did not use the term "flying saucer" or "flying disc."[17] However, earlier stories did in fact credit Arnold with using terms such as "saucer", "disk", and "pie-pan" in describing the shape. (see quotations further below)

Years later, Arnold claimed he told Bill Bequette that "they flew erratic, like a saucer if you skip it across the water." Arnold felt that he had been misquoted since the description referred to the objects' motion rather than their shape.[3] Thus Bequette has often been credited with first using "flying saucer" and supposedly misquoting Arnold, but the term does not appear in Bequette's early articles. Instead, his first article of June 25 says only, "He said he sighted nine saucer-like aircraft flying in formation..."

The next day in a much more detailed article, Bequette wrote, "He clung to his story of shiny, flat objects racing over the Cascade mountains with a peculiar weaving motion ‘like the tail of a Chinese kite.' ...He also described the objects as 'saucer-like' and their motion 'like fish flipping in the sun.' ...[Arnold] described the objects as 'flat like a pie-pan and somewhat bat-shaped'." It wasn't until June 28 that Bequette first used the term "flying disc" (but not "flying saucer").

A review of early newspaper stories indicates that immediately after his sighting, Arnold generally described the objects’ shape as thin and flat, rounded in the front but chopped in the back and coming to a point, i.e., more or less saucer- or disk-like. He also specifically used terms like "saucer" or "saucer-like", "disk", and "pie pan" or "pie plate" in describing the shape. The motion he generally described as weaving like the tail of a kite and erratic flipping.

What arnold really saw was the top of an triangle space ship but because of this misquote it made people believe in flying saucers.Flying saucers have never existed in any way shape or form when it comes to ufology and the history of aliens.Draw some pictures of the triangle space ship and i will give you one detail that know body knows about.
Is this Romanek or Horn just using a new account? Be honest.
I love the illustrations. A couple weeks ago I came across references to a book by George Smith (writing under the name Jan Hudson) called Those Sexy Saucer People. It was written in 1967 and described the Aura Rhanes story and other contactee accounts. I was developing a collection at the time, but somehow missed this one. It had interesting cover art, which is why my parents would not have approved - and why I will not post the illustration here. The cheapest copy I can now find is $250, which my wife won't approve for that reason - although the cover could also factor into it.

I can't remember the first book I had. At some point I had an original edition of Ruppelt's Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, NICAP's UFO Evidence, Fuller's book on the Hills, and a lot of others. Probably an Adamski book. I do not remember any with such great art.

At some point, while I was at school, my mother gave the books away to someone interested in the subject. She did something similar with my baseball card collection that went back long before I was born - I probably got a lot of the cards from someone else's mother. I can't really complain although I regretted it then and now. At the time, I believed more in the revolution than in flying objects. Now I am not so sure about either. I just wish I had gotten a copy of the saucer book and kept it hidden for the cover art.
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