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Imbrogno & Guiley Show

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Wonderful show--I'd call this is a classic Paracast episode. How lucky for all of us that Guiley and Imbrogno pooled their considerable talents to explore a subject that most of us know little about.

Military units in Saudi Arabia and Oman are out chasing the djinn? That info from Mr. I certainly grabbed my attention. If true it also reinforces the assertions by others that governments (US, Germany, etc.) are secretly pursuing numerous esoteric agendas to include: rushing to the sites of UFO crashes, attempting to capture giants (living or dead), obtaining the DNA of Gilgamesh and famous Egyptian mummies, and stealing antiquities from Iraq (especially cuneiform writings) and other far-flung places. Of course, as David Hatcher Childress would remind us, you don't have to go around the world to find the skeletons of giants. Super-sized skeletons have been uncovered in the United States for over 200 years. But where are they now? Were they all destroyed? I believe many are still around, stored in private locations. Michael Cremo was right: Archaeological finds that aren't described in standard textbooks are "forbidden." Considering all the anomalies that surround us, I think you could say with some accuracy that we're living on the Forbidden Planet.
Hello All,

This is my first post on the forum, although I have been listening to the show for over a year and have worked my way through much of the back catalogue. Keep up the good work Chris and Gene and thanks so much for doing what you do.

However, with regards to the last show featuring Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip Imbrogno... rarely have I heard people talking about a subject like this with such belief and certainty, the way that they discussed aspects of Djinn society in such detail and with such conviction while at the same time offering nothing more than vague historical references by way of "evidence" - it simply stripped them of all credibility in my opinion.

It reminded me of the way that Christians often defend themselves when being challenged about their faith by qouting passages from the Bible. If a book is old and well read, does it somehow become a 'factual' point of reference ? Personally I think not.

Phillip tried to convince us that he is still sceptical and balanced in his presentation of his research views by telling us that he had dismissed the more Islamic aspects of his research... /facepalm...

Although I love the more moderate and polite style of Chris O'Brien in comparison to that of David Biedny, I'd still like to see Chris try a little harder to challenge people like Phil and Rosemary, although their theories link in quite nicely with his own 'Trickster' research, I very much doubt that Chris would actually write a book based on anything other than a robust scientific approach. I felt uncomfortable with the voracity of the questioning, and not just in this show.

Appreciate that it's far easier for me to say this than for Chris to actually do it though, it's a fine line between being tough on the questions and being rude to a guest, we must remmeber that Gene and Chris actually have to book new guests otherwise we'll be bereft of a truly fantastic show !

Anyway, all negativity aside, great show - great hosts - keep up the good work and I hope my feedback is taken in the constructive manner intended.

Best Wishes,
However, with regards to the last show featuring Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip Imbrogno... rarely have I heard people talking about a subject like this with such belief and certainty, the way that they discussed aspects of Djinn society in such detail and with such conviction while at the same time offering nothing more than vague historical references by way of "evidence" - it simply stripped them of all credibility in my opinion.

Although I love the more moderate and polite style of Chris O'Brien in comparison to that of David Biedny, I'd still like to see Chris try a little harder to challenge people like Phil and Rosemary, although their theories link in quite nicely with his own 'Trickster' research, I very much doubt that Chris would actually write a book based on anything other than a robust scientific approach. I felt uncomfortable with the voracity of the questioning, and not just in this show.

I do appreciate what you're saying, but one thing I think it's worth keeping in mind is that in the radio interview format, expecting a guest to cite sources and "evidence" every time they make any kind of an assertion- or challenging them for this information every time they don't- is not practical, nor would it make for enjoyable listening. (at least to me)

Most Paracast guests are on the show to promote a book (or film or website)... I would much rather hear a conversation rather than a cross-examination. After that, I can read the book and see what sources and evidence are presented. It's fine for Gene and Chris to ask pointed questions, and they should, but I don't want them to demand an explanation for every statement. Give 'em enough rope, as they say.

That's my take anyhow. I enjoed the show too!
Most Paracast guests are on the show to promote a book (or film or website)... I would much rather hear a conversation rather than a cross-examination. After that, I can read the book and see what sources and evidence are presented. It's fine for Gene and Chris to ask pointed questions, and they should, but I don't want them to demand an explanation for every statement. Give 'em enough rope, as they say.

That's my take anyhow. I enjoed the show too!

Yes I see what you mean, a very difficult one to navigate and I know that we would probably all draw that line in a slightly different place.

"Give 'em enough rope, as they say." *chuckle* indeed.. :)

Nevertheless, I'll probably avoid rubbing any lamps three times and wishing for anything out of anger ! (at least for the time being..)

*Edit to fix up my qoute box - still working out how to use the forum :/
I might add to that, that I wrote Rosemary an email about something 'odd' that happened to me ( might sound strange, odd and funny to some, but I consider myself fairly well versed in the western hermetic/'magick' tradition, just to put it in context), and she was kind enough to reply soon.. Thanks again, and Phil Imbrogno is about as 'paranormal Indy' as you can get.
After having listened to this episode the first time, it occurs to me, and frankly, I’m surprised that no one (not even our esteemed hosts) have drawn a , what seems to be apparent (to my mind, at least) correlation between these descriptive tales of the so-called "Djinn," and the concept of "Crypto-Terrestrials" expounded by the late, great Mac Tonnies. Subsequent replays of the episode have only served to bolster my initial impression that these "beings," as described by Imbrogno and Guiley fit virtually point-for-point the characteristics and motives of Mac Tonnies "Crypto-Terrestrials." Do they not?

In my opinion, Tonnies (may he rest in peace) was really onto something, I believe many would (or, at least should) agree, and if one strips away all of the mysticism and religious taint surrounding the "lore" of the"Djinn," then one is left with an ancient and, in my view, intriguingly compelling argument for the existence of Mac’s "Crypto-Terrestrials," which serves only to bolster and reenforce the validity of his hypothesis for an ancient, "hidden," advanced society which exists in tandem with our own, and always has.
