Paranormal Adept
The Air Farce used to be a radio show. In one show they talked about early immigrants to Canada. The joke was that all those who wanted to build and invent went to the U.S. All those who wanted index pensions went to Canada The second joke that comes to mind was about war with the U.S. They joked that Canada would fire lawyers across the border because it had an endless supply.
The citizens of the U.S. are dynamic. You cannot hold them down on anything. There is a wide variety of views on any subject. Only in the U.S. for example could you have a group who is socialist, lesbian and Christian. I think there are more people in the U.S. working for truth and justice than anywhere else.
Here is an example of how what I am talking about. Ownership in the hands of the people, not the state or a few rich people. There are others, for example, the preppies and survivalist have another version about what to do. Here is the interview that brought all this to mind, start at about 8:30:
Here is the website that he is talking about:
The whole series is interesting:
What Would You Do If You Had Political Power? - Gar Alperovitz on Reality
Asserts Itself (5/5)
The citizens of the U.S. are dynamic. You cannot hold them down on anything. There is a wide variety of views on any subject. Only in the U.S. for example could you have a group who is socialist, lesbian and Christian. I think there are more people in the U.S. working for truth and justice than anywhere else.
Here is an example of how what I am talking about. Ownership in the hands of the people, not the state or a few rich people. There are others, for example, the preppies and survivalist have another version about what to do. Here is the interview that brought all this to mind, start at about 8:30:
The whole series is interesting:
What Would You Do If You Had Political Power? - Gar Alperovitz on Reality
Asserts Itself (5/5)