I will attempt to answer your comments and questions in order.
There is a book called Demanding the Impossible by Peter Marshall.
Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism: Peter Marshall: 9781604860641: Books - Amazon.ca It explains the different kinds of anarchism. There is a wide range of thought on this subject from communist anarchists to individualist anarchists. Charlie and I agree, I think, that people should not be made to do things that they do not want to do, and that the current system is not fair (i.e.) that the sociopaths run the corporations, that the corporations make the laws, and the government acts as their enforcer. Therefore, I think the differences between Charlie and I is that I do not think anyone should be able to acquire too much wealth which gives them too much power. The people who actually make the stuff should own it. Secondly, I would put an emphasis on that people need to look after one another. Really there is enough wealth that even if someone has made themselves destitute because of there own folly that they still could have food, shelter, and medical care.
I am wondering if you are confusing Marxist analysis ( a way of analyzing the economic system) with Marxist dogma ( a way society must be run.) If you read the thread the blob it might explain some more of Charlie's and my thinking
The Blob | The Paracast Community Forums
Finally I do not think that Charlie watched the video. The video and the website explain how people are taking control of their workplace and their cities, which I think Charlie would agree with them doing. Charlie has an idea of what human society should look like but no suggestions of how to get there. U.S citizens should be proud of what they are actually doing in spite of great opposition. I would also include preppies, homesteaders, and survivalist as part of the U.S people's struggle for justice, fairness and control by the people. They (you) should be proud.