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Inconsistencies, or One-offs in UFO encounters

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Paranormal Adept
A lot of people spend a lot of time creating links, via (often vague) consistencies in UFO encounter phenomena. Has anyone ever compiled a list of inconsistencies amongst encounters? Further, has anyone taken the time to organize and analyze one-off events in that area (creatures unlike any other, unique craft, etc.)?

Can anyone think of some of these inconsistencies that they've personally noticed? Does anyone want to chime in with their personal favorite one-off UFO encounter story/case?

I really like Flatwoods and Hopkinsville, myself.

As for inconsistencies, some general inconsistencies are procedures performed by beings, symbology, and intent of beings. Can anyone think of some specifics?

If I understand what you're saying correctly, your best chance to find that is to look into Vallee's work and check the UFOCAT database ( CUFOS ). Chris might have some idea about that to.
Yes, and in addition to Flatwoods and Pascagoula, there is that 'something grove' case in California, the one where the man had to fend off a gas-expelling robot and munchkins with coins and a crossbow!
I often think, as others do, that some aspects of these cases are so silly, they almost have to be true, in at least as much as the person reporting thinks that is what they actually saw. But this is related to a post I did elsewhere too in that if the ETH is the explanation for most 'proper' UFOs, then there would have to be multiple races visiting. Christ, I've heard enough variations of greys alone never mind anything else.

It is exactly these seeming inconsistencies that lead me away from ETH and more into say, psychic or trickster driven events?

In answer to you question - I think there are inconsistencies in far too many cases. It actually seems to be the norm. You are as likely to find major differences as you are similarities. Also, there is the very weird mixing of tech - Gene has often said that it seems that the UFO tech oftens seems not to be extremely advanced compared to us, but actually not that much advanced from wherever we are technologically. I don't agree with that in the main, but things like the airship sightings could go in that category.
There is the mixing of tech within cases too; there can supposedly be some UFO craft capable of amazing performance, hinting at extremely advanced propulsion etc but when it lands, out pops Robby the bloody Robot!

These inconsistencies are so mystifying, I find them personally harder to reconcile than the actual basic phenomena. All of these thoughts lead me away from ETH. Mind you, recently I've wondered if there isn't an actual ETH phenomena present and in addition, a psychic or trickster phenomena that uses the ETH to play it's games!

The head doth spineth.
I like the psycho-dimensional angle more than ETH. I think ETH is boring. Keep in mind, though, that I am coming from a skeptical mindset -- I just like the stories. ETH stories have only so far they can go. You can do anything with the other version, and there are some pretty crazy stories floating around that blow big headed, grey fellow tales out of the water.

Though, while I am a skeptic, I definitely throw the suspension-of-disbelief lever while having these conversations and reading these stories.

The one you're talking about is Cisco Grove. I believe it was actually featured on the show. I could be wrong. I listen to several paranormal themed podcasts, including "The Paranormal Podcast" and "Paranormal Underground." It could have been featured on one of those shows, instead. It's definitely one of the more interesting stories in the UFO/Unidentified Nonhuman Being "genre."

I forgot one of my other favourite stories is the one about "Flix" the Conser Lake bigfoot-like creature that could supposedly speak. It's been quite a while, but I'm 95% sure that was UFO-centric.
Yup, Earthlings attract the oddest collection of craft and entities... one is reminded of the famous bar scene in Star Wars... I tried to find the drawing of my personal favorite alien. It looks exactly like the salt shaker my grandmother used to have... There's also that flying ice-cream cone-looking craft—another personal fav...




Dude, these charts are amazing. Do you know of a place I might be able to find larger versions -- maybe even with a list indicating the associated cases? Some of these I've never heard of, but I can't make out the text (unless I already know what it says). The first one I'd frame and mount if I could find it in larger resolution.
Dude, these charts are amazing. Do you know of a place I might be able to find larger versions -- maybe even with a list indicating the associated cases? Some of these I've never heard of, but I can't make out the text (unless I already know what it says). The first one I'd frame and mount if I could find it in larger resolution.
lol, yeah, me too-- Look up the book: The Extraterrestrial Field Guide. There are a bunch of cool, high-rez images of so-called "aliens." A BBC show host tried to get me on-camera to comment on one of the weirder ones. I told him (when he asked me to tell him what it reminded me of), "It looks just like your mother-in-law." He choked on his irony and needless to say, my ad-libed quip ended up on the editing room floor... LOL---have fun--they're all on line...
cisco grove and the hopkinsville goblins are two of my favorite cases because of their high "what the f@&$ !!??" quotient.also another (but not quite one off ) was a grinning man sighting near a new jersey offrampon October 11 th , 1966 involving Martin Munov and James Yanchitis. Also the was an incident in one of jacques vallee's books...and I'm probably getting this wrong...where a bunch of fbi types went out hunting, came across a craft and occupants and one of the guys open fired on the occupants, hit one in the shoulder, spinning him around and the being exclaimed "now what the hell did you do that for?" Another similar one had a duck hunter panicking and firing on a craft only to hear a voice telling him to "stop shooting at us you idiot"

I also like hearing about any two dimensional humanoid sightings. One I've never been able to follow up on or locate was one I heard ...even in the context of being a proven hoax... was of brad steiger mentioning a case where the percipiant witnessed a cartoon/animated big bad wolf chasing there little pigs or something like that.

@ ProphetofOccam, albert rosales is THE guy to go to if you like reading about humanoids, especially the more esoteric ones Humanoid Sighting Reports & Journal of Humanoid Studies : Worldwide Yearly Listings of Humanoid Sighting Reports as compiled by Albert Rosales
That poster says it all guys. Well, it says to me at least that the ETH probably could never explain all of Ufology - I mean if it turns out X amount of sightings are genuine and there are all these crafts and beings then I would find it impossible that the whole thing would not be widely known now with the sheer number of different races etc.

What if there are an infinite number of dimensions and out of those, there are countless species that can cross over to our dimension? That would explain a lot. the psychic explanation makes a lot of sense too. But I still cling doggedly, in part at least, to there being some ET involvement.
I wonder if any of the above examples of ufo types could be "eliminated" as et in nature due to their design being impractical for interstellar or even hyperspace travel from a engineering standpoint. I know one shouldn't jump to conclusions but it would be nice if one could take design attributes in consideration in determining possible origins.
That poster says it all guys. Well, it says to me at least that the ETH probably could never explain all of Ufology - I mean if it turns out X amount of sightings are genuine and there are all these crafts and beings then I would find it impossible that the whole thing would not be widely known now with the sheer number of different races etc.

What if there are an infinite number of dimensions and out of those, there are countless species that can cross over to our dimension? That would explain a lot. the psychic explanation makes a lot of sense too. But I still cling doggedly, in part at least, to there being some ET involvement.

It seems to be a recurring theory that different shaped UFOs indicates different races from different worlds. Perhaps this is due to some sort of sci-fi hangover e.g. Klingon vs. Federation vs. Romulan and their distinctively different ships and home worlds. The idea has been further reinforced in nearly every sci-fi series since, and then migrated into online games. However when we consider the thousands of different configurations of flying craft created by humans, from miniature remote controlled drones to giant airships and everything in between, including hot air balloons shaped like Mickey Mouse, I see no reason to jump to the conclusion that hundreds of alien worlds must be involved.

The most widely reported beings associated with UFOs are humanoid, and just like we have several different races here, it is entirely possible that whatever world the aliens come from is home to all of them. If this were the case then after the first one developed interstellar travel, the rest would soon follow. No trans-galactic federation required. In contrast, trying to explain UFOs by piling all that into an Earth based "closed system" theory is very problematic. A single breakaway human civilization originating here is hard enough to logically rationalize, let alone several more races and all the additional resources and infrastructure required to support their various extraction, fabrication and construction facilities. IMO the ETH still handles it just fine. The galaxy is a big place.
The logical explanation is staring us in the face.
This galaxy, is teeming with life, add to that all galaxys are teeming with life.....

The real question is why are they so elusive..................

Not do aliens exist and are they visiting earth, but why are they avoiding us................
I think the problem that the folks who don't like the ETH have is that there is absolutely no reason to believe that any paranormal phenomenon is extraterrestrial, so they start thinking up alternatives. That said, there's no reason to think it's extradimensional, psycho-dimensional, spiritual, or that these planes of reality even exist. Speculation and imagination are what make this stuff fun, though. That's why I wouldn't say any of it is more likely than anything else, it's just that the ETH concepts aren't as fun to me.
@Ufology - I have given a lot of thought over this multiple race/multiple vehicle thing and half of me thinks, well we have countless models of cars and variations on those individual models etc. More choice than you can shake a stick at. Also, the human race alone has fantastic physical variations. The biggest giant suffering from agromegaly (?spell) or the smallest small person, might almost appear to not be the same species. Can easily account for the reported tall and short greys.
When we go to war, there are countless different land and flying vehicles and support vehicles and ones for deep sea and ones for subsea etc. Just us, the human race, can claim to have created probably hundreds of thousands of different looking modes of transport in the last 50 years alone.

So there is no apparent reason to jump to the multiple race theory.


I also think that if there comes a time when an Earth-based space agency can send vehicles to another inhabited planet, somehow I can't see us using the huge variety of reported vehicle types seen here?


I think that perhaps the technology is so advanced, that the ship can be altered on the spot depending on the mission. A kind of custom-morphing? If a race has managed to cross the interstellar distances without wormholes, then I can imagine they have some kind of super nano-material that can be programmed to alter shape and function.

If partly the UFO explanation is not ETH and is some kind of psychic-deal, then the craft may appear different depending on the observer!

In summary, I find there to be no logical barrier to all the reported types of craft etc. I just find it harder to put it down to a single race.
Ivan Sanderson's book "Invisible Residents" hints at the possibility of tech advanced creatures living in the depths of our planets oceans. That "they" are here, and have always been here- is possible. We have always lived on the land surface- there is so much more of our own planet we cannot explore.