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Inconsistencies, or One-offs in UFO encounters

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"If partly the UFO explanation is not ETH and is some kind of psychic-deal, then the craft may appear different depending on the observer!"

- A goggsveration

This is sort of what I was getting at. Like you guys I'm not so naive to think there is a one size fits all answer to not only ufo structural design but the field as well and the car analogy was dead on.

And here...I....Go :)

@ ufology But this being a field I'm not really knowledgable about, is there any trends that have been recorded design wise when it comes to craft? An analogy I will use (without knowing the numbers) is early on when it came to occupant reports you would think that every planet in the universe WAS visiting us

BUT (good idea goggs)

with some exceptions nowadays it's predominantly greys and/or reptilian, what the hell happened here, did the reptilians win some big turf war and put travel restrictions on everyone else ?
My main point though is this during that period was there any notable trends when it came to craft design? Sharks adopted evolving because the no longer needed to, cars ( to a point) stopped evolving in a functional sense and change only to physical appearence to appease the sensibilities of all the potential purchasers, I would wonder if any interstellar traveling race would be beyond such trivial things and be about function over form. Can any observations be made by comparing current occupant sightings vs. craft design? If a race was so advanced as to come up with interstellar travel for as long as they have...since biblical times apparently...would they need to get more elaborate in design? Do the sightings get more or less elaborate as far as exotic designs in that time frame ? Have you or any of your fellow researchers every compared notes or thoughts on any distinctions between the assortment of craft designs in a certain period and the occupants?
and let me get more anal, in the seventy plus years since the ufos phenomenon exploded variety of craft had shown up would you attribute that more to the possibility the all sudden we became a hot destination, or known about, for all the many worlds out there or in that time frame did their tastes change accordingly ?

As I write this I'm struck by that star trek episode where the enterprise came in contact with what they first thought was a klingon vessel because apparently the Romulans abandoned their bird of prey in favor of klingon design.....I always wondered if that was a post production shot because they screwed up because it didn't carry the story any, maybe it was a budget thing...at any rate maybe there is a race out there that had their $h1T together when it came to interstellar space travel and sells to many other races and can design vessel accordingly, even for the andre the giants of the galaxy so you don't know who you're dealing with until they pop the top, but the smart money would be on the little grey that would seemingly predominant throughout the galaxy.
I think the problem that the folks who don't like the ETH have is that there is absolutely no reason to believe that any paranormal phenomenon is extraterrestrial, so they start thinking up alternatives. That said, there's no reason to think it's extradimensional, psycho-dimensional, spiritual, or that these planes of reality even exist. Speculation and imagination are what make this stuff fun, though. That's why I wouldn't say any of it is more likely than anything else, it's just that the ETH concepts aren't as fun to me.

Well ... actually, I wouldn't say there is, "no reason to believe that any paranormal phenomenon is extraterrestrial". However there are those who simply dismiss the possibility based on any number of personal, rather than logical arguments. Admittedly the word "reason" here might be interpreted in more than one way, so first let's clarify that. The theory goes like this: There is sufficient evidence for the existence of UFOs to make it reasonable to believe that an alien intelligence is involved. This evidence consists of numerous firsthand experiences from competent witnesses, in some cases corroborated by other witnesses and/or instrumentation.

Although such an intelligence may or may not be terrestrial in origin, the absence of evidence on Earth for all the associated infrastructure, energy production, mining, fabrication, construction, maintenance, waste management and other facilities and markers of the civilization required to build, operate and maintain such craft, makes it very unlikely that any clandestine civilization exists on this planet. Perhaps 400 years ago we might not have been so confident making this claim, however with the advent of space based geography, including ground penetrating radar, the mapping of the sea floor, the various other sensors and detectors constantly monitoring the planet, and the sheer number of people roaming around, it is simply no longer reasonable to believe an entire civilization could go unnoticed.

So if the aliens aren't from here, then logic suggests they must be from elsewhere, hence ET. Technically, parallel universes and time travelers are also ET. Ultraterrestrials and the like are supernatural and supposedly beyond any scientific explanation and are held as being "indigenous to Earth", but IMO that is a cop out. It's just a cool sounding way of saying they come from some other model of reality, in which case we're back to parallel universes, and once again another world ( hence ET ). In the end, all possibilities apart from the standard ETH ( another location in our existing spacetime ) necessitate a degree of complexity that is far beyond anything required to explain UFOs. Our own universe is already plenty big enough. Even our quadrant of our own galaxy is plenty big enough, and there is no scientific reason interstellar travel is impossible. Therefore by all counts, the standard ETH simply makes the most sense. But how does that explain paranormal phenomena? The proposal is that nearly all paranormal phenomena can be explained by natural or technological means. We started a thread on that here: ATECH ( Alien Technology ) May Explain Paranormal Phenomena | The Paracast Community Forums
I'm glad you posted that alien tech idea again ufology because it reminded me of a point I was going to make in that thread but forgot about, and that is we've been throwing around et and id but lets not leave out cryptoterrestrials (who may have their origins as a et or id) because if we do accept the idea that mankind is being manipulated by other races who would stand more to lose or gain from our behavior than those that share the planet with us ? arguably much more so than somebody on the other side of the galaxy.

Maybe I should have posted this there instead ???
We are so limited in our perceptions even with instumentation that I think the possibility or probability exists that something is right here just outside of our ability to see it but it sees us.

Occasionally either through accident or intentionally it may have the ability to be seen. If it has the ability to be seen or make itself seen only in ways of its own choosing we can be manipulated by it.

There was a big to do about seeing UFOs in the UV spectrum awhile back. If a presence has the ability to morph into our visual realm it may also have the ability to change the frequency it is visible in. In that case changing the channel would be all too easy. I think the paranormal has an explanation in science but we are far from touching it. It seems to me that the possibility exists that something can toy with what we see and it knows if we see it and can change the channel so to speak.

As much as I believe the possibility exists for life elsewhere of different types I think it is equally plausable that we are alone or almost alone within our place here in the universe or with beings several notches above us who control their environment in the same space we use,heck maybe even all of the above.

People who claim to have had NDE or OBE experiences sometimes refer to a movie of their life playing and seeing beings. Something or someone must have recorded that information and to record the information they must have been invisibly present or engaged in some kind of a collection of life information.

The various descriptions that include so much variety almost seem like something is saying, " which costume should we wear today?" I find this more believable than the Ford UFO plant making the 2013 models 100 trillion miles away from earth. Anything is possible I suppose but I tend to go with the "they are already here and have been for a long time" theory. The factory and support for a ship built in an interdimension would not be seen but could still be right here.

Added to the possibilites above we have numerous unclassified manmade secret aircraft.We can investigate ,discover and classify those craft if a person is bold(or crazy) enough to venture where the info is.

The more I look into it the more I think that maybe we are being looked and pointed at with regularity. One great big goldfish bowl. Someone used the term trickster...I think in some cases definitely. The variety of the inconsistencies tend to indicate it. The seemingly far fetched accounts that seem more like an acid trip than a legitimate sighting leave the witness in question and run the gamut of strangeness.

It is important to look at what is consistant too and there seem to be many consistencies among many sightings. The classifications above are about as close as anyone has gotten so far with regard to what was seen.