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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- Spoiler Alert

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My son and I saw it last night. Loved it. Met all my expectations. Have to say that the inclusion of aliens in the series is very interesting.
This was by far my favorite of all the Indiana Jones movies. I went expecting a fun action adventure and it was better than I had expected. I certainly did not expect for it to be realistic in any way, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that it dealt with one of my favorite subjects!
Looking forward to seeing Iron Man, although I may have to wait till it comes out on DVD...
I finally saw it this past weekend. It was very enjoyable. Films #1 and #3 are better, but this was better than film #2. I had a smile on my face pretty much the whole time. There were some very nice, and some very subtle, touches. The subtlest was the opening Paramount logo. They used the old Paramount logo that they used during the earlier films and not the 3D CG current version. It was really nice that they did this because every Indy flick starts with an image in the shape of the Paramount mountain in the logo and you couldn't have done this with the current CG version of the logo.

The main difference between this film and the other three is that this one definitely turns into a science-fiction story whereas the other films were all historical-fiction stories.

Also, Karen Allen was wonderful to watch again as Marion Ravenwood. She was just adorable and I loved the rapport that the primary cast had together. It is definitely worth seeing even though it has some flaws.

I enjoyed the movie much more than I expected to. It was better than the 2nd or 3rd films. BTW, in regards to this not being "Oscar movie-making" the original film was nominated for Best Picture.

Anyway, here is a post I made commenting on the various UFO aspects of the movie, and how in particular it is probably the biggest airing of the ultraterrestrial vs. ETH in pop culture.
Saw the movie yesterday. Great special effects and a lot of fun. There was something missing and I can't put my finger on. Harrison Ford looked older as I except. I was good to see Karen Allen looking a little weathered as well, I guess there was little in the way of surprise. I knew (and no I'm not clairvoyant) what was going to happen before it did.
Oh boy ... saw the film last night with my partner, and well ... it was kinda a bit fun ... sort of. I seriously loved the last 10-15 minutes when the crystal skull was returned to the crystal skeleton, and all hell broke loose. The bit when the complex is broken apart and swirls around the rotating spaceship was pretty damn cool [I'm 40 ... but bloody hell ... that was COOOOL :D] ... as was seeing the massive UFO slowly rise away and just disappear.

So what was wrong with it?? I think it was maybe down to it being a bit too self-referential and jokey (?). It kind of felt like Lucas had had too much say in things. Those bloody prairie dog things for instance ... bloody hell ... is there now going to be a range of Indiana Jones Prairie Dog figurines and Fluffy Plastic Lunchboxes for the kiddies to spend their pocket money on ??

Also La Blanchett was a bit too ... Transylvanian, don't you think??. Is she an over-rated actress or what?? ... yes is the word you are looking for.

The best bits were definitely the quieter archaeological scenes when people weren't trying to be witty. I found I cherished those minutes so few there were of them.

Something I didn't expect was that I didn't find the kid (Shia La Boeuf ??? :D ... or something) as annoying as I thought he was going to be. I certainly found him less irritating than the returning Marion Ravenwood strangely enough.

Indy was Indy ... though a much slowed down version with less of a twinkle in his eye than the other films. Maybe going out with a stick insect does that to you.

All in all ... could have been worse ... and it was nice to see a Grey looking into Blanchetts eyes as she turned to dust and went up to meet her maker (Mr Dr Acula, 17 Vampire Crescent, Vampiria, Traaaansssylvaania). [Good on ya Mr Grey Alien ... you did us all a favour].

Still Spielberg going from ET to Interdimensional was quite a change ... was he trying to tell us something or was he just confirming things for us?? Come back in X number of years and we may or may not find out ... maybe.
Frozen E.T. Burrito said:
schticknz said:
It kind of felt like Lucas had had too much say in things. Those bloody prairie dog things for instance ... bloody hell ... is there now going to be a range of Indiana Jones Prairie Dog figurines and Fluffy Plastic Lunchboxes for the kiddies to spend their pocket money on ??

http://shirtiverse.com/ :D

Waaaaaaa ... where's me mummy? ... noooo ... waaaaaaaa ... etc

Actually, schtick has a thought. If the Jar-Jar Binks in the Star Wars Lego game had the ability to jump up quite high actually (the ONLY good reason for Jar-Jar Binks to exist in the entire universe in my opinion, then ... what the flamin hell would the Prairie Dogs do in the future Lego-ised version of IJATKOTCS (blimey thats hard to remember) ... ohhh look mummy, my character is now a ... "PRAIRIE DOG" ... look he can stick his head out of a hole in the ground and then pull it back in again ... but ... really quickly]

schtick ... not believing the sound of his ears ... which are now making strange but still kind of interesting buzzing noises and for no apparently good reason (I call it Lucasitis for no good or apparent reason but just because I can ... although I'm not a billionaire or have a beard ... or a penchant for really stupid comic relief bits in otherwise passable films ... think I need another one of those lie-downs again. Wish me luck ... :P)
I saw the movie tonight and I was very disappointed. First of all I went into it with decent expectations and I found it boring and couldn't get lost in the story at all.

The only convincing actor IMO was the crazy man being affected by the crystal scull that looked like cheap plastic. And the son...who didn't see that coming!!

The spaceship wasn't up top Spielberg quality either. Thumbs down!