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Insurrection USA 2021

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J. Randall Murphy
On January 6, 2021, Pro Trump ralliers stormed Capitol Hill, breaching White-house security ...

"The Senate stopped its proceedings, with Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) interrupted by an aide who said protesters were in the building. The House doors also were closed. In a notification, U.S. Capitol Police said no entry or exit is permitted in the buildings within the Capitol Complex. “Stay away from exterior windows, doors. If outside, seek cover,” police said." - Washington Post​
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Interviews with protesters indicate they genuinely believe that the election was stolen.
Trump reinforced this message in a tweet in which he claimed he

had won the election by a "landslide".

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5:30 PM Eastern, prominent Pro-Trump Flags abound. There were some concerns about Anti-Trump backlash.
The local police slowly took control. No outstanding violence. A curfew has been set for 6 PM

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By 5:45 PM a combination of tear gas, flash grenades, and police lines had reduced the crowd from thousands to a few hundred, most of whom have been slowly moved off the White House lawn. One woman was shot in the chest inside the Capitol building by law enforcement and has died. The Metropolitan Police Department said it was taking the lead on the shooting investigation. Police did not immediately provide details about the circumstances of the shooting.

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And from Facebook:

"This is an emergency situation and we are taking appropriate emergency measures, including removing President Trump's video," Facebook VP of integrity Guy Rosen said. "We removed it because on balance we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes the risk of ongoing violence."

Twitter has also removed content from Trump.
By 6:15 PM The White House had been secured and the protesters had almost completely dissipated. But not all protesters were obeying the curfew. Officials said at least 13 people were arrested, and five firearms have been recovered.


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And from Facebook:

"This is an emergency situation and we are taking appropriate emergency measures, including removing President Trump's video," Facebook VP of integrity Guy Rosen said. "We removed it because on balance we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes the risk of ongoing violence."

Twitter has also removed content from Trump.

Twitter locks President Trump's account after tweets about protesters storming US Capitol​

Crazy events and democrats supported rally and ended up in riots. Both Republicans and Democrats have encourage the build up. Four years of more trouble -live in intresting times. Covid-19 and all the UAP sideshow . Weather events ..
If only they could have seen this coming.

You know, like the entire rest of the planet and nearly every non-republican did for the past 4 or 5 years.

But, you know, that’s TDS and Orange Man Bad.

lunacy. If you supported Trump, you need to ask yourself some very hard questions. The day he was elected, I turned to my wife and said “there’s gonna be blood on the streets of Washington and an attempted overthrow of democracy by him before it’s done.”

and I’m a dumbass. It was inevitable.
Crazy events and democrats supported rally and ended up in riots. Both Republicans and Democrats have encourage the build up. Four years of more trouble -live in intresting times. Covid-19 and all the UAP sideshow . Weather events ..
Baloney. Democrats mostly called it out. If elected Republicans weren’t sycophants and cowards, he would have been removed from office when he was impeached.

You know, for openly bribing another country with tax dollars for dirt on the very guy that beat him.

Woman shot inside the Capitol has been identified

"Babbitt appeared an unlikely martyr for the president’s efforts to overturn his election defeat by Joe Biden. The 35-year-old married woman was a 14-year military hero, serving in Afghanistan and Iraq with the Air Force and pulling tours in Kuwait and Qatar with the National Guard."

No matter what her views, and even her participation in the occupation, I don't see shooting her to death as justified, especially given the immediate situation. I don't agree with the views she purportedly had, or deny that she was responsible for putting herself in a situation where getting shot was a very real possibility. But still I find this tragic. I cried after watching the video. I couldn't post it here. It has been taken down many places. But there is a link above.
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