• NEW! LOWEST RATES EVER -- SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE VERY BEST PREMIUM PARACAST EXPERIENCE! Welcome to The Paracast+, eight years young! For a low subscription fee, you can download the ad-free version of The Paracast and the exclusive, member-only, After The Paracast bonus podcast, featuring color commentary, exclusive interviews, the continuation of interviews that began on the main episode of The Paracast. We also offer lifetime memberships! Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! You can sign up right here!

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Free episodes:

There are other values you could add to a Paracast plus plan also which would increase the chance of success.

If you take what Strieber does with Dreamland he seems to do pretty good offering a membership. I don't like some of his guests and topics but his show seems to stay on budget.

You I think would have to advertise the hell out of it and explain to people, that you are not getting rich (and in fact you aren't) but instead you simply want to cover operating costs.
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We do plan to get the message across, and we've already posted some ideas of what we want to do to expand the service. I still want to make it easier for members to get the ad-free show files, and expand the chat room to a more formal environment. Special videos, forums and other stuff will come.
It might be a slow start at first but over time it will grow.

Special guest video/chat interviews would be an attraction to getting paranormal saucer heads to sign up.
Well, definitely video and exclusive audio content is on the table. The key is to build a large audience, and I welcome everyone's help to get the word out. This can be a major solution to all the ongoing financial issues done in a way that gives value to the people who subscribe.
Appreciating the new offering!
There are people out there who are willing to pay for quality paranormal podcasts - so many that it is possible to make a living for a premium offering like The Paracast+.
Hope it works for you.

It would be great to have an RSS feed for Paracast+, it is possible to require authentication on most podcatchers so that only those who pay have access.

Best Wishes
Just FYI: Chris and I are talking about non-scheduled and open-ended segments for The Paracast+ called "After The Paracast." The full game plan isn't outlined, except that it will be a short discussion, maybe sometimes with a guest, that will have no formal breaks. It'll just be one segment. It's still in the works, but you can see we are moving to expand the offerings beyond just an ad-free show.

This is a great time to offer subscriptions to The Paracast+ to your friends for the holidays.
One thing I thought would be neat, would it be possible to have paracast+ members send files...albeit with size limits.. via pm instead of asking for email addresses?
One thing I thought would be neat, would it be possible to have paracast+ members send files...albeit with size limits.. via pm instead of asking for email addresses?
There are limits to the size of files that we can handle in the forums. For Paracast+ we're using a direct link to the server. But you can still upload files within a private conversation if you want.
All right, this weekend's episode featuring Dr. Bruce Maccabee will include the first irregular episode of "After the Paracast," strictly for subscribers to The Paracast+. We're just getting started folks.

I wholly applaud your mentioning in the previous episode that these topics may not necessarily be paranormal in nature, but i hope your scope doesn't just include conspiratorial things but sociological in nature as that can be an important component of paranormal and non paranormal matters.
Appreciating the new offering!
There are people out there who are willing to pay for quality paranormal podcasts - so many that it is possible to make a living for a premium offering like The Paracast+.
Hope it works for you.

It would be great to have an RSS feed for Paracast+, it is possible to require authentication on most podcatchers so that only those who pay have access.

Best Wishes

First, I am very excited about the new Paracast+ and I subscribed as soon as I caught up and heard about it. Yes, please, an RSS feed so I can subscribe through my iTunes app and sync episodes easily across my devices and with my Sonos. Mucking with the metadata by hand and manually adding them is already a pain in the ass and I've only done it twice! Good luck Gene and Chris!

Well we need a little guidance on RSS. I'm in favor of having a better way to notify listeners about the new episodes, and I'm looking into solutions.

Anyone who is web savvy is welcome to suggest and help us develop better solutions.
Now I've been asked about alternate payment methods. The forum is designed to accept payments via PayPal. If you do not have PayPal, and do not wish to sign up, you may use a major credit card or MasterCard or Visa bank debit card a payment through the PayPal interface. Again, you aren't joining PayPal if you prefer the credit or debit card. It's just being used for payment processing.

We can also accept money orders payable in U.S. funds for annual memberships. Please write us (via the Contact Us link below) for information on where to send your payment.
I concur with ChrisJohnsen that it would be worlds easier to have the premium version pushed effortlessly onto my ipod rather than manually downloading and then messing with metadata in order to hear it. I have no idea how to make that work, though. With regard to members sending/sharing files, couldn't that be done by putting a file on something like Google Drive and making it shareable via a link? That way it wouldn't have to eat up Paracast server space.
We've got over a terabyte so I'm not worried about storage space.

I will continue to need some development help to make the setup more efficient when you want to get the files into iTunes.

Meantime we just put in a direct player window at the top of each show description page in +.
Sweet Fancy Moses! The Paracast + is glorious! Not having to listen to those insipid ads makes it the best $50 I have spent all year (Rockoids ads excluded of course, Gene). Some early feedback after listening to the Esker and Hall episodes, lose the bumpers. I've drank the Kool-Aid, I know the Paracast is the best and I know that I'm listening to it since I paid for it. Simply make the paid content as tightly edited to the meat of the intro banter between you and Chris and the interview itself. Get me in, get me out.

Great job guys and I'm looking forward to post-show commentary extras and anything else you come up with. I've been waiting a long time for this.

By the way, I'm only 30 past episodes from 2013 in having listened to every Paracast episode since the beginning!

The goal is to make the paid show same as the free show without the inserted ads.

Yes, there will be more: The After The Paracast podcast debuts this weekend strictly for people who subscribe to The Paracast+.