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Is an "Alien preemptive strike " Likely?

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[If I'm wrong and ETs (off-planet aliens) ARE interacting with this biosphere spinning in space, then my guess is they're here because of the amazing bio-diversity on Earth. As "Agent Smith" said to "Morpheus" in the Matrix "... [humans] are a virus." Perhaps (if they are truly here) we should re-consider ETs motivations and clean up our act (?).... :eek: --chris]

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists report

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It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.

Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth's atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by a Nasa-affiliated scientist and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans andalien life to make contact at some point in the future.
Shawn Domagal-Goldman of Nasa's Planetary Science Division and his colleagues compiled a list of plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, to help humanity "prepare for actual contact".

In their report, Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis, the researchers divide alien contacts into three broad categories: beneficial, neutral or harmful.

Beneficial encounters ranged from the mere detection of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), for example through the interception of alien broadcasts, to contact with cooperative organisms that help us advance our knowledge and solve global problems such as hunger, poverty and disease.

Another beneficial outcome the authors entertain sees humanity triumph over a more powerful alien aggressor, or even being saved by a second group of ETs. "In these scenarios, humanity benefits not only from the major moral victory of having defeated a daunting rival, but also from the opportunity to reverse-engineer ETI technology," the authors write.

Other kinds of close encounter may be less rewarding and leave much of human society feeling indifferent towards alien life. The extraterrestrials may be too different from us to communicate with usefully. They might invite humanity to join the "Galactic Club" only for the entry requirements to be too bureaucratic and tedious for humans to bother with. They could even become a nuisance, like the stranded, prawn-like creatures that are kept in a refugee camp in the 2009 South African movie, District 9, the report explains.

The most unappealing outcomes would arise if extraterrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident. While aliens may arrive to eat, enslave or attack us, the report adds that people might also suffer from being physically crushed or by contracting diseases carried by the visitors. In especially unfortunate incidents, humanity could be wiped out when a more advanced civilisation accidentally unleashes an unfriendly artificial intelligence, or performs a catastrophic physics experiment that renders a portion of the galaxy uninhabitable.

To bolster humanity's chances of survival, the researchers call for caution in sending signals into space, and in particular warn against broadcasting information about our biological make-up, which could be used to manufacture weapons that target humans. Instead, any contact with ETs should be limited to mathematical discourse "until we have a better idea of the type of ETI we are dealing with."

The authors warn that extraterrestrials may be wary of civilisations that expand very rapidly, as these may be prone to destroy other life as they grow, just as humans have pushed species to extinction on Earth. In the most extreme scenario, aliens might choose to destroy humanity to protect other civilisations.
"A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions," the report states.

"Green" aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. "These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets," the authors write.

Even if we never make contact with extraterrestrials, the report argues that considering the potential scenarios may help to plot the future path of human civilisation, avoid collapse and achieve long-term survival.

If "Green" aliens with an ecological conscience were going to wipe us out, wouldn't they have done it before we did so much damage already?

What reason would ET need to wipe us out? It can't be our current technology, or our resources (which to a space faring civilization would be infinite out there).

Why would aliens want to destroy all humans? We'd make great pets wouldn't we?
I suppose that an agressive alien invasion is possible. But thinking in terms of military style invasion and retaliation is assuming that they are more or less on our level. I suspect that if they are advanced enough to launch an interstellar invasion, then an interstellar invasion is the last thing they'd do. They are probably so far advanced that we wouldn't even know we were being invaded. For all we know, we are the invasion. Perhaps they created us by doing some evolutionary intervention, knowing full well that we'd evolve, get smart, map out and survey the planet, identify resources and build cities ... for all we know, to them we're analagous to the bacteria we put down into oil wells, and when we're done doing what we were made to do, our genes will time-out and we'll all just die off, leaving a ready made world for them to inhabit.

Personally I highly doubt an invasion.
As far as mineral wealth what do we have here that is not available in vast amounts throughout the rest of the universe and further more why would an Alien species go to all the bother of an invasion for the insignificant amount we do have here?
If it were to obtain control of the biological diversity here then an invasion is again pointless as they can collect that any time they like if the stories and eye witness accounts of their craft are anything to go by we could hardly stop them.
The final point is really what would be the need to wipe us out as we can hardly get the political will together to send people into orbit let alone or own moon so what threat are we to the rest of the universe with colonization?
I really think we are missing the big question here and that is why the sudden interest in alien invasion?
I have no answer to this sorry.
Someone else is watching 'Falling Skies' ?

Honestly, other then the metal (\m/) and sheer abundance of water, our little Planet does not have much to offer. IF, I think it would be because of H20, everything else doesn't seem likely. Or maybe biological matter. Soilent Green
If the reports of gigantic UFOs are true, I have to wonder why the incredibly large cylinders and so forth. Do you bring mile long aircraft (they are operating in the atmosphere) on a scientific expedition? Large transports are transporting something large, or large amounts of something I would imagine. You wouldn't expect anyone to expend the tremendous energy and material to operate such things for anything other than a positive return on the investment. Invasion? It is probably totally unnecessary.

But you have to wonder what are they carting back in forth in those things? Anybody care to speculate?
If the reports of gigantic UFOs are true, I have to wonder why the incredibly large cylinders and so forth. Do you bring mile long aircraft (they are operating in the atmosphere) on a scientific expedition? Large transports are transporting something large, or large amounts of something I would imagine. You wouldn't expect anyone to expend the tremendous energy and material to operate such things for anything other than a positive return on the investment. Invasion? It is probably totally unnecessary.

But you have to wonder what are they carting back in forth in those things? Anybody care to speculate?

Maybe it takes that much machinery or that large of a device for interstellar travel?
If they were here to take something, wouldn't it have been apparent long before now? (Assuming the ET hypothesis is true.)

IF they were here after something, what could it possibly be? Not water...there's limitless water in comets and frozen planets. Not metals....found in a plenty elsewhere too. Actually easier to get at too.
How about genetic material? Don't know what they would use it for though (hybrids aside).

It could be something we haven't recognized for it's value or it's use yet...???
If the reports of gigantic UFOs are true, I have to wonder why the incredibly large cylinders and so forth. Do you bring mile long aircraft (they are operating in the atmosphere) on a scientific expedition? Large transports are transporting something large, or large amounts of something I would imagine. You wouldn't expect anyone to expend the tremendous energy and material to operate such things for anything other than a positive return on the investment. Invasion? It is probably totally unnecessary.

But you have to wonder what are they carting back in forth in those things? Anybody care to speculate?

On the mother ship question. I figure they're probably multigeneration carriers. They don't have to go warp speed because the aliens have figured out how to live a really long time. So they cruise around checking out star systems taking hundreds of years to do it. So what if it takes a long time. What else is there to do if you have one of those things? You might as well go someplace, and if you live for thousands of years anyway, why not check out Earth? Our technology has gotten to the point where we can detect planets around stars, so their technology is probably even better and they probably pegged Earth as a destination ages ago.

You wouldn't expect anyone to expend the tremendous energy and material to operate such things for anything other than a positive return on the investment.

That is subjective though isn't it.

We don't know how much an alien phd in Exobiology is worth and what we think of as a massive expenditure of energy/resources might not be so massive to them.

For all we know, a 1 mile long ufo could be paid for in installments over ten years. It could be the equivelant of family car.

They could just be here for the coffee. Maybe like French wine, it is more valuable when it comes from the source.

So while an alien might make a fortune selling earth-coffee grown off-world, he would be able to sell it for even more if he actually came to earth to get the earth-grown stuff and then sold that.

*If I was an Alien I would look at Earth as a potential market- similiar to how western corporations looked at China years ago. By investing in earth you gain access to the markets, and can create a class of people you can do business with.

I don't think the public would have to know about this for such commerce to be occurring.
I put this in the "something I'm really not worried about" category.

But wouldn't people shit themselves if an alien invasion/attack really happened? Let's even suppose that it was the sorts reported in UFO lore; bug-eyed greys, mantises, even a few reptilians, etc. Even the UFO believers would wet themselves. I think this is more of an intellectual exercise for most believers than it is anything else. Deep down they don't REALLY believe it, the same way Christians don't really believe what they go on about (Case in point: App. 90% of people consider themselves religious, believing in one god or another. But when push comes to shove the majority of them abandon it in an instant. Look at criminal cases where defendants claim God told them to do it. Those defenses never work despite so many jurors being religious. Apparently they don't consider commands from the sky to even be a starter otherwise a few acquittals would be won here and there. When it's relegated to an intellectual exercise all is well and good but the moment the real world enters the equation all fantastical notions they might have subscribed to before ((And after)) are abandoned with little hesitation). I think that for many UFO believers this is more of something fun to think about than anything else. Even if they aren't conscious of it at their core it is as fictional to them as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.
But wouldn't people shit themselves if an alien invasion/attack really happened? Let's even suppose that it was the sorts reported in UFO lore; bug-eyed greys, mantises, even a few reptilians, etc. Even the UFO believers would wet themselves. I think this is more of an intellectual exercise for most believers than it is anything else. Deep down they don't REALLY believe it, the same way Christians don't really believe what they go on about (Case in point: App. 90% of people consider themselves religious, believing in one god or another. But when push comes to shove the majority of them abandon it in an instant. Look at criminal cases where defendants claim God told them to do it. Those defenses never work despite so many jurors being religious. Apparently they don't consider commands from the sky to even be a starter otherwise a few acquittals would be won here and there. When it's relegated to an intellectual exercise all is well and good but the moment the real world enters the equation all fantastical notions they might have subscribed to before ((And after)) are abandoned with little hesitation). I think that for many UFO believers this is more of something fun to think about than anything else. Even if they aren't conscious of it at their core it is as fictional to them as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

While not being a true beleiver, I'd still shit me britches if that kind of attack came. I think most self aware people would. Kind of like that show "Falling Skies" maybe?
Besides, it doesn't worry me in the least. If ET were going to invade, they have had a long time to do it, and we're still standing here.(Unless we are all in alien vats a'la The Matrix.)....Cue Twillight Zone theme......................
The issue is brought up in


The author makes mention of one species who encourage environmental abuse in target species, in order to justify taking control, not only of the biosphere in question, but also the species itself at a genetic level.
Someone else is watching 'Falling Skies' ?

For whatever reason, I find that show pretty damned interesting.

Honestly, other then the metal (\m/) and sheer abundance of water, our little Planet does not have much to offer. IF, I think it would be because of H20, everything else doesn't seem likely. Or maybe biological matter. Soilent Green

I'm not really sure what to think about an "alien invasion." I would speculate though, that if ETs are out there, they really don't need to invade. If they wait long enough we'll probably destroy the majority of human life and possibly most other types of life ourselves. Heck they could find a way to provoke a nuclear exchange. Then they can come in with cargo ships and labor forces to harvest whatever it is that they want to harvest.

Something I heard mentioned once is worth repeating: Earth does have an abundant source of something else that hasn't been found anywhere else: chlorophyll. The chlorophyll molecule is instrumental in photosynthesis, and in the creation of oxygen from carbon dioxide.

As far as harvesting humans (they're made of meat) I can think of many healthier meats to choose from.

Though I'm not sold on the ETH, if that ends up being true, I can see earth as one of many long term galactic science projects.
I'd like to think they would rewire us (synaptic). To fix what they perceived as a threatening anomaly menacing a galactic equilibrium.

They'll adjust us like a tv set ;)