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All the promised episodes will be aired. We're just doing a little rescheduling.damn David, you're such a teaseIs it going to replace the Richard Haines interview or will it be part of the same episode?
I hope youre not suggesting Bassett just pulled an answer out of his ass? I hope youre not also suggesting that Bassetts entire work is a long drawn out process of making shit up and leaning on false 'knowledge' about purported stirrings within Govt regarding the ET presence on Earth?
Here's a question for you, gentle readers - why didn't Bill Clinton disclose the "truth" about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth?
You know, I believe Raegan tried to....several times, in fact. And he was prevented from it. (imho).
I would be most interested to see a single piece of evidence that supports that belief.
Well there's a couple incidents that were in print about him suddenly starting to say there's his one famous speech where he says something like:
'I wonder how we'd react if an alien presence threatened our Nation, we'd all band together as one to protect oursevles, put aside our petty differences and no longer see ourselves as separate..'
Something like that, I'll try and find that speech...
And another where I think it was Steven Spielberg gave in an interview about his ET Movie...that he gave the Reagans a Private Screening of the movie and Reagan said something like: 'You don't know how accurate that concept may be' or some such thing.....
I'll try and find both incidents...
Well there's a couple incidents that were in print about him suddenly starting to say there's his one famous speech where he says something like:
'I wonder how we'd react if an alien presence threatened our Nation, we'd all band together as one to protect oursevles, put aside our petty differences and no longer see ourselves as separate..'
Something like that, I'll try and find that speech...
And another where I think it was Steven Spielberg gave in an interview about his ET Movie...that he gave the Reagans a Private Screening of the movie and Reagan said something like: 'You don't know how accurate that concept may be' or some such thing.....
I'll try and find both incidents...
Those things are definitely interesting Bixy, but going from there to having the opinion that Raegan was going to 'disclose' is quite a jump IMO.
The reason I said that was 'cuz in a recent UFO show (don't know which one) it was actually SAID something close to: 'It was believed that maybe Reagan was trying to share information to the world regarding UFO's' This was an actual Quote (tho I'm not quoting it correctly, the concept was definately PUT like that...(again, imho, maybe I misunderstood?). I think it was either the History Channel UFO show about Presidents and UFO's or maybe UFO Hunters or something. I think I still have it in my DVR. I'll find the exact quote later and post it.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least that a UFO show repeated those stories, and claimed they might be evidence, or placed them in that kind of context (particularly if that show happened to be UFO Hunters... ugh). That's most television for you - in the contest between the truth on the one hand, and advertising revenue / ratings on the other, the truth usually winds up taking a whuppin'.
Oh and there is one with a woman (Ann Eller) who worked with Allen Hynek just before he died which is quite short but has a few interesting points.