What have scientists found regarding Hessdalen & do these correlate to other high activity areas like Col de Vonce.
Taking pictures that show little or no detail, is there a way to combat this? He has commented that he feels the phenomena cloaks itself in a way that makes imaging of the object very difficult.
What is the role of consciousness on a sighting? Is it possible some sightings are witnessed through the 'minds eye' when our brain is perhaps in an altered state. . . . I don't think this initial study will be able to provide all the answers, I think Vallee accepts that. But what excites me is ANY ANSWERS!!
I agree that the study Vallee seems to be describing can't "provide all the answers" since it seeks to include soft data as well as hard data. To the extent that what Vallee proposes re soft data is what Burnt State and others want to pursue, the inquiry exceeds the limitations of our present understanding of human consciousness (i.e., the question concerning how much of what we perceive is entangled with subconscious ideation, which includes that which we somehow carry along in unconscious memory of human experience maintained in the collective unconscious). How much of that can be touched in the effort to 'categorize' ufo witnesses? How deep can interviews undertaken to 'categorize' these individuals go? How comprehensive can they be? And how will the interviewer’s presuppositions color his or her evaluation and interpretation of the validity and significance of what the witness describes of his or her experience? Ultimately, given all of the above, what can be established from this very soft data? I agree that such inquiry should begin, but how long it will take (and how extensive and coherent it can become) will depend on many factors.
Turning to the 'hard data', we also confront ambiguity involved in the limitations of our current understanding of the physics of the universe and of 'physicality' itself. The quantum substrate of physical forces and matter constituting the universe as we perceive it at this point in its evolution is also 'physical', but how it produces the macrophysical properties that constitute for us the sensible world we live in (whose properties we have so far measured in terms of classical physics) is another question for which we have as yet no answer(s). In recent years some physical experimentation and research has shown us that quantum processes persist and are measureable in some macrophysical 'objects' -- in plants, for example, where quantum processes are discernible in photosynthesis. I think what we have to recognize is that our 'hard data' are only somewhat harder than the 'soft data' we bring to the interpretation of our phenomenal experience in the environing world, within which we are limited by the always perspectival nature of consciousness. So what is 'real' in the sense of 'what-is' -- what we can determine to actually exist alongside us and around us in the world in which we find ourselves existing -- is yet an unanswered question for our species.
Naturally, in this situation, those scientists and other researchers who have attempted to understand the 'reality' behind ufo phenomena have had to rely on both human perception [itself a foundational capacity of consciousness and mind that is not yet fully understood] and the physical tools and measurements developed in classical physics, which, as we recognize, do not provide us with access to the whole of the physical world that has evolved out of the quantum substrate.
In my own take on all of the above, we are indebted to the various researchers who have performed the extensive gathering of phenomenological data in the many databases that Vallee recognizes and intends to integrate and expand in his proposed project, according to the paper he presented at the conference in France last year. We are further indebted to the studies of these phenomena undertaken by physicists such as Paul Hill within our present understanding of 'physics'. We have much more to learn regarding both hard and soft data involved in the effort to find out what ufo phenomena represent, and it is too soon to adopt any presuppositional thinking including the extraterrestrial hypothesis, which is, as @PCarr, says, only a conjecture at this point.
I agree, as I said above, with Mike Thoth's desire for any answers that can come out of ufo/UAP research. The research done at Hessdalen and similar locations on earth in particular shows promise in increasing understanding of the nature of phenomena similar to aerial UAP encountered in the atmosphere and in space. Massimo Teodorani, an Italian physicist involved for years in the work at Hessdalen, has published a number of papers based in his research there, at least one of which includes theoretical speculations on quantum processes likely in his view to be involved in what shows up for us in UAP. I'll look for the link to that paper for anyone who might want to read it.
One of these might be that paper I recall reading some years ago:
This search page of Teodorani’s papers provides links to much more of his practical and theoretical work concerning UAP and other phenomena:
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