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Is the PARACAST getting better?

Free episodes:

I should also add that indeed I agree there was no need for my choice of language in the earlier post. I could have just as effectively got my intended message across without the vulgarities and insult. Sorry for that Fcseven. It was reactionary, as my posts often are.

Respect for that Gareth. I do it myself and I'm not proud of it.

Listener round table was one of my fave episodes, and considering it was after the UFO roundtable episode I thought it was even better, having the average experiencer conversation right after the investigative conversation showed the delicate relationship between the two. It showed how both groups react to the issue, which I thought was really interesting to compare, due to the fact that both were so similar.

Love to hear another on of these soon, even moreso if you do another roundtable with known investigators before it.

The only thing I'd like to see in the near future is a good ol' fashioned witch hunt episode. There is an overwhelming amount of people out there that need to be brought to task.
Being that my InnerTubes access has been limited this year, I haven't been able to keep up with the forum and podcasts as I would like. But I did a little catching up the past couple of weeks and I have to say that the listener round-table was one of the best 'casts, simply because it was unique to the show. And I linked it to my site last week (plus Hastings and Eckers').

As to the issue that the show itself is improving, that's in the eye of the beholder. Being a fan of the show, I'd say yes. But these types of sites with 'casts are audience specific; most who tune in are curious about the esoteric and Fortean subjects anyway, so IMHO these folks would be prone to like the show and the format.

The real trick would be to do a general 'cast, but then economics play a huge role, Gene and Dave probably don't make much money at this and so banner ads and other advertising come into play. It costs too much to put out a general 'free' 'cast, unless your audience already knows what it wants.
Q U E S T I O N :
Is the PARACAST getting better?

This is subjective sure enough. I've been getting a lot back from the recent podcasts.

The show is evolving, and I'm impressed. It's a curious thing to try and chart, but it sure feels like the show is in top form. You know how when you drive a sports car, and you get it up to a certain speed and it starts to "hum" - ? Anyway - the show is "humming."

Example: The LISTENER ROUNDTABLE was really impressive. There is an important tone that comes from the ground UP (rather than the top DOWN). The researchers at the 'top" are vital, but their insights are sometimes less "human" than the very real folks who are experiencing these strange events.

There are no answers in this elusive field. But the PARACAST has - for me - been arranging the puzzle pieces in a way that allows me deeper and richer insights.

Thanks Gene & Dave.
your pal,
Mike Clelland!
Yes, I agree.
I think it has been better recently, but then I listen more to select episodes rather than most of them, as I once did.

But I greatly enjoy the increasing appearance of the "let's explore this topic fully and then if it is of no value beyond cultural/historical, if even that, dump it." The Ecker/Hastings interview was a great historical discussion with interesting implications and productive results. Far better than the usual single-author-with-a-niche-book-about-to-come-out. I understand why those happen, but I don't think anyone really expects them to be of the same value as something more determined.
The show is consistently of a high quality. When you look over the entire catalog of episodes you can't help but conclude that even with the few 'stinker' episodes (that everyone generally agrees are 'stinkers') the ratio of good to bad is not even arguable.

My problem is with me. I believe I am losing interest in field. Not because of the show at all. It is just the way it is right now.
The show is consistently of a high quality. When you look over the entire catalog of episodes you can't help but conclude that even with the few 'stinker' episodes (that everyone generally agrees are 'stinkers') the ratio of good to bad is not even arguable.

My problem is with me. I believe I am losing interest in field. Not because of the show at all. It is just the way it is right now.

I second that. There is no other show like it out there. Gene and Dave are just "quality" people, so it would be hard for them to really mess up a show :-)

Unfortunately I'm also losing interest in this field. Over the years I have certainly broadened my horizon, but what does it tell you when you study something for many years without getting any closer to real answers ...
I second that. There is no other show like it out there. Gene and Dave are just "quality" people, so it would be hard for them to really mess up a show :-)

Unfortunately I'm also losing interest in this field. Over the years I have certainly broadened my horizon, but what does it tell you when you study something for many years without getting any closer to real answers ...

I'll give you a hint, 42.
And this is only what they want the public to know. Guess what the DoD has going ...

they knew you would write that before you did! our thoughts are all being recorded in a giant computer system that cross references it all to see who they can control!!!

bwhahahahaah!!!! ;)