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It's time people stopped regarding babies as consumer goods that anyone is entitled to if they have enough money or an unscrupulous doctor.
If you get lucky, that's good. If you don't: life is hard. Not every problem can or should be fixed.
I kinda covered that. The answer is that they will, in all likelyhood, be quite different. Just because the DNA is 100% identicle, they will not (some say can not) be phenotypically identicle. Different genes will be turned on or off due to things such as early gestation temerature variance. To be honest, we have no idea why some genes are on and others are off. There is the whole Nature vs Nurture debate. It could be phase of the moon for all we know. Just rest assured, there will be genetically identicle yet phenotypically diverse clones long long long before we can master identical clones with identicle phenotypes.I saw twins the other day on a show, one was a midget the other wasn't. They looked nothing alike, other than two arms two legs. I wonder if clones could be as different. I don't expect they will, for awhile. But, that's just a guess.
It was a tv show I caught. Dealt with a midget couple with kids. Can't recall the title. I wasn't joking about the twins. Thought I'd mention this after my previous post about the baby who cloned the doctor.