These attacks on Jacobs are getting excessive. Feel free to criticize his methods, but more extreme behavior will mean removed messages and infractions.
The distinction between Doug and Emma is that the former hasn't tried to turn himself into a public personality, complete with Web site seeking sympathy and support. Doug remains under the radar.
I'm sorry you don't see that.
Hi Gene
I think Emma has become a public personality because Dr Jacobs began to refer to this woman with the inference that madness was her middle name in radio shows and interviews etc. It is clear Emma knew he was referring to her so began to tell her side of the story. The name Emma became public in that a public forum chose to display hear her side of the story.
Her story is that, as a research subject, she was attacked by Dr Jacobs - the audio tapes show his aggressive manner and attitude - explicit in both hypnosis sessions and teleconversations - and, what I regard to be, the implanting of memory to the point where she was when under hypnosis told by Dr Jacobs that she had multiple personaility disorder. If that isn't abuse by a so-called professional I don't know what is.
Even if Emma is crazy she still deserves to be treated as a human being. She hasn't asked for my sympathy however she gets it.
People who experience anomalous experiences aren't exactly treated with dignity and respect by the so-called mainstream. I would have thought someone researching the area would realise that and behave with compassion and diginity. I do not see that with Dr Jacobs and his cohorts who have sought to ostracise Emma and to stop her story.
Dr Jacobs will get my respect when he treats his research subjects with compassion and not contempt.
Yes I am upset because I see it more a case of when he falls not if he falls. What will that mean for our community? Will we become even more ostracised.
I hope you see this as reasonably presented criticism and not just an attack. If you are unable to see that Emma Woods has validity in her claims that is your choice. However I do think it is about time we as a community begin to talk about the effect Dr Jacobs', in my opinion in the least shabby at worst malpractice, methodology will have on public acceptance of our experiences.
No I do not think Emma has doctored the tapes.
No I do not believe Emma is phoney.
No I do believe she is mad.
I do doubt Dr Jacobs professionalism.
I do not think he has responded professionally.
Please do not forget that HE is the one who has obtained a public identity from others' experiences.