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It's Official: FAA Gives UFO/UAP Directive to USA Air Traffic Controllers

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[We knew this was the case, but now we have proof that Bigelow's BAAS is the official clearinghouse for FAA UAP/UFO reports. —chris]

Article HERE:


"It's official.

"Bigelow Aerospace, the Las Vegas-based company that makes inflatable low-Earth orbiting modules, is now the go-to company for close encounters of the airborne kind.

"The FAA, in a 10 December update to its air traffic control organization, tells its air traffic controllers to tell anyone wanting to report "UFO/unexplained phenomena activity" to contact Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a "new organization that is devoted to exploration of extremely advanced aerospace technology, including the so-called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or unidentified flying object (UFO) topics", says the FAA in the update.

"Contact info is listed as "voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail: [email protected], according to the report.

"Between 2001 and 2004, controllers were told suggest the reports be sent to another Bigelow venture, the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS). The FAA says NIDS was the "go-to" organization for the "reporting by pilots and air traffic control of UFOs in the United States".

"'NIDS is now defunct and has been replaced by the larger, more capable BAASS," says the FAA. "Therefore, pilot and air traffic control reporting of UFOs in the United States should now go to BAASS, vice NIDS.'

"The Wikipedia page for NIDS notes the group went under in 2004, and that NIDS was the FAA's go-to location for black triangle reports.

"Actual documents from the FAA telling Pilots to report UFO's to Bigelow, Check it out before it get's deleted.

"[link to www.faa.gov]

"Scroll to bottom
[link to www.faa.gov]"
Speilberg is going to have to make another director's cut for the first few minutes of CE of the 3rd kind.

ITFC: "TWA 517 Do you wish to report a UFO?"
Pilot TWA 517 "Yes, yes we would like to report a UFO"
ITFC: TWA 517, Be Advised. Please contact Bigelow Aerospace."
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Robert Bigelow said his parents saw a fiery balled foofighter once, and he's probably very interested in seeing one himself. I've been lucky enough to see a foofighter one night, in November of 1976, approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C.
I think he has seen all he ever dreamed he would see, technology wise already, he is an in-house secret keeper imo, agencies are subject to over-sight,and freedom of information, private companies are not, all secrets are privatised these day, theres only the illusion of freedom of information, anything important discovered by freedom requests are either errors / missed redaction or red herrings from years ago..
Shepherd Johnson recorded the phone message you hear when on a call into BAASS. He says:
The old recording was a woman's voice and it said "You have reached the BAASS unidentified aerial phenomena reporting hotline". This current one makes no mention of UAP or UFO. It just says that it's a "Incident reporting line". The previous recording was a lot longer and mentioned UAP 3 times.
Its the way 'information is handled these days, if you want something sat on,'contractors have the data protection act's, and freedom from freedom of information acts, if the dont want to show you a report, they wont, altho they will publicise how transparent a new system is.
This is from the 2012 FAR/ AIM (Federal Aviation Regulations/ Aeronautical Information Manual) used by all pilots. Page 926:

7-6-4 Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Reports
a. Persons wanting to report UFO/ unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unexplained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail: [email protected]), the National UFO Reporting Center, etc.
b. If concern is expressed that life or property might be endangered, report the activity to the local law enforcement department.

Online AIM for this year has changed. I guess it's no different for ATC or pilots.


7-6-4. Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Reports

a. Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/unexplained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as the National UFO Reporting Center, etc.

b. If concern is expressed that life or property might be endangered, report the activity to the local law enforcement department.
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