I've been involved with ufology for over 40 years and it never gets stale for me. Here's an example. A couple of years ago I decided to put The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects onto our website. Those of us who are into ufology know that this book was among the first really good exposés on the topic and many of us have probably read it more than once. However it was written back in the 1950s and I had long since moved on to read many newer books, many of which often repeated much of what had come before, so I was thinking that adapting the book to our website was going to be fairly tedious. I discovered completely the reverse. Because I had to go through the book paragraph by paragraph, I started to read deeper between the lines and suddenly saw some of the content in new and exciting ways. But in today's world we've come to expect rapid change and instant gratification. If it can't be downloaded and flashed in front of someone's face or played on someone's iPod it doesn't get any attention. And even then it seems that few people are taking the time to reflect on it afterward. So my suggestion for those who want more from the show, is to take some time to delve into some of the details on the topics the guests are talking about. Try doing a little of your own research or investigation. Who knows, you might even end up bringing something new of your own to the table. Ufology is a fascinating field with more branches than anyone can fully explore in an entire lifetime. So far as I'm concerned the show could be exclusively devoted to UFOs and I'd be even happier.
I like the way you think. I had a similar experience a couple of years ago as well. I downloaded and reread
"Science in Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations", written by the gentleman who's photograph I use as an avatar,
Dr. James McDonald. This report - written in 1969 - should be mandatory reading for anyone who is interested in UFOs. I'd guess that many of the younger generation aren't even aware of its existence.
The report isn't flashy or dramatic, but it's extremely well-written, well-researched and very intelligent. In other words, it's a genuine UFO study.
Jerome Clark calls "one of the most powerful scientific defenses of UFO reality ever mounted".
As far as "staleness" in the UFO field, it does exist, but like anything in this world, you have to do some work to find the real nuggets among the rocks. You can't just sit on your ass and expect great things to constantly fall into your lap. The Internet has done some great things to educate the masses, but no amount of technology can change some people. In fact, many people are simply lost causes, and the advanced technology in their hands does nothing except expose their stupidity to the rest of the world. Case in point:
The technology we now have at our disposal is unprecedented in human history (modern human history, anyway). Meanwhile, these older ufologists came up with some amazing work during their careers. Let's not go and insult them by wasting what we've got. If you've got some ideas to throw into the mix, do so. If you're not happy with the work others are doing, start your own work and build your own following. Share your ideas without being rude. Reach into the past and discover the amazing things you might have missed along the way.
Things can get boring from time to time, but at the end of the day, we all want the same thing, to understand just what is going on. We are the inquisitive ones.