I'm not sure how this thread got hijacked and turned into a 'God' conversation since the point I was trying to make is simply that the current process we are seeing of governments releasing files and military people speaking publicly on the topic amounts to 'disclosure'. Or, at least the closest we are going to get to 'disclosure' for a long time to come. There is going to be no major announcement, or anything dramatic, but rather we can simply expect what we are seeing now; a gradual and slow change over a long period of time whereby the topic shifts from being one of ridicule to one of general acceptance.
Realize here that I am not talking about government cover-ups, conspiracies, alien crashes, bodies, ET, or anything else of the like. I'm simply suggesting that the topic itself is slowly being accepted as something legitimate that we can discuss without resorting to outright ridicule and immediate dismissal.
To those who suggest that it will have no major effect,I largely agree on the one hand, but on the other hand it's hard to underestimate the general interest the public has on this topic.
All that said, I would like to make a comment about the 'God' meme which got injected into this thread. I am in the process of starting up a new podcast, titled 'The Dialectic Struggle', which focuses primarily on belief. Based on the conversations which got started in this thread, I would like to suggest an episode titled 'The God Word'. If you would be interested in discussing what 'The God Word' means to you and how you believe it applies to others, please contact me by personal email at:
I'll give you a heads up though, I will be focusing heavily on the topic of semantics and language as, I remind you, that 'God' is just three character symbols strung together which, realistically, hold no Universal meaning among the population of the earth.
The format of my podcast is a little different than most. Rather than interviewing just a single person for an hour or so, instead I try to interview a number of people for a shorter period of time to capture a greater range of opinion on the subject.