Hey, Ezechiel. First of all, it's Rick Santorum, not SANCTORUM. The latter is the plural possessive, the genitive plural of sanctus/sanctum in Latin. And don't tell me you meant that as a pun or whatever, you didn't.
If you would read my other posts on this subject, and gosh, have I have tried mightily to stick to the subject, you will see that I, and many Christians, are all for stem cell research, gay marriage, women's rights (where have you been?), and on and on and on as I have said in my posts, and this is commonly known by most people by far.
"Keeping religions and fundamentalists in check will definitely be a challenge for the next century." "Padding the supreme courts." "Interfering with civil liberties." "Oppressing women." Christianity is a "recipe for disaster and irrational beyond belief."
You try to come across, Ezechiel, as the new man, the creature of humanism and "secular values," the heir to "a cultural shockwave" engendered by "the internet and the global village." You left out the "multiculturalism" you say Jesus didn't have or forsee, and the "population control" he, personally, mind you (!), began.
Goggsmackay has heart, Ezechiel, if I may reference that fine Scottish gentleman. He thinks and wonders, and asks questions, not only in general, but to me, and the ones to me I have not claimed I answered anywhere near adequately. You parrot, what, I don't know exactly. As I've pointed out ad nauseam, you compress everything into one thing to make these big and grand points that rest, on, well, what? You come from the perspective of, really, contempt, derision, and ridicule of religion, specifically Judaism and Christianity, and are still living the conclusions you trumpet so loudly as some sort of epiphany from "grade school." As a teacher, I will tell you I am suspect that no growth in the understanding of the sanctity of history as a scholarly endeavor worthy of respect and study has seemingly taken place. In short, Ezechiel, you seem to be still stuck in grade school.
I really don't see how you can deny that your attacks are not from any factual basis, but are, rather, pretentious I think, attacks based on something in you personally that has nothing to do with the grand things that are truly historical. History requires an adherence to a willingness to understand it, to study it, and if you think Constantine "fabricated" Jesus and Christianity at the Council of Nicaea, well, ahem......................

If so, and you have said you believe that, you clearly have read nothing about not only Constantine or Nicaea, but of that whole period of the history of the Roman Empire and the history of Christianity. I know, in ten seconds you could embed something you found on that internet you triumphantly hold up as the new wave that supplants that horrible Christianity, but you haven't read much if any of Roman history.
Lastly, since you alluded to Santorum and mentioned Alvin Toffler, do you know who wrote the forward to Toffler's book, Creating a New Civilization? No, it wasn't Santorum, but when you mentioned Alvin Toffler, like your posting of the Gustave Dore picture you said proved your contention that religion was a conspiracy for population control, it rang a bell just as quickly as my recognition of the Dore picture, and I found my copy of Toffler's book on my shelves. Do you know? If you hate Santorum..................................
