Do your research. Cultural anthropology IS a branch of science, last time I checked. Perhaps you should read my book and study my arguments before making blanket condemnations with a sniff and a sneer. Oh, and while you're at it, re-acquaint yourself with Jung's work; Lewis Hyde's The Trickster Makes this World; Paul Radin's The Trickster, George Hanson's The Trickster and the Paranormal, etc,. I could go on and on, but what's the use? You aren't up to speed with this hidden subject which permeates our lives everyday.No, the concept of the trickster does not make as much sense as science. What a silly statement. Science has produced results. The trickster is just a useless hypothesis which can't be refuted because any attack on it can be blamed on the trickster himself! It gets nobody any closer to the truth. Anything we don't understand we just blame on the trickster? If that's the answer, let's just shut down reasoned inquiry and stop pretending we're ever going to get anywhere. Yep, I listen to the Paracast. It's very entertaining, especially the ads. I listen to it in hopes of hearing any progress at all in explaining the paranormal. But I have so far waited in vain. There has been absolutely no progress in getting at the truth of UFOs and if Vallee is one of our most esteemed thinkers, there probably never will be. Give me one example of where Vallee has added to our store of knowledge of the way the world really works. I don't mean speculation, theorizing, pattern-building, tale-spinning or any of his very entertaining folkloric mumbo-jumbo, but just one real speck of truth he's discovered that is now a useful part of human knowledge.
Close-minded ringers? I reckon I'm as open-minded as the next fellow, but I have to admit that belief is a thing that I do not give lightly. If you say that there's a trickster, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, you have to give me some proof. I'm waiting...
---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------
Wrong. Read my book before you attempt to put words in my mouth, thoughts in my head or beliefs in my heart. You too obviously need to get yourself up2speed on the subject...I think however that the problem with the whole trickster concept is this simple: it's a cop-out. Can't explain something? The trickster did it! If someone wanted to make the case that the trickster is a specific entity who engages in a particular behaviour then I'm interested in hearing about it. But if the argument is that the trickster is this nigh-universally present, all-powerful entity that just seems to like fucking around with people for the hell of it then why not just say "God" or "Satan"? Otherwise how at the end of the day is it anything other than paranormal fundamentalism?