I'm still waiting for a definitive interview, one where really new questions are asked...it too superficial regarding Vallée's work and ideas. It appears to me that few, if any, of his interviewers actually read all his books.
Vallee is a master of the fillibuster plus he's plugging a book. He has been doing this for 50 years and is very smart and slick with interviews i.e., I asked him "You have hypothesized we are dealing with a control system If this is so, in a 1978 Fate magazine interview w/ Jerry Clark you were quoted as saying, “Assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you can change the information that’s carried back to the system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback.” Can you give us an example of how this could be done, and to your knowledge, has this approach ever been attempted?" He answered by re-explaining his idea of a control system and he completely ignored the part of changing the information and inserting back into the loop, etc.
Here are the questions I wanted to ask:
Why did you decide to 'jump back into the UFO fray' so to speak, after such a long, period of public silence on the topic?
Should we consider Wonders in the Sky to be Passport to Magonia Part II
Toward the end of his life Hynek is reported to have told his protégé Jerry Clark that after decades of research he had come to the conclusion that “elementals” were behind the UFO phenomenon. If this is true, what finally changed his thinking?
For decades you have championed an out-of-the-ETH box approach to the UFO mystery, have you been pulled back toward the ETH at all and, if so, why?
You have hypothesized we are dealing with a control system If this is so, in a 1978 Fate magazine interview w/ Jerry Clark you were quoted as saying, “Assuming that there is a feedback mechanism involved in the operations of the control system; if you can change the information that’s carried back to the system, you might be able to infiltrate it through its own feedback.” Can you give us an example of how this could be done, and to your knowledge, has this approach ever been attempted?
There are researchers that are convinced that the Nazi’s were able to develop circular craft in the 30’s and ‘40s and that the United States appropriated this technology at the end of WWII and continued to perfect this technology. Do you share this opinion and, if so, could these craft account for a percentage of UFO sightings?
Manifestation of the UFO Phenomena appears to vary from region to region around the world. For instance: South America seems to have some genuinely bizarre and terrifying reports as you and Bob Pratt pointed out concerning the cases around Colares, Brazil in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. To his knowledge are there any other cases outside South America that have experienced this sort of "violent" interaction with innocent witnesses? Is so, what does this tell us about the phenomena’s agenda and why is it that many investigators/researchers simply ignore data that suggests hostility?
Many investigators are guilty of ignoring aspects of the phenomena that do not fit their concepts. (paranormal activity, confusion and disorientation caused by UFO). However does this not reflect frustration of investigators who for so long have clung to the material and physicallity of the objects in order to get the scientific establishment involved in the investigation. A sort of materialism that allows science a way of measuring the phenomena?
You have pointed out for years that UFO data arrives in waves. Are these waves changing over time, and if they are in what way or ways are they changing?
What role does the Gaian super conscious play in the manifestation of the paranormal and by association, UFOs?
Could paranormal and/or UFO phenomena be generated by this Gaian super organism that we are connected to? Are we witnessing an optimal survival program which the UFO meme could be part of?
Terrance McKenna postulated that shamanic or perhaps occult practices aided by psychoactive compounds are a viable investigative tool for investigating the paranormal. What are your thoughts regarded these compounds and the occult as an investigative tool?
In your previous interview on the Paracast you mentioned a hypothetical scenario where by a fractal being could possibly straddle dimensions. If that were the case, you cautioned not to project one’s conscious in that direction because it could come from anytime or place. How did you arrive at this hypothesis, and did the work of McKenna and others influence your thinking?
Is it possible that UFO's were build by ancient "People" not all that different from us, humans that once lived on this planet before our academically-accepted history?
What are your thoughts on the so called Ultraterrestrial theory or the idea of cryptoterrestrials living alongside us, but hidden?
Do you give a support or credence to the Vedas texts especially the "RIGVEDA" that suggest we that the human race is suffering from amnesia about our past history?
What is your opinion of remote Viewer data regarding the ETH phenomenon? i.e alien bases on the Moon, Mars and their supposed presence here on Earth?
What do you think about the alleged 'Ufo-government-coverup' and the Exopolitics movement?
The “Skinwalker Ranch” case may be one of the most intriguing paranormal cases on record. Is it your opinion that certain location-specific locales appear to have a focused amount of unexplained activity that exhibits a variety and intensity of unusual events not found elsewhere? How would you ID and define these locales and what scientific protocols would you employ to effectively study these areas? Is the best approach a public coalition of scientific investigators, utilizing a wide range of expertise (Medical Doctors, Psychologists, physicists etc) under one transparent banner, or is private funding of research such as NIDS the way to go?
Yes or no answer.
Are you still serving on Bigelow’s board of directors? Were you were directly involved with the Sherman Ranch case [and have entered into a non-disclosure agreement?] YES OR NO. You have qualified accounts from the Sherman Ranch in several interviews and referred to Colm Kelleher and his team’s work. Have you had personal experiences at the ranch and personally seen compelling events? If NO, have you seen images and/or data from the investigations that suggest something truly high-strange, or “other” is going on there? Has the Sherman Ranch effort gleaned any useful scientific data from the research conducted there.
Is there any evidence of unusual magnetic field effects in the Unitah Basin data?
In the questioner’s opinion: “NIDS reporting from the Sherman Ranch falls short of academic requirements and formats. The vocabulary isn't reflective of an academic education in science. The terminology and references are basic and they read like an under-graduate's first year assignments. The subsequent 'non-disclosure agreements' have closed the door on addressing any of these questions or concerns. Dog-headed men smoking cigarettes in trench-coats and huge critters crawling through 'portals' requires a large suspension of disbelief.”
[Since you are unable to talk specifically about Sherman Ranch activity?], and you since you recently visited the area w/ Dr Frank Salibury, can you confirm or deny reports that unusual activity has been documented by law enforcement officials this past year in the region surrounding the ranch? I have sources there that claim strange humanoid creatures have been reported -- by locals —even allegedly photographed. Are these crypto-creature sightings indicative of some kind of physical high-strange reality that is centered in this particular region? Or are these sightings modern day versions of dwarves, werewolves, skinwalkers or bigfooted faeries that occur everywhere?
What is the current status of NIDS and BAAS?
We’ve heard through the grapevine that you have been consulting Ted Philips with his work at the on-going “Marley Woods” case in Missouri. Do you see any similarities between the types of phenomenal’ events that Ted is documenting and investigating, and the activity that has been investigated at the Sherman Ranch? If so, how have these similarities impacted your thinking about location-specific phenomena?
What is your greatest fear or concern associated with the truth behind the phenomena (other than we will never know the truth)? Similarly, what is your greatest hope?
Decades from now when people look back at your groundbreaking work, how would you like your work to be remembered?
I do my homework for these show, and when it comes to Vallee, I have read every book he has written (including his novel w/ Torme) with the exception of Forbidden Science Vol II. At a discounted price of $42, I'm waiting for the paperback version. I have read all of his books two or three times, Dimensions, Revelations and Confrontations three or four times and Messengers of Deception more times than I can remember...