James Carrion
Skilled Investigator
Here's another response from Stan to James:
One would think that the Ghost Rockets as portrayed by James in his book are the sumtotal for ufology.I don't buy it. There is a context for pretty much everything in Life. James I can't seem to find a bio on you that makes you an expert on the scientific method, nor any degrees in science, nor seemingly any employment as a scientist.,Do you belong to any professional scientist organizations.? Have you published in scientific journals? How can one debate your book without reference to the huge amount of information that shows there is far more to the question of UFOs than is encompassed in your book? I did indeed say I expected baloney because you had previously published baloney. Most leapards don't change their spots.
Stan Friedman
Thanks Stan for showing your true colors - once again you use a debunking tactic you loathe in others - "if you can't attack the data then attack the person" or in this case "attack their credentials"... So let me get this straight - you have to be a published in a peer-reviewed journal and be a member of a scientific organization or be titled a "scientist" to embrace the scientific method? Please.
Since you read the book, perhaps you can point out which page discusses in the least bit my opinion of UFOs or Ufology? It doesn't. What your comment does betray is how incredibly insecure and threatened you are by what my book theory shows - that the Ghost Rockets were not an alien event but one of human deception. It is you that extrapolates that to Ufology as a whole and specifically to the Roswell sacred cow that you have spent half of your existence defending. So rather than consider the possibility that the Ghost Rockets are of more humble earthly origin, you pooh-pooh it without showing any evidence of your own to the contrary.
There IS a context for everything in life - and I specifically show that context as the early cold war between two superpowers - and I show it with official documentation gleaned over the last five years of digging through archives and official documentation. What do you have to show for that same period from 1945 - May of 1947?
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