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James Carrion, "The Rosetta Deception," July 20, 2014

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Here's another response from Stan to James:

One would think that the Ghost Rockets as portrayed by James in his book are the sumtotal for ufology.I don't buy it. There is a context for pretty much everything in Life. James I can't seem to find a bio on you that makes you an expert on the scientific method, nor any degrees in science, nor seemingly any employment as a scientist.,Do you belong to any professional scientist organizations.? Have you published in scientific journals? How can one debate your book without reference to the huge amount of information that shows there is far more to the question of UFOs than is encompassed in your book? I did indeed say I expected baloney because you had previously published baloney. Most leapards don't change their spots.

Stan Friedman​

Thanks Stan for showing your true colors - once again you use a debunking tactic you loathe in others - "if you can't attack the data then attack the person" or in this case "attack their credentials"... So let me get this straight - you have to be a published in a peer-reviewed journal and be a member of a scientific organization or be titled a "scientist" to embrace the scientific method? Please.

Since you read the book, perhaps you can point out which page discusses in the least bit my opinion of UFOs or Ufology? It doesn't. What your comment does betray is how incredibly insecure and threatened you are by what my book theory shows - that the Ghost Rockets were not an alien event but one of human deception. It is you that extrapolates that to Ufology as a whole and specifically to the Roswell sacred cow that you have spent half of your existence defending. So rather than consider the possibility that the Ghost Rockets are of more humble earthly origin, you pooh-pooh it without showing any evidence of your own to the contrary.

There IS a context for everything in life - and I specifically show that context as the early cold war between two superpowers - and I show it with official documentation gleaned over the last five years of digging through archives and official documentation. What do you have to show for that same period from 1945 - May of 1947?
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Jame's, how important can these ghost rocket's be, 99.99% of the population have never heard of them, and only 00.01% havent heard about roswell.
What does it matter who has heard of the Ghost Rockets today? Before Stan jumped on the Roswell bandwagon with the Jesse Marcel story, 99.999% of the population never heard of Roswell either. So using your logic, Roswell should have been swept under the rug back then....
Be sure to check into Nick Redfern's 700 page FOIA he got that shows there was a major outbreak of plague or similar disease in that same county and time of Roswell's crash. A 7yo boy lived just 3 miles from the crash site and died that same summer! Hint hint. Lots of people died with bleed out and fast. It became so worrisome that reports of these deaths were being passed on to all kinds of Feds (FBI Military CIA Atomic) worrying about bio-weapons outbreak. Jacques Vallee also said there could be a related bio-weapons or atomic issue [even unethical experiments] that might be related to the crash too -reasons for cover-up.

This would account for children's coffins, etc. Perhaps disfigured people too considering "the bleed out" and rapid death of these people. This was a serious outbreak that killed fast, so it probably spun-out of control at least initially. The main thing is this all started-up the same summer of "the crash". This should all be documented in Redfern's most recent book about people dying relating to UFO biz.
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OK, I've been through a lot of reading and have dusted off several books including the Mitrokhin archive. What I don't understand is just if Mr Carrion's theory is correct. If it was a strategic disinformation program and if Stalin was so obsessed about the rockets then I would expect to see this reflected in soviet / KGB archives and disclosures.

I like the idea of plague regarding Roswell, try reading unit 731 about the japanese bio warfare scientists brought back to the states at the end of WW2. They experimented heavily with flea's infected with plague...
Be sure to check into Nick Redfern's 700 page FOIA he got that shows there was a major outbreak of plague or similar disease in that same county and time of Roswell's crash. A 7yo boy lived just 3 miles from the crash site and died that same summer! Hint hint. Lots of people died with bleed out and fast. It became so worrisome that reports of these deaths were being passed on to all kinds of Feds (FBI Military CIA Atomic) worrying about bio-weapons outbreak. Jacques Vallee also said there could be a related bio-weapons or atomic issue [even unethical experiments] that might be related to the crash too -reasons for cover-up.

This would account for children's coffins, etc. Perhaps disfigured people too considering "the bleed out" and rapid death of these people. This was a serious outbreak that killed fast, so it probably spun-out of control at least initially. The main thing is this all started-up the same summer of "the crash". This should all be documented in Redfern's most recent book about people dying relating to UFO biz.
If it was bio then where was the testimony of men in white bio suits running around? Why only three little coffins? Why didn't Brazel get sick? Why send in your top scientists without bio gear? Why guard all of it without bio gear? More likely the base did bio testing that got out of hand to have cause local illness.
OK, I've been through a lot of reading and have dusted off several books including the Mitrokhin archive. What I don't understand is just if Mr Carrion's theory is correct. If it was a strategic disinformation program and if Stalin was so obsessed about the rockets then I would expect to see this reflected in soviet / KGB archives and disclosures.

I like the idea of plague regarding Roswell, try reading unit 731 about the japanese bio warfare scientists brought back to the states at the end of WW2. They experimented heavily with flea's infected with plague...

By that rationale you would also expect that the Mitrokhin archives would have included SOME information on both the 1946 Ghost Rockets and the 1947 Roswell events as well ... both events which would have been of KGB interest ...regardless of who was behind those events - but Mitrohkin and his coauthor don't mention either in the two books they wrote.
As far as a debate between these two, why bother? If it doesn't make you happy or make you money then don't. It's clear that these to clearly don't like each other and Stan Friedman has nothing to gain but everything to lose with such a venture. The most James can hope for is more book sales but how he's giving it away anyone who wants it can get it and it doesn't add to his bottom line.

I think the boat has sailed already.
As far as a debate between these two, why bother? If it doesn't make you happy or make you money then don't. It's clear that these to clearly don't like each other and Stan Friedman has nothing to gain but everything to lose with such a venture. The most James can hope for is more book sales but how he's giving it away anyone who wants it can get it and it doesn't add to his bottom line.

I think the boat has sailed already.

I have nothing personal against Stan-personalities tend to get in the way and flare up during heated discussions...but the bottom line is what the data shows. You can name call all day long but arguing facts is a different story. I guess Stan has no interest in arguing data - well at least not for the time frame in my book.

I also don't have any interest in making money off of the pursuit of truth ...and have no qualms about stirring the pot a different way that it has been stirred for the last 70 years.
Yes, you are really stirring things up, 2 years down, only another 998 years of the UFO phenomenon left to go [ i mean no-one expects you to go further back than that, your probably a busy man ].
Yes, you are really stirring things up, 2 years down, only another 998 years of the UFO phenomenon left to go.
Yes, you are really stirring things up, 2 years down, only another 998 years of the UFO phenomenon left to go.
Do you have anything substantial to contribute to this discussion or are you just the resident troll on this forum? Your response will answer that question...
Well get real, you delve into a 2 year period, and become the self-professed expert.
i mean it's nearly as meaningless as going on mastermind with a specialist topic of ''coca cola bottle label's'' 1945 to 1947.
I have nothing personal against Stan-personalities tend to get in the way and flare up during heated discussions...

Certainly in your case. I see little light coming from you so far, but much heat -- and all directed at Stan Friedman. My impression is that you are trying to provoke him into engaging in a public debate with you in order to gather visibility for yourself. It seems apparent that he is not impressed with your theory re the ghost rockets, likely because he knows better than to think that your hypothesis can explain all of the events of that period and their origins. Why keep pressing the man, and insulting him, if he doesn't want to engage in a debate with you on this subject? You're really after bigger game, anyway -- Stan's and his colleagues' Roswell research. Write a persuasive book that will engage and successfully undermine all of that research and you'll probably get more debates than you can handle.
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Certainly in your case. I see little light coming from you so far, but much heat -- and all directed at Stan Friedman. My impression is that you are trying to provoke him into engaging in a public debate with you in order to gather visibility for yourself. It seems apparent that he is not impressed with your theory re the ghost rockets, likely because he knows better than to think that your hypothesis can explain all of the events of that period and their origins. Why keep pressing the man, and insulting him, if he doesn't want to engage in a debate with you on this subject? You're really after bigger game, anyway -- Stan's and his colleagues Roswell research. Write a persuasive book that will engage and successfully undermine all of that research and you'll probably get more debates than you can handle.
To gain publicity for what purpose - to sell a book that I am giving away for free? If you really feel the need to defend Stan, your choice...I think Stan is a big boy who can answer for himself.
I wonder what your thoughts are on this link: PROJECT 1947: A Ghost Rocket Chronology - Joel Carpenter - Part One perhaps Mr Carpenter can give an opinion on Mr Carrions Ghost Rocket theory? Mr Carpenter appears to have conducted some in depth research into the same subject.
It is an excellent site..it provides a factual documented timeline that takes into consideration the geopolitical issues of that time...none of which scream cosmic Watergate... It is very well done
To gain publicity for what purpose - to sell a book that I am giving away for free? If you really feel the need to defend Stan, your choice...I think Stan is a big boy who can answer for himself.

Obviously not for the purpose of selling a book that you now offering free online. What purpose does that leave? Visibility for the sake of visibility itself. Only you can determine what your reasons are for seeking visibility.

Yes, Stan can certainly defend himself, but you won't take no for an answer and thus continue your stream of public criticisms and abuse of him. I'll continue pointing this out until you decide to stop doing it.
Wow man folks chill instead of chew each other apart work together lets find what hell this shit is instead. If James has found a element of deception well done man mind you properganda can work both ways up and down the chain of comand too in times of cold and hot war. James remember the MJ 12 files and is it possible its happened more than once?
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