The skeptics automatically side with any witness who does not think they saw a UFO. We are probably all guilty of bias though and it would be very unfair to put this behaviour all on skeptics.
I hope I am man enough to admit when I've been biased and when it can be shown to be the case, I will admit I was wrong.
Taking the case of Phoenix, no-one argues that whatever was seen - did resemble both a formation of planes and a large v or boomerang-shaped craft. Without corroborating evidence, we may never know.
What I am most interested in however, is the cases that are absolutely NOT a normal aircraft etc. Usually by virtue of performance or size.
I have asked the question of any skeptic reading this before that I am interested in explanations of cases such as Japan Airlines in Alaska. The sheer size and capability of the reported object rules out human-made craft and let's not forget that there were multiple radar hits indicating 'a flight size of two' - which basically means 'shit, we have a HUGE track'. Now, fair enough if we were only regarding radar data , there could be other explanations but when the pilot is relaying information as the event unfolds and he is looking directly at this huge object then I am just perplexed that anyone could dismiss this case.
I am still waiting for the skeptical view of this case. It only take one....
I hope I am man enough to admit when I've been biased and when it can be shown to be the case, I will admit I was wrong.
Taking the case of Phoenix, no-one argues that whatever was seen - did resemble both a formation of planes and a large v or boomerang-shaped craft. Without corroborating evidence, we may never know.
What I am most interested in however, is the cases that are absolutely NOT a normal aircraft etc. Usually by virtue of performance or size.
I have asked the question of any skeptic reading this before that I am interested in explanations of cases such as Japan Airlines in Alaska. The sheer size and capability of the reported object rules out human-made craft and let's not forget that there were multiple radar hits indicating 'a flight size of two' - which basically means 'shit, we have a HUGE track'. Now, fair enough if we were only regarding radar data , there could be other explanations but when the pilot is relaying information as the event unfolds and he is looking directly at this huge object then I am just perplexed that anyone could dismiss this case.
I am still waiting for the skeptical view of this case. It only take one....