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James Fox on The Paracast

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Great show guys.
I think James Fox is a good guy and a credit to the field of ufology.
I think Gene and David summoning up speech at the end was one of the best they have ever done.

PS.. i will buy james dvd when it comes out the guy needs our help being in that kind of debt sucks big time.
A fine show, and a great guest. My "woo-meter" never even twitched. :D
Good job, guys!

I will definitely check out his film when it's released.

Not sure if you have listened yet, but he mentions on this show that when he was selling the DVDs, if someone emailed to complain about the price, he sent them a copy free of charge just to get the DVD out there.

How cool is that!?

Yes that is true. I contacted him about a year ago and said I wanted a DVD for a UFO-related event that I was planning. He said "What's your address?" and he just mailed it to me for free! I didn't expect that.

If there is any guy out there who is worth your financial support, it is this guy. I gave money to Greer (waaaaay back in 2001 when he seemed like a sane man) and I definitely regret that. I also gave money to Stephen Bassett (which I regret slightly less). These days, I wish I had given that money to James Fox.
P.S. Awesome show. Fox is definitely fighting the good fight.

One question though: Why does Fox's mention of the "men in black" situation elicit incredulity from the hosts? Like abductions, MIB situations are very weird and often don't make sense, but the evidence seems to support that *in some cases* they do in fact occur. And like abductions, MIBs have been lampooned to death so that people laugh at the mere mention of it.

Still, it is a real part of the ufo phenomenon, in my opinion.
I liked this show too, and Fox is indeed a good guest. I hope he gets some kind of movie deal. And if it doesn't work out I hope he goes back to selling DVDs from his page.

I think Gene and David summoning up speech at the end was one of the best they have ever done.

You listened to that? I turned it off about 10 minutes from the end. I've heard all their complaining about politics and the media before. It's not that I disagree a lot with them, it's just that they sound a little like a broken record. Did I miss something good this time?
You listened to that? I turned it off about 10 minutes from the end. I've heard all their complaining about politics and the media before. It's not that I disagree a lot with them, it's just that they sound a little like a broken record. Did I miss something good this time?

We made fun of his accent, we put him down totally and called him bad names. We insulted his baking skills, critically attacked his editing skills, and faulted him for the current financial meltdown. I'm really glad you turned the show off before the last ten minutes, but as a personal favor to me, next time, please turn it off 10 minutes INTO the program. This will help me sleep better. I need all the sleep I can get.

I liked this show too, and Fox is indeed a good guest. I hope he gets some kind of movie deal. And if it doesn't work out I hope he goes back to selling DVDs from his page.

You listened to that? I turned it off about 10 minutes from the end. I've heard all their complaining about politics and the media before. It's not that I disagree a lot with them, it's just that they sound a little like a broken record. Did I miss something good this time?

I not going to kiss anyone's butt cheeks Brian, but look our world is fucked so when i hear someone speak who actually makes sense and is logical i respect that. Complaining is what you hear i hear something else entirely.
Not to sound like I've drunk too much Flavor-Aid, but I don't mind Gene and David filling up the last chunk of the show, or indeed once in a while if they just "went off" for 2 hours (as has happened) that'd be fine too. It's comforting just to know there are sane people interested in the paranormal, and our hosts are not merely sane but also smart.

I like getting an epilogue at the end of the show, perhaps it should be a permanent feature if popular enough. It usually provides some good insight. :D
I agree, it's good to get a wrap up on the show and hear what Dave and Gene's real opinions are on the guest once they have left or to get some type of editorial on this topic. I wish more hosts said what they really thought at the end of their shows and provided some editorial comments, it's a good way to tie things up IMO.
Not to sound like I've drunk too much Flavor-Aid, but I don't mind Gene and David filling up the last chunk of the show, or indeed once in a while if they just "went off" for 2 hours (as has happened) that'd be fine too. It's comforting just to know there are sane people interested in the paranormal, and our hosts are not merely sane but also smart.


I actually miss that they don't do a little preamble anymore. It was real good at setting the tone. I'm always kind of bummed when we don't get a little wrap up at the end too. I mean its not a big deal at all, but Gene and Dave aren't just hosts babbling on and on. Their insights into the subject matter are what make the show in my humble opinion.

I started listening to the show, but stopped to watch Out of the Blue again. It made the show that much better.

I can't wait to burn the witch at the stake next week. :D
Their insights into the subject matter are what make the show in my humble opinion.

Yes indeed. I too greatly enjoy these little "epilogues". Not so much the pre-ambles though... I find myself thinking "Just start the damn show!" A week is a long time to wait sometimes...

I can't wait to burn the witch at the stake next week.

'E turned me into a newt!
I find myself missing them, and wondering what happened to them when the talking stops, the music cues up, and then... nothing. At other times, one will appear and I begin to feel stirrings of sympathy for the poor schmuck who was interviewed because it is obvious his bucket is not holding water and our hosts are pointing out the giant leak that fast words and glib replies are not doing a thing to plug! I still haven't figured out why I feel sympathy sometimes, it may be an age thing...

When the guests are compelling, any time taken away from them is too much, when the guest cannot present themselves well, then Gene and Dave conversing afterwards is a bonus and makes listening to the end worth the time it takes to get there.

I am really looking forward to the James Fox installment (will that work, Aaron? rather than 'show'?) ;) and have been saving it for a time I am not so inundated in creating chocolate treats for the monkeys...

It really is too bad that guests of his calibre are not as plentiful as the other type, but as girls and women are fond of telling each other after breakups -sometimes you gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you get to the prince...
At the end of the show when you were talking about The Network. i heard that they did kill someone on TV, i believe they showed dr kevorkian killing someone on TV, for some type of TV special, right before he was arrested.

When you were talking about how people blame Bush for the Iraq war, people forgot that Bush is an Elected official, he repersents America, we put him in power (collectively not individually) So we are more at blame then he is, we let him do it. PS if people are calling bush dumb, all i have to say is if Bush is dumb then the people who put him into power have to be dumber, a fool cant fool you unless your a fool.
At the end of the show when you were talking about The Network. i heard that they did kill someone on TV, i believe they showed dr kevorkian killing someone on TV, for some type of TV special, right before he was arrested.

When you were talking about how people blame Bush for the Iraq war, people forgot that Bush is an Elected official, he repersents America, we put him in power (collectively not individually) So we are more at blame then he is, we let him do it. PS if people are calling bush dumb, all i have to say is if Bush is dumb then the people who put him into power have to be dumber, a fool cant fool you unless your a fool.

Gobble gobble.
Cosmic Ejaculator 1814 posted that youtube video on page one and James Fox mentions shiny objects on mars. anyone have a link to what he's talking about? Oh also, GREAT show. I can't wait for beyond the blue!