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January 1, 2017 — Sean Correia of Anonymous Uprising

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I get your point. But he was aware of Howe and Bassett. Not that it's all that much better, but curious that he focused on some of the controversial figures rather than people who are accomplishing good things.

Oh that's right. How could I have forgotten Howe and Bassett? :eek: Regardless, you are exactly right, especially when there are real scientists in the field. And his use of the Anonymous mask and some of their branding and video techniques is just really strange. It doesn't seem to jive with what he says wants to do.
I'm late on this episode as I was playing catch-up on missed episodes from the most recent backwards. I went in with an open mind and was curious as to what this guy would have to say and although I listened to the entire episode, I immediately wrote him off as a supposed serious researcher of the phenomena once he name-dropped Greer, Bassett and Hellyer (I'll give Howe a soft pass). I thought both hosts were diligent in their questioning and I appreciated the applied pressure and follow-up questions in trying to get the slippery and evasive Correia to be more detailed and forthcoming.

I went to the GoFundMe page to see the current campaign progress and if you subtract the recent "offline donation" of $262K from a Lybia Ortega-Diaz (who, with a little Googling, turns out to be his 71yo mother) only $750 in donations have poured in. More Googling lead to Sean's LinkedIn page where he lists being a "Senior Team Member" on the Sirius Disclosure project for a year (3/15-2/16), only 10 months removed from this recorded episode, so we know he was very familiar with Steven Greer and his "Sirius" documentary, having been deeply involved in foisting this ridiculousness on the public via his work as (from his own LinkedIn description) "Senior team member responsible for the business execution strategy, investor relations and strategic alliances. He assists with funding, execution, organizational structures and other aspects to ensure successful execution. Correia also provides specialized sales, marketing and business development guidance."

So given his own listed expertise on his, what I'm guessing is a highly embellished LinkedIn page - Specialties: Strategic Consulting, including business plan & sales strategy development - it's even more surprising and shady given his dissembling to Gene when he was pressed about the paucity of details, strategy and lack of a business plan on the GoFundMe $1 million campaign page. According to his own declared "strengths," that campaign page should be a high-level lesson in how to present a strategic business plan to raise $1 million for a "startup" project. If nothing else, the campaign page is a poor working example of his alleged skills and expertise.

IMO, the only conclusion one can come to after listening to the episode, investigating his connections and reviewing his alleged work experience and professed skills, is that he's taking a page from the Greer playbook and looking to fleece unwitting "true believers," of which there are many in the area of Ufology, to make a quick buck, though remarkably less successfully than Greer himself, so far. Unless, of course, you want to consider conning your own mother out of a quarter of a million dollars "successful." I would say there is a special place in Hell for hucksters like Correia.
He's either lying or fleecing his mom. Taking him at his own word, he's conning his mom. Or, maybe he's just an inveterate liar. Either option reflects extremely poorly on his character and integrity.
I'm surprised he has raised $750 tbh...
"There's a sucker born every minute." P.T. Barnum (allegedly). Which also just happens to be the mission statement of Greer, Maussan, Horn, Jacobs and so many others looking to dupe curious, but naive, armchair researchers and hobbyists interested in the ETH.
You'll notice that the donations mostly stopped after his appearance on The Paracast. That's all we need to say. And let's tone down the personal stuff.

What are you talking about? Who was I personally attacking? I was responding to Spectre's comment. As for the fraudsters I mentioned, are they not clearly in it for the money?

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It was a general comment, not specific to a person. It's getting close.

Also we have to consider the shades of so-called fraudsters.

Being in it for the money doesn't make one a fraud. Some are entertainers, so facts may not apply, and some have views you and I might not agree with.

And then there are people like Greer.
I notice that he has more than halved that alleged huge offline donation.

Which means the first was fake.

And no doubt the revision is as well.

And he's no longer seeking a million bucks.

Damned peculiar.

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