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January 15, 2016 — Kevin D. Randle with Erica Lukes and Goggs Mackay

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Gene Steinberg

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With Chris on the mend from his ongoing illness, I invited Erica Lukes as guest co-host, and our forum moderator Goggs Mackay on the panel, and both were great.

So was this the final episode — ever — on Roswell? Maybe not, but we have to be near the end in light of what Kevin Randle tells us in his recent book, “Roswell in the 21st Century.”

The impact of this interview forms part of our conversation in the accompanying episode of After The Paracast, an exclusive feature of The Paracast+.

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I was very impressed with Kevin's knowledge; it is virtually encyclopedic. So the conclusion seems to be that something came down near Roswell, but we don't know what it is.

Erica and Goggs did a good job. But so did you Gene. You were much more active than usual.
I must say I found it hard to be really engaged with the subject. I have nothing but respect for Kevin Randle and I really like Erica, she really is a great person - it's Roswell.

I do see what Kevin has done in this book but for those of us who are not researchers and maybe even for many who are, we are just not really learning anything new about this case and what we might be adding to the entire bulk of Roswell evidence isn't particularly thought-provoking or even interesting when compared with what else is out there to investigate.

Erica said on and off air about how the focus is on one case, explain that case or not, move on, repeat.....

When there should be more of looking at multiple data sets, looking for patterns, hard evidence with scientific equipment etc. There must be hundreds of interesting cases to look at and it's Roswell again.

As I said, no disrespect to Kevin Randle, but personally, I'm getting sober and off the 'Roswell'. :)
I must say I found it hard to be really engaged with the subject. I have nothing but respect for Kevin Randle and I really like Erica, she really is a great person - it's Roswell.

I do see what Kevin has done in this book but for those of us who are not researchers and maybe even for many who are, we are just not really learning anything new about this case and what we might be adding to the entire bulk of Roswell evidence isn't particularly thought-provoking or even interesting when compared with what else is out there to investigate.

Erica said on and off air about how the focus is on one case, explain that case or not, move on, repeat.....

When there should be more of looking at multiple data sets, looking for patterns, hard evidence with scientific equipment etc. There must be hundreds of interesting cases to look at and it's Roswell again.

As I said, no disrespect to Kevin Randle, but personally, I'm getting sober and off the 'Roswell'. :)
John Keel in THE TROJAN HORSE did this in the late 60's. Jacques Vallee soon followed. Lone voices have done this for decades, but they tend to get lost in the more popular sensationalist celebrity status of people like Stanton Friedman who seemingly has not changed his lecture notes for 20+ years. Look behind the so-called glitz and you will find that some "lone wolves" out there have done the kind of research you prefer.
Enjoyed the show one of the best on the Roswell Case. If ET/Unknowns have been here on Earth due to eyewitness will human race survive future encounters in space ? If our government have the evidence is it wise to keep the lid on the truth or let the cat out of the bag? Hope they have hidden technology to deal with any threat . Can humans deal with contact small example of thoughts from scientist interviews one being Professor Michio Kaku, the brilliant Professor Stephen Hawking and the late Professor Carl Sagan and Science Foundation debate on life,
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John Keel in THE TROJAN HORSE did this in the late 60's. Jacques Vallee soon followed. Lone voices have done this for decades, but they tend to get lost in the more popular sensationalist celebrity status of people like Stanton Friedman who seemingly has not changed his lecture notes for 20+ years. Look behind the so-called glitz and you will find that some "lone wolves" out there have done the kind of research you prefer.

Yes you are right. I should also have pointed out that there are people out there already doing such work and it is these people we should be speaking too.
I can only Echo what has been said. Sick to the back teeth of Roswell.

Roswell has grown its own arms and legs and has been running around shouting the same things for years no.

Having said that I do like Kevin Randle and wish him well with his book
Why was my question vetoed, Gene?

It wasn't - some of the questions posted had been covered during the interview and I had your question and a couple of others ready to be asked but we ran out of time - I know, surprising in a 2hr show but Mr Randle gives very lengthy answers. I've posted numerous questions over the years and most of them have not been asked either. Questions are usually done in the last couple of segments. Also Erica wanted to ask questions of her own as she'd wanted to interview Kevin for some time I gather.

There is pretty much no question out of bounds as long as they are not attacking the guest personally or mentioning something problematic in a legal sense etc. There wasn't anything wrong with your question.
One element which found so surprising is the amount of historical Stolen Valour in USA as stated in the interview and suggest by Lt-Col (ret) Kevin Randle excellent Book on 'Roswell in the 21 st Century " (2016) and it's not only US either.

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I've long suspected that the MJ-12 story was a fabrication to help shake loose some sort of legitimate evidence, and it seems that Randle has arrived at pretty much the same conclusion. I would however point out that there's no reasonable way to dismiss the evidence that something did crash near Roswell, that material evidence was recovered, that the military was involved, and that the whole affair has not been adequately debunked. Therefore, although Randle filters out a lot of noise, perhaps his filter has been set a little too high. IMO it's not reasonable to completely dismiss every credible witness just because it's possible that they may have misremembered some details.

Also, it's not entirely accurate that flying saucers weren't being viewed as extraterrestrial spacecraft at the time of the press release on the crash. In 1927 a sc-fi story by Ray Palmer titled, "Earth Slaves to Space," told a tale of spaceships visiting Earth to kidnap humans. In 1938 the famous War of The Worlds radio broadcast introduced the idea of crashed spaceships to the nation in a dramatic way ( literally and figuratively ). By the time the Kenneth Arnold sighting was published, millions of people had been exposed to the idea of extraterrestrial visitation, and when Arnold's story hit the newsstands, it ignited a flurry of similar stories in the weeks leading-up to The Roswell Incident.

The bottom line is that although there are those who want the Roswell Incident to go away, and would like to think that this latest effort seals the coffin. It doesn't. The case has neither been proven nor disproven, and there's more evidence that something did crash than not. Therefore although the trail is presently cold, the case is a mystery that remains unsolved. There's also no absolute proof that the whole MJ-12 story is a fabrication. Nobody has confessed to forging all the documents, and we don't know with certainty who did forge the fabrications. It's possible that insiders are involved in a disinformation scheme. Certainly somebody seems to be.
i got the impression from listening to this episode that Kevin veiw on Roswell is Jaded. he was clear he still believes on E.T. but just thinks this has to many holes in the stories. how could you have that many interviews be convinced, and then change your mind almost 30 years later? Something seems off about this (to me).

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