Ok, well, I read through everyone else's post and wanted to add my bit of reading/ experience for what little bit it is worth. I picked up Dr Suprise's book after listening. I was highly intrigued by his proposition that synchronicity is, in fact, CAUSAL. As a Jungian, I have learned that it is Acausal. That seemed to be my experience as well due to the randomness of my own many synchoronicities. After reading this, I started wondering at my mind being a causal piece of the synchronicity puzzle, as Dr Surprise, suggests (hypothesizes?) It was harder for me (feeling wise) to accept this but I tried. Then I just sort of gave up really trying to grasp whether they were causal or acausal because I wasn't having nearly as many of them when I thought 'I' was partly 'making' them. I also have to say in my experience, that I have both synchronicities that involve archetypes and also are random without discernable archetype. In the lectures from psychoanalysts and other Jungians, as well as other group discussion in which I've been involved, I have come to understand that Jung's writings on any of these big topics are about as easy to define as the proverbial elephant that different people feel and describe differently. Jung had many definitions of archetypes, synchronicities and probably other of his big concepts. So, Dr Surprise's reference to his definition, for me, was just one from one man who is clearly intelligent, thoughtful and with more formal education than myself, but also just one definition. I have yet to try his experiments and have only gotten to reading up to his first experiment, from what I can remember. I don't know that I will try them, either, as they seem to work at least in part from the 'front' and in my experience my work seems to circumambulate or come from the shadows to the point if I concentrate on what I want, it will probably take me longer or just be the opposite altogether. Not exactly the way he describes it working in the book, and certainly not like science of mind. More like Jung describes it. Which leads me to a pet peave: when people like Carolyn Myss use Jung's work to 'manifest' sh*t. That totally annoys me. excuse the language. It is noticeable that Dr Surprise makes a point that it is NOT about that prosperity junk, but about the experience. He uses sartori a lot. Again for me it kind of got in the way. I kept going 'what is that?' But then again, it is just easier to read Jung's work, too. I am just wired like that. And I think that takes me back to what a lot of others on here are also describing. We are wired differently. Now, whether I am making that reality or the reality is making me.... I don't know that may make my head explode.
Regardless, anything that motivates me to get on here and actually feel like I have something of value to add is enjoyable to me because most of the time I'm just in the dark, enjoying what I'm listening to and fascinated by each topic.