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January 5th Show...

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The Grays bit gets me thinking: These beings are at least telepathic so their mind processes work nonlocally. Maybe they can actually see and act through the eyes of the smaller beings so that they are not like androids, not like little individual workers and more like an extension of the being controlling them. (And not controlling like they are slaves under a spell but controlling like these other bodies are akin to another set of arms.)

A group of individuals who each have their own hive mind and cool mini-me accessory packs.
The Grays bit gets me thinking: These beings are at least telepathic so their mind processes work nonlocally. Maybe they can actually see and act through the eyes of the smaller beings so that they are not like androids, not like little individual workers and more like an extension of the being controlling them. (And not controlling like they are slaves under a spell but controlling like these other bodies are akin to another set of arms.)

A group of individuals who each have their own hive mind and cool mini-me accessory packs.

Like a Telepresence/Teleoperation android?
Like a Telepresence/Teleoperation android?

Yeah, but maybe with their own personalities, as it were. Not just performing one directive from the taller being with the brain but each smaller being doing its own thing. There's no reason to believe an alien mind would have a singular focus like we do. When I had that I AM energy experience I held several points of view at one time and it was coherent. Maybe a better analogy is that you can think about this as you're reading it and at the same time be thinking about what you've got to do today, all while some song keeps looping over and over in the back of your "mind." All of that can be you right now. Often it is, right?

We have several thought processes going on at once but we don't think about ourselves as being these several processes, do we? But there it is. And now you're a being with a body for each process. It's a possibility!
Yeah, but maybe with their own personalities, as it were. Not just performing one directive from the taller being with the brain but each smaller being doing its own thing. There's no reason to believe an alien mind would have a singular focus like we do. When I had that I AM energy experience I held several points of view at one time and it was coherent. Maybe a better analogy is that you can think about this as you're reading it and at the same time be thinking about what you've got to do today, all while some song keeps looping over and over in the back of your "mind." All of that can be you right now. Often it is, right?

We have several thought processes going on at once but we don't think about ourselves as being these several processes, do we? But there it is. And now you're a being with a body for each process. It's a possibility!

Sounds very "borg"-ish. Each being could be part of a collective conciousness but with its own power of choice used to faciliate the will of the "group"

You say about a several point of view, whos to say that just one conciousness could occupy or have access to one entities mind, human or otherwise. I mean, we appear to have a brain capacity that is largely unused at present (some more than others ROFL) - maybe its there for a collective or shared conciousness when we reach the spiritual level to achieve it.
Since people are posting vids of their bands, I thought you might like to hear my bro. Especially those who like Rush. You'll notice the Rush influence right away. He's the tall guy on lead guitar with the black shirt.

Also, I thought I'd add this in because it is so silly. It is so funny that both Rush and Frank Zappa were mentioned in the show as they were both huge inflences for him. This old vid is of his band in high school which was called Stinkfoot-taken from one of Zappa's songs.

Its been a while since I've been on these forums... there's a number of reasons, but I think the main one being that these crazy topics were starting to get to my head a bit.
Anyway I still have been listening to a few of the shows (how good was the James Fox one!!?) and have just finished listening to this one on my ipod so I thought I would drop in some of my thoughts not only on the show, but on the coming year in this field.
Firstly the show was excellent, I know I have been on these forums before asking for more of Gene and David's ramblings on different subjects as it is my favourite part of the show. I thought the music was a nice touch (although that kind of stuff isnt exactly what i would listen to at home, I know a couple of my friends who would love it).

Rounding up on some of the thoughts about where the UFO field is going.....
Sadly, i don't think there is a high chance of things changing, I think it is just a lot easier and more comfortable for the avergae person to just ignore the whole phenomena and get on with their daily lives. In some instances I actually think that is the sanest thing to do, because i truly don't ebelieve that the ET's or whatever will ever reveal themselves until we finally develop the technology to 'visit' them.... and thats not going to happen in our lifetime. Also I think the topic can drive people nuts, as i experienced recently!

However, I do think there is a small chance that UFOlogy will be taken more mainstream...more into the masses. And I believe that this can only be done with a two pronged attack on societies preconceptions via the media.

Firstly, people need to be shown some of the almost unquestionable pieces of evidence and I beleieve that this could be achieved by James Fox should his movie ever get to the cinema's. If Supersize me, a film about some guy eating lots of maccas can get the viewing figures, then surely can a film about possibly the most important events in human history.

Secondly, I beleive the field needs to be distanced from the hoaxers, lyers, cheats and loonies that have been turning it into a laughing stock for the last 50 years, as that is what the ordinary person thinks of when they think about UFO's. I truly believe that the paracast could well be the place to do this, and i loved the way you tore that guy a new asshole in the last episode.

One thing I would say however, is that whilst the hagning was well orchestrated, and certainly well deserved, i think that for the credibility of the show, and for the ability of the show to obtain guests to take to pieces, I feel it should be done in a less confrontational manner.
Don't get me wrong, if i ever saw the guy i'd probably knock him out in the street, but i couldn't help but feel that David almost sounded a little spiteful whilst talking to him, and I don't think that kind of tone would neccesarily appeal to the masses. I think that as long as the guys arent shot down in too much of an aggresive fashion, i think they will keep coming to feed their ego's, and you will have a constant source of shit to clean out from ufology

If both The Paracast, and the new James Fox movie actually manage to get to the masses (and by that i mean cinema and broadcast radio) which I think it possibly will do, then it could actually change the way that the world thinks about UFO's forever.... and if not, oh well fuck it, i'll take the blue pill....

By the way, Jerome Clark episode was fucking amazing also
Gene and David didnt directly hang Bill Knell, he was more than capable of doing that himself, The Paracast was the arena where the questions were asked which went unanswered and unproven, and I thank Gene and David for exposing this guy for what he is...... hopefully it will prevent further people from being lied to and robbed by that fraud.
Gene and David didnt directly hang Bill Knell, he was more than capable of doing that himself, The Paracast was the arena where the questions were asked which went unanswered and unproven, and I thank Gene and David for exposing this guy for what he is...... hopefully it will prevent further people from being lied to and robbed by that fraud.

Oh dont get me wrong, i loved every minute of it, i was merely stating that it was clearly audible that David was taking glee in it aswell, and I think its always done like that, I dont think there'll be much fresh meat left after a couple of episodes, and we wont manage to expose enough of the frauds.... :p
Oh dont get me wrong, i loved every minute of it, i was merely stating that it was clearly audible that David was taking glee in it aswell, and I think its always done like that, I dont think there'll be much fresh meat left after a couple of episodes, and we wont manage to expose enough of the frauds.... :p

lol, I think anyone would take a certain satisfaction in exposing someone like that over the airwaves. ;)

Anyone who makes such outlandish claims as b knell needs to be able to prove them, and the odds were stacking up against knell with each passing second ROFL
Heard the show today and wanted to say how much I enjoyed hearing
Gene and Dave just jammin.

Then when things got around to music my radar went a little crazy. Particularly when I heard "The Bob Lazzar Story". Matt Deacon wasn't it ?

Anyway, Respect to you sir. I totally see the Zappa influences, but Man that was incredible. Really, really enjoyed it.
Also I want to say the same to Rocketsauce who posted his band earlier. Great stuff and good luck with the bass player mate. That was quality time listening to you guys.

So when my name got mentioned and that of Medicine Hat I was flabbergasted.

I am very,very flattered to have got a mention. It really made my day, and you certainly have every permission to play our stuff. We are currently unsigned so any exposure would be great. I should also point out that all the really great guitar playing David so kindly pointed out, was probably our other guitarist, I'm just the picker.

I am glad Schuyler got a mention too. His posts are always sharp and insightful and it's a pleasure to be part of something where one can get to read comments like his.
This forum is such an oasis of smart and interesting people, I'm jealous of us.

Now, on with the show. :)

It makes sense to me, what was said about the danger of getting too focused
on any one topic, because being like that is often a constraint to any real understanding. Because the consequences seem to narrow anyones capacity for truely rational thinking.
Also as brought up later, the point about attempts to change the view of the field more generally, being impossible to achieve in any one particular way and that a wider spread of streams of information can now be utilised. I would like to talk more about that point, but in another post maybe.

Anyway A good example I thought, of someone who has more than a casual
interest and background in various fields is Neal Adams. Who was on the show back on the April 22 07 show. Someone David might call a generalist.
That whole approach makes alot of sense and should be better valued IMO.

Scott Corrales came up and I have to agree, the guy deserves big recognition.
That's gotta be a tough job and I hope this year is fruitful for him.

Then on to, Asking The Right Questions, Passionate Hosts, Ideas about R/C Greys.
Sorry Grays. The number 42, which joking aside now. I do seem to remember being relevant to the measurement of pain tolerance in humans. I will have to do a little digging there.

All in all another great show and obviously special to me.
I want to see the show go to the next level and I only hope that when it gets there,there's more than just a pile of Rocks.
No disrespect intended there too Rocks I might add.

Oh well it's taken me ages to write this and it's bedtime now so Happy 2009 to

"You never know what's coming next",

as always , enjoyed the show.

especially the ruminations on alien biology, as ive said before to me it seems like the optimal ecology for an advanced species is to move underground and leave the "natural" world to tick along unmolested, this also makes sense if you've mastered the art of genetic manipulation. the last thing you want having tailored your bioform for optimum function/ecology is to expose it to uncontrollable/unpredictable mutation factors such as solar radiation. bit like leaving the proverbial cake out in the rain :D

not saying the MJ12 autopsy reports are the real deal, but the idea that one cadaver had a system that seemed plant like (photosynthetic ?) seems a plausible idea.

i also like the supposed clear upper deck on the lazar ufo model, it struck me that "lighting" the cockpit of such a craft travelling at beyond the speed of light might be a fizzer, if on the other hand a side effect if this form of travel is similar to the effect we see in star wars or star trek, long drawn out streaks of light, then a translucent upper deck combined with eyes genetically engineered to be large and dark... might be able to see by starlight as they travelled... the ultimate in minimal logic.
rather than install internal lights, install advanced eyes capable of seeing by what little light there might be, by making the craft translucent to any background light there may be.

plants live by using sunlight, i wonder if you could engineer one so sensitive as to live by starlight.............
Nice kick off for 2009!!!

I enjoyed the candid and personal show you guys presented... The Bob Lazar Story was a nice touch. I am also a music fan and enjoyed the tunes. I have been playing in a punk/mental/shit band for 5 years now. I also picked myself up a Gibson Les Paul Custom a few months back. It is a great guitar.

I have actually been listening to you guys since I heard my first show with Michael Horn on June 27 2006. I have been hooked ever since. I feel you guys are coming at this field in a way I would if I could... I have listened to other shows, but I feel that they don't come at the issues the way you fellas do...

On a personal note. I have never seen any ghosts, UFOs, Jesus, etc. I just have a feeling that there is something more out there. I enjoy your show because you guys are a great filter to the shit that poisons real understanding. You can listen to C2C and hear some entertaining shit butthose shit heads rarely/never question ANYTHING.

My fears for the new year... I also thought the Knell show was one of your best shows you guys have ever done, but I fear you guys will find it harder to get new guests because of your reputations of going after your guests. This includes both guests that are good and bad.

I hope you guys keep up the good work. I wish the show was longer, lol.

All of the good guys unabashedly support this show. The fact that feathers are getting ruffled proves that this show is doing something right.
It was a good show.It's nice to make an effort to clean up the field but imo don't make it the main focus of the 2009 shows.I recall something my mom used to tell me about if you play around in dirt too much you are gonna get dirty.It's nice to actually see the noise getting separated from the signal,but only once in awhile.I would suggest a total focus on the anomaly and ufology field and maybe one or two consumer report shows.For example,I would love to see Dan "jrod" Burish have to explain himself someday.
as always , enjoyed the show.

especially the ruminations on alien biology, as ive said before to me it seems like the optimal ecology for an advanced species is to move underground and leave the "natural" world to tick along unmolested, this also makes sense if you've mastered the art of genetic manipulation. the last thing you want having tailored your bioform for optimum function/ecology is to expose it to uncontrollable/unpredictable mutation factors such as solar radiation. bit like leaving the proverbial cake out in the rain :D

not saying the MJ12 autopsy reports are the real deal, but the idea that one cadaver had a system that seemed plant like (photosynthetic ?) seems a plausible idea.
My thinking is that (the greys anyway) may be a post-singularity intelligence with their consciousness being stored/executed on some tiny quantum computing devices. They could send out perhaps hundreds of copies of "individuals" (if the word still makes sense in this context) throughout the galaxy on small probes.

This would be a very efficient means of exploration. Simply a logical extension of our own robot probes. Why carry all that biomass along at all? Why worry about sterilizing radiation, cabin fever that may last thousands of years, etc, etc...

The intelligences could construct bio/mechanical avatars with similar enough operational characteristics to be able to interface with any intelligent species it found. Perhaps that's why most UFO occupants seem to be bipedal humanoids -- because we are.

It could also explain the wide range of morphological differences between encounter reports -- tweaks made to whatever meat suits the ET consciousnesses came up with to interact with us. Going to the desert? Let's make 'em tan to blend in -- just in case. Why use hemoglobin if chlorophyll makes more sense? Why have digestive systems and reproductive organs if the avatars are disposable?

It would also explain why they're so freakin' weird. In a post-singularity society, consciousness, individuality, consumerism, etc -- any of the traits that we would point to and say "this is who I am" may simply not have any meaning. They may have as hard a time understanding us as we do "them".

i also like the supposed clear upper deck on the lazar ufo model, it struck me that "lighting" the cockpit of such a craft travelling at beyond the speed of light might be a fizzer, if on the other hand a side effect if this form of travel is similar to the effect we see in star wars or star trek, long drawn out streaks of light, then a translucent upper deck combined with eyes genetically engineered to be large and dark... might be able to see by starlight as they travelled... the ultimate in minimal logic.
rather than install internal lights, install advanced eyes capable of seeing by what little light there might be, by making the craft translucent to any background light there may be.

plants live by using sunlight, i wonder if you could engineer one so sensitive as to live by starlight.............

My thoughts about the big dark eyes are that they are simply the optimum arrangement for what they seem to be doing; sneaking into your bedroom at night and scaring the bejesus out of you.
I'm not a democrat but the mess of the past eight years has really gotten frustrating. No I don't think Obama is the answer to all the questions. But I'm looking foward to at least the chance of something changing. I do hate that the poster who stated the paracast hates anything with an r in front thinks the paracast is anti repulican. If you listen to em long enough you will find they are opinionated, sometimes angry but willing to aim their guns at anything they percieve to be silly. Now agreeing with them? Not always. :cool:
Sorry for the digression in my last post. I think the aliens may be visitors from the future. Or an alternate dimension. Or a archetypical vision. Or maybe it's all bull chit. Has David Jacobs ever been on the show? He seems to think they are out to get us.
Sorry for the digression in my last post. I think the aliens may be visitors from the future. Or an alternate dimension. Or a archetypical vision. Or maybe it's all bull chit. Has David Jacobs ever been on the show? He seems to think they are out to get us.

Sure, they could be from the future, a parallel dimension, the Jungian Collective Unconsciousness, or from Homer's Land Of Chocolate. Anything could be possible given the reported extreme flight characteristics of these things. I'm not disparaging these theories, or trying to discredit them -- merely pointing out that they're not necessary.

Given the lack of available data, assume that we're average. Not too smart, not too dumb. Just in the middle area of the bell curve. Like most other civilizations. This seems to be a good rational place to start.

Currently, we're about a .7 on the 0-3 Kardashev scale which attempts to map out the amount of energy available to a civilization. Assuming we're the first technological civilization in the solar system, it's taken 4.5 billion years (about the midway point of our rather average G2 star) to end up with us being able to chuck an object 10 times our own body mass from our planet to the edge of the solar system. Interestingly, we have also uncovered the means of our own construction during this time - DNA.

Very interestingly, we are now on the cusp of imaging planets our own size... so if we're very lucky, we'd know where to go to find other inhabited worlds.

So if we found a viable target world we could, at this very minute, start a construction project on a voyager-sized probe containing the building blocks of our own organism and launch it to another world where there might be life. It might take a long time to get there (say 10K-100K years) but it could make it. If we were really smart we might even get it to soft land and start creating a foetus human being. To those who say "you can't get there from here" I say you're not being imaginitive enough. A purely academic exercise to be sure, but you get the point.

So that's where we've gotten to in 4.5 billion years.

If it's average for a life-sustaining world, consider this -- there billions of sun-like stars in our galaxy alone. All about the same age as our sun give or take a few billion years.

But why stop there?

The average PC my youngest child will use at my age will have the equivalent horespower as my brain. Not a supercomputer, an average $1000 home PC.

In 50-100 years it is a resonable extension of our current technology to think that we will be able to image our own brain at the atomic level as it functions. If we can image a functioning brain, we can run a virtual copy on a computer... and perhaps, just perhaps, have the first fully functional AI. Which would also effectively be immortal.

100-200 years after that, we may cease to use our meat bodies at all. What purpose would we have? We could always construct equivalents if needed (assuming viable nanotechnology allows this)... but for what purpose?

So in a few hundred years (a rounding error on 4.5 billion years) we could reasonably extrapolate that our world could send digital copies of our consciousness to other worlds complete with nanotech universal assemblers to build whatever we needed using the raw materials found on or near other potentially inhabited worlds. These assemblers are also plausible extrapolations of our current understanding; after all, we're the evolution of one (bacteria).

I'd personally assume at that point we'd at least be a 1.0 on the Kardashev scale -- capable of using all the energy available on the planet. So instead of taking 10K-100K years to get somewhere, maybe it's a thousand years. Or a hundred. Doesn't matter too much anyway; you could always power down the digital consciousness stored and spin it up when you got close.

No magic warp drive/interdimensional travel/bugaboo physics required. Not that we won't have developed it by then; the human species is extremely proficient at hacking around the laws of nature.

All in 4.5 billion years. Give or take. On average.

So imagine what the smart guys could be capable of.
Right, I've just about come back down to earth now. What a buzz, being played on the Paracast. And 2 songs as well. Thinking of giving up, as I'm not sure it gets better than that.

Thanks Gene and David, and thanks to all who gave good feedback too.

As far as great moments in my life go, being played on The Paracast is right up there with Liverpool winning the European Cup in 2005.


The Bob Lazar Story
I think thats an interesting angle marduk. While I was reading your first post I was thinking that another thing they would do away with in a society like that would be emotion. Imagine living like that with emotions.... I imagine it would probably be excruciating.
Dave....Gene....That show got me fired up! I am super-stoked to see you two kick some ass this year. When I first started self-educating myself to better understand my own experiences, I happened onto The Paracast and some "other", fluffier shows that will remain unnamed. It took me a few episodes to get it, in all fairness "You never know what's going to happen next"
just doesn't define the show's mission statement. In my humble opinion, and you guys have said it many times, the tag line should read; "The Paracast, separating the signal from the noise." After the latest show it sounds like The Paracast has realized itself as the entity it should be. Like to see you guys get together and shoot the shit for a change, especially after the recent spate of charlatans. Really dig having some tunes to break up the show, and holy shit! there's a lot of talented people on this forum. So I guess we need a new thread for posting music that the show can use, from the listeners' respective musical tribes. Rocketsauce, I am your bassist.

So, on that note, I was in a band called Phattoe, we toured across Canada a couple o times, had some chuckles, etc.
One of the places we visited on tour was Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Home of Canada's Roswell type incident, we stayed not to far from there and Jammed in a cottage on the Atlantic. We wrote a couple songs based on Don Ledger and Chris Styles' book "Dark Object". Only, hypothesizing that the NHE's were Rastafarian Greys.

At any rate here they are off our album "So Good", enjoy!8)
"Alien Drive By" -http://www.garageband.com/song?|pe1|S8LTM0LdsaSkYVWyamw
Esacpir Tkefed- http://www.garageband.com/song?|pe1|S8LTM0LdsaSkYVCwY2k